It was truly an honor to write this article in #AmJGastro alongside THE @AmyOxentenkoMD
Here is a brief #Tweetorial summarizing our paper, & some tips & tricks

✅ Stay up to date w science
✅ Network & connect w colleagues / mentors
✅ Collaborations
✅ Career advancement
✅ Social networking
✅ Promote your practice, program or division/dept
You could have one or all of 👆
➡️ Handle: Can be full name w degree (@AmyOxentenkoMD) or could be defined by your interests (@IBDMD)
➡️ Brief bio (role, interests, institution)
➡️ Don’t forget background pic - unused real estate

✳️ For #GITwitter - GI organizations ➡️ @AmCollegeGastro @ASGEendoscopy @AASLDtweets
✳️ Leaders in the field, e.g. @MarkPochapin @SunandaKaneMD
✳️ Journals: @Gut_BMJ

👉280 characters
👉Add images
👉Use hashtags - refer to pub in #AmJGastro by @AustinChiangMD & @BrennanSpiegel below
👉You can comment, like or RT

You’ve all heard of the Bloom’s taxonomy in #MedEd. Check out our suggested Taxonomy of Tweeting

🎯 Credible & Evidence-based
🎯 Share journal articles
🎯 Live tweet from conferences
🎯 Do a Tweetorial - whats a Tweetorial you may ask?
🎯 Described beautifully in this @NEJM 👇 by @tony_breu (
🎯 For Liver Tweetorials: @ebtapper

➡️ The obv reason to promote science
➡️ Share ur work
➡️ Studies shared on Twitter have inc. citations & Altmetric scores
- @ZachSmithGI et al in @GIE_Journal ->
- @KellyCawcuttMD et al in @JWomenhealth ->

✳️ Journal clubs, discussions, engagement
✳️ Official CME: @MondayNightIBD @DCCharabaty
✳️Other #GITwitter chats/handles: @ScopingSundays @GiJournal @LiverFellow @IbdClub @GIreview
✳️ Popular #MedTwitter chats: @WIMChatSunday

✅ Used for academic promotion (already incorporated by the @MayoClinic)
✅ Keep a social media portfolio -
Our 🌟 colleague from #PathTwitter @JMGardnerMD has amazing tips on this 👇
✅ Poll feature on Twitter can be used for research

👉 Connect w patients
👉 Share patient education material (Organizations like @AmerGastroAssn has great patient educational material)
👉 Learn from patient advocates such as @Empoweringpts9 & @ownyourcrohns & many others
👉 Fight misinformation

🎯Networking & inspiration
🎯 Promote others (mentees, colleagues)
🎯Find new mentors
🎯International experts
🎯Power of #SoMe campaigns - #DiversityinGI by @AmCollegeGastro @SophieBalzoraMD @DMGrayMD AND #SheLeadsHealthCare by @JulieSilverMD

✅ Avoid trolls
✅ Follow HIPPA
✅ Be aware of inst #SoMe rules
✅ Stay positive
✅ Make friends
More on Do’s & Dont’s of #SoMe, 👉article at
There isnt one way for the best use of #SoMe, so pls share ur tips
The End/