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Most recents (2)

Jun 7th 2021
Time to register for #ACG2021 Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course!

Renew Friendships.
Refresh Your Knowledge.


Things we forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️ Seeing colleagues in #GIcommunity‼️

#Gastroenterology #GItwitter #ACGfamily
#ACG2021 It's time to sign up!
ACG Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course


Things we look forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️World-class clinical education‼️

#Gastroenterology #GIcommunity #ACGfamily #GItwitter
#ACG2021 Registration is open!
ACG Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course


Things we look forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️Celebrating & uplifting #DiversityinGI‼️ #DiversityEquityandInclusion

#GIcommunity #ACGfamily #GItwitter
Read 11 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
1/13) #MedTwitter & has been an inspiring experience, however it can be 😳 at first

It was truly an honor to write this article in #AmJGastro alongside THE @AmyOxentenkoMD


Here is a brief #Tweetorial summarizing our paper, & some tips & tricks
2/13) If you are new, 1st define your goals for #SoMe use

✅ Stay up to date w science
✅ Network & connect w colleagues / mentors
✅ Collaborations
✅ Career advancement
✅ Social networking
✅ Promote your practice, program or division/dept

You could have one or all of 👆
3/13) Set up your profile. Its the first impression on how others will 👀 you

➡️ Handle: Can be full name w degree (@AmyOxentenkoMD) or could be defined by your interests (@IBDMD)

➡️ Brief bio (role, interests, institution)

➡️ Don’t forget background pic - unused real estate
Read 13 tweets

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