That Portland #Police Association (#PPA) President Darryl Turner is also the President of #ORCOPS, the Oregon Coalition of Police & Sheriffs, which he helped launch in 2015?
#PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #PDX #PDXpolice #PoliceUnions #PoliceBrutality #PoliceReform

The website says "nine Law Enforcement Associations came together" but only displays 8 LEAs.

#PPA, #NYPD, #LAPD, LA Deputy Sheriffs, #LVPD, #SJPD, #SanDiego PD, #SFPD, #Omaha PD, #OaklandCA PD, #Sacramento PD, State of #Hawaii #PoliceOfficers, & #Seattle Police Officers Guild.

UCOPS "works on behalf of law enforcement officers and the communities they serve nationwide to shape strong partnerships and break down communication barriers; building trust through active engagement, honest dialogue, education, and outreach."

Wolf, we now know, was inappropriaty appointed to his position as DHS Acting Secretary.…