But first, we're going to sit through a few presentations on sunsetting programs and a discussion on telehealth. So we're going to be here a while... #utpol#Utah
HHS Committee Chair Brad Daw has asked the #utleg review interstate telehealth services.
Utah requires them to be licensed and abide by same standards as traditional care. @fox13#utpol#Utah
There are concerns about a burden of multi-state licensure. Utah is a part of a compact on licensing and does have *some* reciprocity.
FYI, telehealth has been leaned into very heavily in these #COVID19 times.
Utah rushed through a bill expanding telehealth during the final days of the #utleg session earlier this year as the pandemic was hitting. @fox13#utpol#Utah
.@NormThurston questions the need to have them be licensed in Utah, why not just let it happen?
Chair Christensen says that raises a policy question of what criteria are in the originating area. @fox13#utpol#Utah
"All of these are valuable questions that will need to be addressed at the appropriate time," Chair Christensen tells lawmakers.
.@GovHerbert begins by thanking the news media for their work informing the public about #COVID19.
Especially now that Utah is in new risk/restriction levels. But he says physicians/health workers are frustrated that SOME are not following health guidelines. @fox13#utpol#Utah
"They're not taking it as seriously as they could," @GovHerbert says of people disregarding #COVID19 restrictions.
"We all have our part to play."
He says this is about minimizing risk until there's a vaccine. @fox13#utpol#Utah
Utah still has a low mortality rate, @GovHerbert says.
We've learned a lot over the past 7 months. Many people don't get very sick. But some do, he says.
"I'm concerned about what we don't know about the long-term impacts," he says. @fox13#utpol#Utah#COVID19
This is a slightly different format than the usual news conference. I and a few of my masked colleagues from the Capitol press corps are in the @pbsutah studios.
The debate between @SeanReyesUT and @SkordasGreg is under way. First ? Describe an experience that prepared you to be AG.
Reyes says violent crime is down on his watch, says he works across the aisle. He immediately accuses Skordas of going "hyper negative." #utpol#utdebates
Rich Lakin, the immunization director for @UtahDepOfHealth, is outlining the phases for the #COVID19 vaccine. Long-term care facilities, assisted living centers, nursing facilities, health care providers, can also independently order vaccine. @fox13#utpol#Utah
.@UtahDepOfHealth cautions it does not know how many doses it will get, so it is planning for LIMITED doses.
.@UtahDepOfHealth is reporting the rolling 7-day average for positive #COVID19 tests is 1,283 per day. The rolling 7-day average positivity rate is 15.1%. @fox13#utpol#Utah
Meanwhile, the #utleg is holding ANOTHER physically-distant hearing on @GovHerbert's emergency powers and the ongoing state of emergency due to #COVID19.