- These proteins have been called #coronavirus by false #COVID RT-PCR test and the 'Chinese' #WHO
@KristaKiuru @VTTFinland Ali Harlin

- “With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” Sweden’s top virus expert Tegnell to Fortune | July 29
- Just a month ago, Sweden was labeled the “world’s cautionary tale” for its laissez-faire approach to fighting the coronavirus.
-“The curves are going down and the curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero,” Tegnell said
Kuolemansyyksi -merkitään aina 'COVID-19'
-"Mikäli henkilöllä oli kuollessaan COVID-19-virusinfektio, jota ei kuitenkaan varmennettu, käytetään koodia U07.2 (eli #COVID-19-virusinfektio, ei varmistettu)"

WHO:n ohje koskee myös Tilastokeskusta.
–#Covid-19 tulee merkitä peruskuolemansyyksi. #Koronavirus tilastoituu kuitenkin kuolemansyytilastoon myös, jos se on merkitty kuolintodistukselle välittömäksi tai välivaiheen kuolinsyyksi

- Public Health England was miscounting #coronavirus death, official review found
- The affected students at Weston Elementary School in Ripon are all under the age of 10
- They each have different types of cancer: brain, kidney, liver and lymphoma
#CoronaVirusUpdates #CoronaVirusHOAX #5Grollout #Wuhan
5g from the guy who quit installing it | 20.3.2020
+ Scientific Study: RF Radiation Levels From Cellular Towers

3G / 4G / 5G coverage map, Chicago, United States
- An EMF meter will help you to not only understand the various types of EMF radiation you have in your home, but also the amount they are emitting
- “Radiofrequency” (RF) is the name given to that section of the electromagnetic spectrum from frequencies of 300 kHz to 300 GHz.