#Trump surrounds himself with young, conventionally attractive white women - Footsoldiers of the Patriarchy - and claims he’s a booster of women. When Black and women of colour and in this case an older woman -Lesley Stahl- do their job, he can’t handle it
It’s why he can’t handle Angela Merkle - older woman who is powerful.
Why he’s so often a shit to the Black and women of colour journalists at news conferences.
If he could, he would clone Ivanka and surround himself with her likeness.
And when the white women around him aren’t young and Fox News compliant, they’re helping him become President - Kellyanne Conway - or serving as Five-Star General of the Footsoldiers of the Patriarchy - #AmyConeyBarrettfeministgiant.substack.com/p/if-amy-coney…
I’ll be watching the #Debates2020 tonight and working on:
All the president’s footsoldiers and all the president’s women (a la Humpty Dumpty)
My latest: These police cadets are on display in #Egypt where the more men undress the more they are celebrated for virility, strength and hypermasculinity, whereas women are arrested for dancing on TikTok, fully clothed feministgiant.substack.com/p/essay-macho-…
Those bare and barrel-chested cadets on floats that people joked looked like Pride parade graduated into a police force paid to entrap, arrest and torture #LGBTQ people. #Egypt
There is nothing funny about a country where men parade shirtless for the fascist dictator whose regime criminalizes and slut-shames women whether in “revealing” clothes or hijab, including fully-clothed women for selfies and videos on TikTok feministgiant.substack.com/p/essay-macho-…#Egypt
The five interns who compile and write FEMINIST GIANT Global Roundup every Monday-Friday delight and inspire with the articles they include. Look at today’s roundup for example by Samiha Hossain!
Whether we are urged to be civil to racists or polite to patriarchy, the goal is the same: to maintain the power of the racist and the power of patriarchy. Profanity is an essential tool in disrupting patriarchy and its rules. That’s why I say Fuck Trump feministgiant.substack.com/p/editorial-fe…
I refuse to be polite or to be quiet or to be civil. Fuck that. In the era of the white supremacist patriarch aka Trump, profanity is the verbal equivalent of civil disobedience.
As senate Democrats plan to boycott today’s scheduled vote on Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court, reposting my thread and essay: If Amy Coney Barrett Was a Muslim trib.al/WYhFSfS
So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing white women they’re lucky to live in the U.S., not Saudi Arabia/Iran, that so many didn’t pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building at home. feministgiant.substack.com/p/if-amy-coney…#AmyConeyBarrett
You know the video of those shirtless #Egyptian police cadets on floats that people joked looked like Pride parade? Those bare and barrel-chested police cadets graduated into a police force paid to entrap, arrest and torture #LGBTQ people.
Also, these police cadets are on display in #Egypt where the more men undress the more they are celebrated for virility, strength and hypermasculinity, whereas women are arrested for dancing on TikTok, fully clothed 👇🏽
There is nothing funny about a country where men parade shirtless for the fascist dictator whose regime criminalizes and slut-shames women whether in “revealing” clothes or hijab, including fully-clothed women for selfies and videos on TikTok feministgiant.substack.com/p/essay-macho-…#Egypt