to look for schools that offer your course. Make sure you are using google chrome so as to translate the schools in English.
3. Send email to the admission coordinator of each school about your willingness to apply for the course. Attach your CV and transcript. They will tell you any type of departmental or school funding available.
Note: No French school will ask you to pay any application fee.
Application is absolutely free. Also, anybody can apply irrespective of your class of degree. Make sure your CV is convincing enough, especially if you have low CGPA but very good practicable skills required in your field.
This is because France value skills more than a degree.
The school will inform you if you need to apply through campus France (I will explain this) or not.
4. Campus France is a body in your home country that helps you to do application and admission, thereby, making it stress-free for you. They are also involved in visa
If you are in Nigeria, the campus will help you do all your admission and visa application for 50k. They have their offices in Lagos and Abuja.
They will send the following message to you if you contact them:
'Thank you for contacting Campus France Nigeria.
Please be informed that the next application exercise to secure admission into French higher education institutions will commence next month, November 2020. To get well prepared, please check through the links below for some
Do well to check all the links. But, I would advise that you do your due diligence by first checking for the schools and asking
them yourself.
Campus France will also help you apply for available scholarships in your field. They will also make sure you get the admission. So, if you don't have time, please use them.
If you are inquisitive like me, do it yourself (DIY).
Que: Does that mean that there's no fully-funded scholarship in France? How can I cope?
Ans: There are very few schools that offer fully-funded scholarship. This is because:
a. When you get to school, you can apply for CAF benefits from the Govt., where 60% of your expenses
b. You can also apply for CMU after 3 months in France. This helps to reduce 80% of your transportation as well as some insurance in France. For more info on CMU, please read:…
c. You can also use campus France or the school directly to apply for CROUS. This enables you to get cheap accommodation as well as social security. For more info, read:…
Que: How can I survive in France? Can I save as much as I want? how?
Que: What kind of jobs are available for students and how many hrs?
Que: What is the requirement for visa application? What is the acceptance rate?
2. From the link above, you can either choose all Universities from the left or click any from the right to see the scholarship available as shown below:
Everything About Admission and Scholarship in Sweden (Part A).
This will be my 18th thread on Admissions and Scholarship. Let me know if you missed any.
If you also know anyone interested in Swedish Scholarship, kindly tag them here while you unwind this thread🧵:
Scholarships in Sweden are basically divided into 2:
1. Swedish Int'l Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) 2. Tuition Scholarships in different schools.
Today, we will talk about SISGP.
SISGP is a global scholarship available in 34 countries, including Nigeria. The call for SISGP for master’s studies in Sweden, starting in the autumn of 2021, will be published on 16 October 2020.
Many of you have sent dms to me asking for scholarship info. Let me make some general statements about Scholarship Applications.
1. When you see people post success stories about scholarship and admissions, know that they have been through
many failures. One success is just enough to cancel I million failures. So, it's important that you ask them about their journey, more importantly about their failures.
2. Don't expect that you must be successful in every scholarship applications. O
Personally, my failures in this scholarship journey are more than the successes. Scholarship is not meant for the most intelligent. It is for the resilient, dogged and smart. So, be prepared to fail. That is the simple truth.