Fuck Big Oil and Fuck the Republicans. They've killed solar and renewables. They know Climate Change is real & have their own reports which prove it. Fuck them
Fuck them that they don't pay taxes. Fuck @exxonmobil Fuck @Chevron
Fuck Them
Fuck the FDA who allows it to happen.
Fuck @TysonFoods & those feeding us cancer chicken. Yeah. We are now being fed chicken with cancer.
Fuck that.
Fuck the EPA which is being dismantled. Fuck the BLM who are stealing our parks and our lands.
But most of all, Fuck Trump and fuck all the fuckers who support him. Fuck those who give him money.
Fuck @amazon and @WalmartInc for killing small businesses across the land and destroying small towns
That I pay more money than Amazon? Fuck that
Fuck them.
Fuck the Bear Baiters, and the elephant killers.
Fuck those who use cyanide bombs or who kill bears and wolfs and their cubs.
Seriously, fuck you.
Fuck every politician who says it's "too hard."
They need to quit
Fuck the racists
Fuck every misogynistic piece of shit and rapist
Fuck anyone who has had a hand in harming a child. Fuck Stephen Miller and all his enablers who allowed the caging of THOUSANDS of children
Fuck anyone who thinks this is okay
Fuck you.
He has destroyed KY
Fuck all the fuckers who keep voting for this fuckwad
Fuck her for dismantling Title 9 protections and working with fucking Misogynistic fuckers to take away protections of rape victims.
Fuck her.