Intensive care admissions for kids with #COVID19 have surpassed 1,000 in the USA (n=1,011).
This is an UNDERCOUNT; not all PICUs report their data.
67% of these kids are Hispanic or Black.
#PedsICU @vps_llc #epitwitter
When our team published a research paper on critical illness in children with #COVID19 in April 2020, there had been 74 kids admitted to PICU in the USA.
That seemed like a lot to us back then.
#PedsICU #epitwitter #coronavirus @vps_llc @JPHMPDirect
Here are time trends in #COVID19 PICU admissions for the 3 largest states. Keep in mind these are UNDERCOUNTS. #Florida #Texas #California
#PedsICU #epitwitter @vps_llc @hospitals4kids @JPHMPDirect @HealthyFla @TexasDSHS @CAPublicHealth @NACCHOalerts

The risk of critical illness in children infected w/ #coronavirus is quite low. We calculated that 1 in every 2,381 children infected will need PICU admission for #COVID19.
1,011 kids in PICU = 2.4 million kids infected.
If #coronavirus infections in children & teens continue to spread unabated, the number of critically ill kids & #COVID19 PICU admissions will continue to rise.
We see adverse, ⬆️trends in case reports in every single region.
Here's what estimated cumulative infection proportions for #coronavirus in kids look like across regions as of 3-Aug. These are underestimates.
#epitwitter #PedsICU #backtoschool @NACCHOalerts @vps_llc @JPHMPDirect

We need better data on #COVID19 in kids. We can't afford to undercount, overcount, or guess. We need the FACTS. ALL of them.
We need better data from state health departments.
#epitwitter @NACCHOalerts @astho #backtoschool
We need *all* PICUs to submit their #COVID19 case data to the free surveillance dashboard @vps_llc
We need #PedsICU physician champions to improve reporting so everyone has the facts.
@vps_llc @hospitals4kids #zentensivist
It took 5 months to go from ZERO to ONE THOUSAND children admitted to PICU, critically ill with #COVID19.
Most kids survive 🙏, but the long-term health consequences (respiratory, cardiac, neurologic) are unknown.
#epitwitter #PedsICU #zentensivist
In another 5 months it'll be holiday time. We don't want to greet 2021 with the news that ANOTHER 1,000 kids became critically ill and were admitted to PICU for #COVID19.
We must break the chains of #coronavirus transmission everywhere.
Protecting kids from #coronavirus means protecting parents, many of whom are essential workers, and protecting teachers.
#backtoschool @AFTunion @NEAToday @NACCHOalerts @astho @JPHMPDirect @PublicHealth #epitwitter @AFLCIO