"congressional Republicans, unlike the president, have had no difficulty declaring that there will be a peaceful transfer of power, while insisting on pushing their nominee for the court through before the election: 1/2
2/2 "There will be no transfer of power, peaceful or otherwise, because the new court will certify the president’s power grab."
"When you vote, vote as if a civil war is coming, and you are deciding who you want to have the nuclear weapons. Personally, I would not want that to be Trump."
@Grace4581871 @Andie00471 not choice btw candidates; it's btw
- democracy & the chance to keep improving versus authoritarianism
- freedom v oppression
- public services for people v services for rich cronies of officeholders (you don't miss clean air, water, endangered species til they're gone)
@Grace4581871 @Andie00471 2/
- future for yr kids v planetwide death - maga gop lies abt climate change so they can loot country; rich can move from their flooded homes; rest of us can't
- free & fair elections v never getting to vote in a real election again
- freedom of religion v Handmaid's Tale
@Grace4581871 @Andie00471 3/
- public libraries, public education v none
- freedom to read, view, listen to what you want v christofascist (not Christian) censorship
- Bill of Rights v nope
- right to peacfully protest v arrest or worse (militia violence, US military ordered to murder protesters)
attn @UTDCLisa@joan_zoellner -- no 3 on this list, "Quality Matters Accessibility Policy for Online Courses," (20pp PDF) is among best overviews I've seen on enacting organization-wide work to make #digital#content#accessible
@AriBerman meanwhile Convention of States is duping too many Americans into calling for a constitutional convention to rewrite the US Constitution to enshrine rich white minority rule forever.
"Most leading campaign finance reform organizations oppose the use of an Article V convention to overturn Citizens United.
@AriBerman 3/ They warn the lack of rules to govern the process mean every Americans’ constitutional rights may be subject to change in an Article V convention. Notable campaign finance and democracy reform organizations that oppose the use of an Article V convention to deal with