Clackamas Sheriffs are blocking the roadway for the Trump supporters.
Isn't there a time limit on how long a roadway can be blocked?
15 min?
The NB vehicles have been completely stopped for over 30 minutes.
Is it legal for the #Clackamas County #Sheriff Dept to hold traffic that long?
One was using a bullhorn.
@TheRealCoryElia got closer while they were at the red light, then backed off when it seemed something was thrown from the truck.
A truck tried to go around & through vehicles, getting close to pedestrians.
One vehicle gets extremely close to Cory, then backs up to say "F&$% you" to me & Cory because of our press badges.
The first truck made it through the line without appearing to hit anyone.
The second truck visibly pushes several people with its front bumper.
Video on other camera. Will upload later.
They just made an arrest.
A vehicle with a scissor lift and people on top also appears to have paintball guns.
More video from Mike Baker.