More than 3 years ago, @ScheckWSJ & I began reporting on Saudi Arabia's bold economic changes under King Salman & his son Mohammed bin Salman. Today is publication day for BLOOD AND OIL, our book about MBS's rise to power & the storm of activity during his first 5 years in power
MBS's ascent is important because all signs point to him becoming the king of Saudi Arabia at a young age, setting him up to be in power for decades. He is also pushing his country toward rapid, radical change with regards to social practices, religion, and the economy
He's unlike anyone in #Saudi history, a young, technology-obsessed, business-focused ruler with an obsessive work schedule and attention to detail. He's also shown himself to be thin-skinned, brutal with dissidents and ruthless with his own family.
It’s motivated by profound shifts in the Saudi population threatening his family’s rule. The al Saud have long gained legitimacy as rulers from their alliance with the conservative religious establishment. But MBS saw that would no longer work.
Now, most Saudis are under 30. They’re on #Twitter and #Instagram and #Facebook. They could see what young people elsewhere were doing -- and what they were missing out on in a country without real entrepreneurship, or concerts, or movie theaters or the ability to go on a date.
MBS saw the anger pulsing through the Arab spring and how his Saudi peers were frustrated by their ossified rulers -- a recipe for discontent. The last thing the al Saud want is a push for political change. So MBS gave people new freedoms, and cracked down harder on critics.
He also engaged with the global business community with such vigor that he single-handedly made #SoftBank's $100 billion Vision Fund possible. He convinced Masayoshi Son to invest in #Uber, possibly saving the company at a time of in-fighting and toxic culture issues.
In short: MBS became the world’s biggest venture-capital investor, inflating a tech bubble that saw #WeWork and dog-walking companies reach inexplicably high valuations.
Our book tells some of the secret battles underway as he rose w/ his father to power, including behind-the-scenes battles w/ corrupt courtiers and sons of the late King Abdullah. Those conflicts show that King Salman's rise, along with MBS, was anything but certain in late 2014.
At first, MBS was lauded by Western observers as a long-awaited reformer. As time went on, sentiment shifted and those same people began criticizing him as a brutal strongman leader in the vein of Saddam Hussein.
Both perspectives are oversimplifications. What we show is that MBS does whatever he feels necessary to preserve al Saud rule and build a legacy, be it welcoming Western entertainment, cracking down on members of his own family, engaging in war or kidnapping critics.
The ousting of his cousin, Mohammed bin Nayef, was an early harbinger of what was to come, as were the quiet abductions of princes such as Sultan bin Turki II (…) and the arrest of Loujain al Hathloul, a women's rights activist who criticized the government
The murder of Jamal #Khashoggi by Saudi agents was the pivotal moment when years of good press and praise from world leaders went up in flames. Jamal was a complex figure who even sought government funds to set up a pro-Saudi think tank after exiling himself in Washington, D.C.
But Jamal Khashoggi began transforming into a full-fledged dissident, working to counter MBS' master of dark arts Saud Qahtani on social media and even agreeing to help 9/11 victims with their lawsuits against the Saudi state. Qahtani's team eventually murdered him in Istanbul
Many thought MBS couldn't recover. He never wavered from his position that he didn't order the murder but was responsible for what happened on his watch. He's laid low and avoided traveling to Washington, D.C., and London.
What many haven't realized is he is so tied up in global finance as the world's biggest, new investor in technology and infrastructure, as well as in the agenda of the Trump administration, that he couldn't be unseated. Also, there were no longer any rivals waiting in the wings
Even with a Democratic victory in the presidential elections, MBS will be the single most important person in Middle East security and economic development. BLOOD AND OIL tells the backstory of his rise and his character, crucial information in ensuing years.
🚨 BREAKING: Trump's DOJ just killed its elite anti-corruption unit, our sources say. The Kleptocracy Initiative - famous for seizing Russian oligarchs' yachts and prosecuting the $4.5B 1MDB fraud - was quietly disbanded last night.
In an email sent at 7:30PM yesterday, AG Pam Bondi announced the immediate closure of both the Kleptocracy Initiative and Task Force KleptoCapture. The units recovered billions in stolen assets since 2010.
But here's the real story: Sources say a key objective is gaining control of a multi-billion dollar forfeiture fund - money seized from corrupt officials that was meant to be returned to victim countries.
Jho Low was in Macau a lot from 2015-2018, as well as Hong Kong Kong, Shenzhen & Thailand but after Najib’s electoral defeat his movements were more restricted to the mainland. We at @WhaleHunting_ believe he’s under house arrest in Shanghai…
Jho and others including Eric Tan all have wives and children now, they’ve been constant companions for years. Only Jasmine Loo Ai Swan appears to have broken from the group
China is holding Jho on a tight leash because of negotiations with Malaysia but also because his patrons in the spy services (Sun Lijun) are arrested and business partners at CCCC ousted. He went from an intelligence asset to a liability after Najib was voted out
More than 11 years ago, I was in Benghazi during the Civil War -- it was quieter on the East, so every day we'd drive as close to Sirte as possible to find out news about the final battle of the war (🧵 on my new book - please read on!)
One day, I was deep in the desert with @kristenchick and we found a crazy 18-year-old from LA, Chris Jeon, who joined the rebels for his spring break (after an internship at Blackrock in SF)
The story I wrote afterwards went viral. Here's the story… and here's the video of Kristen and I finding him -- you can hear me at end saying "who is this guy?"
قبل أكثر من ثلاث سنوات، بدأنا، أنا و @ScheckWSJ، بنشر مقالات عن التغيُرات الاقتصادية الـجريئة في عهد الملك سلمان وابنه مـحمد بن سلمان. كتابنا ،الدم والنفط، يتحدث عن صعود مـحمد بن سلمان إلـى السلطة وعاصفة نشاطاته خلال الأعوام الخمسة الأولـى من هذا الصعود.
إنَّ صعود مـحمد بن سلمان هو أمر مهم لأنّ كل الدلائل تشير إلى أنه سيصبح ملكاً للسعودية في سن مبكر، والذي سيحضّره لتولي زمام الحكم لعقود قادمة. وهو أبضاً يدفع بلده نحو تغيير سريع وجذري في المجالات الاجتماعية والدِّين والاقتصاد.
هو ليس كأي أحد آخر في التاريخ السعودي; هو شاب يافع، مهووس بالتكنولوجيا وحاكم يركز اهتمامه على الأعمال بهوسٍ في جدول عمله وبِعناية بالتفاصيل. كما انه أظهر نفسه أنه حسّاس للإنتقاد والإهانة، وصارم تُجاه الـمنشقين وقاسٍ مع أفراد عائلته.
In latest surreal waste of money, Jho Low lawyers demanding our UK publisher not sell in Australia (where book has been on sale without any problem for a year by our US publisher...) #losttheplot#1mdb#jholow#billiondollarwhale#streisandeffect
Speaking of surreal: Jho Low is an intl. fugitive with an Interpol Red Notice & criminal charges in three countries. He refuses to answer a single question & says he can’t get a fair trial in ANY JURISDICTION. Yet, he thinks he can make spurious libel threats? #billiondollarwhale
Having recourse to the law if no other method works makes sense but British people should be incensed that the alleged criminals of the world try to use their libel laws to prevent the truth from coming out even if they have only the tiniest connection to the UK