The debate between @SeanReyesUT and @SkordasGreg is under way. First ? Describe an experience that prepared you to be AG.
Reyes says violent crime is down on his watch, says he works across the aisle. He immediately accuses Skordas of going "hyper negative." #utpol#utdebates
.@SkordasGreg goes after @SeanReyesUT for joining a lawsuit against health care, which goes against voters who approved Medicaid expansion.
Reyes says he doesn't dictate policy or make policy. He says he's tasked to defend citizens in Utah. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@SeanReyesUT says he doesn't believe it's his job to dictate to the #utleg, but he supports laws and defends them even if he personally disagrees with them.
.@DixieState student asks about the lawsuit over Obamacare?
@SeanReyesUT does support the case, but insists people will not lose health care. He says he joined for legal reasons, but says people can't afford high premiums, higher prescription costs. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@SkordasGreg says his opponent will "throw out the baby with the bath water" and will ignore Utahns who voted for Medicaid expansions.
"We're going to take expanded Medicaid away... and say it's illegal taxation," he says. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@SeanReyesUT says voters "assumed the act was constitutional."
@SkordasGreg says Utahns need medical coverage "and the voters had to go to the legislature because... these guys wouldn't do anything about it." @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@SeanReyesUT says he backed better practices for handing juvenile defendants, but he's called out problems for lack of funding and treatment options. He also works on wrongful convictions, indigency and policing reforms "but not defunding police." @fox13#utpol#utdebates
@SkordasGreg says he teaches on policing reform, has written no-knock warrants. He says Utah doesn't have the problem like other states, but adds it doesn't mean we're perfect. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
"Police need to be trained in de-escalation," @SkordasGreg says, adding they also need bias trainings.
@SeanReyesUT says he's honored to stand with law enforcement and works with them in the field and "also hold them accountable." @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@SeanReyesUT says he's not immune from hate. He gets racial threats and hate mail.
"As to reform, we do need some in policing," he says.
But he objects to defunding the police, supports restorative justice. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@laddegan asks about what policing reforms do you support?
@SeanReyesUT says it's not a binary choice. He says you can have more programs, but "they cost money." He touts mobile crisis units.
I asked @SeanReyesUT about taking money from the Kingston polygamous family when they were under investigation?
He acknowledged it was a mistake, but says they didn't know they were under investigation at the time (and says nothing illegal). @fox13#utpol#utdebates
I also asked @SkordasGreg about an incident where he failed to file charges and let 27 inmates out of jail back when he was a prosecutor?
Skordas admits he made a mistake, but insists none of the inmates went out and committed violent crimes. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
The moderator pivots to transparency and @SkordasGreg criticizes @SeanReyesUT for taking the Kingston family's money.
In closing statements, @SeanReyesUT says @SkordasGreg wants to get on TV, and reads more negative reviews.
@SkordasGreg says he's proud of his record and says he's been a prosecutor. Reyes starts talking over Skordas' closing statement. @fox13#utpol#utdebates
.@GovHerbert begins by thanking the news media for their work informing the public about #COVID19.
Especially now that Utah is in new risk/restriction levels. But he says physicians/health workers are frustrated that SOME are not following health guidelines. @fox13#utpol#Utah
"They're not taking it as seriously as they could," @GovHerbert says of people disregarding #COVID19 restrictions.
"We all have our part to play."
He says this is about minimizing risk until there's a vaccine. @fox13#utpol#Utah
Utah still has a low mortality rate, @GovHerbert says.
We've learned a lot over the past 7 months. Many people don't get very sick. But some do, he says.
"I'm concerned about what we don't know about the long-term impacts," he says. @fox13#utpol#Utah#COVID19
This is a slightly different format than the usual news conference. I and a few of my masked colleagues from the Capitol press corps are in the @pbsutah studios.
Rich Lakin, the immunization director for @UtahDepOfHealth, is outlining the phases for the #COVID19 vaccine. Long-term care facilities, assisted living centers, nursing facilities, health care providers, can also independently order vaccine. @fox13#utpol#Utah
.@UtahDepOfHealth cautions it does not know how many doses it will get, so it is planning for LIMITED doses.
.@UtahDepOfHealth is reporting the rolling 7-day average for positive #COVID19 tests is 1,283 per day. The rolling 7-day average positivity rate is 15.1%. @fox13#utpol#Utah
Meanwhile, the #utleg is holding ANOTHER physically-distant hearing on @GovHerbert's emergency powers and the ongoing state of emergency due to #COVID19.