There was No caste system in Sanatan Hindu till Islamic Rule.
All the Scriptures including #Manusmriti upheld "Varna" not the Caste. Next time Any left, Islamic-Xtian Sponsored Intellect say about the Caste, slap this thread on his/her face.

No where in Vedas mentioned "Caste" according to one's Birth {sic}
If "Varna" is static then there must not be any "code of conducts" for certain Varna. BUT there are code of conducts for 4 Varnas and the Varna Position is "Dynamic"

In #Manusmriti the 2nd chapter sloka 37, 40, 103, 168; 4th chapter 258 Even In #SrimadBhagwatGita it clearly mentioned there no superiority & Inferiority according to their BIRTH.

Read the Kings (Mahabharata Era) who demoted their Higher "Varna" to Lower
- Paundrak
- udra
- Dravida
- Kamboj
- Yavan
- Shaka
- Parada
- Pallahva
- China
- Kirata

Brahmins who demoted to Lower Varna
- Pushkaran (Pokhran) Brahmins of Rajputana, Sindh
- Pathak Brahmin of Unna Dist (UP)
-Mahavar Brahmin of Rajputana (Hindi Viswakosh part-4)

In Sanatan Hindu tradition Several Lower Varna promoted to Higher also.
In Upanishads & Smritis mentioned 2 stages of a person, Dwija & Ekajati, according to their "Education" Samskar. Every 1 is "Eka Jati" & turns Dwija after (2nd birth)

In Brahmo Upanishad (Chapter 1, Sloka 2 to 6)
clearly mentioned that yajnopavita (Sutra) (Sacred Thread) & Sikha (lock of Hair) is For All. As Sutra represents "Prana Brahma" and that is same in Every person from Chandala to Sanyasi.

It is generally propagated that Gautam Buddha Was against The Veda, but several Slokas of "Sutta Nipata" says Buddha praised Vedic Knowledge/System.
(End) #JaiShreeRam 🙏