SOTOMAYOR: may I interest you in another copy of the opinion I already wrote on this 2 yrs ago
GORSUCH: what she said
KAGAN: can I maybe draw you a diagram, or
BREYER: how about following the law as written, have you tried that
KAVANAUGH: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kavanugh's position in non-legal terms:
It's totally fine for a restaurant to give you 1/2 your bill at the table and send the other 1/2 along to your last known address at some point in the indeterminate future while also taking you to small claims court for the whole amount
most of the above screenshots taken from this very solid rundown from @colinkalmbacher
Vital reading from @DLind on Biden's most immediate immigration quandary. IMO ending #MPP & associated policies is already what Gitmo was for Obama: an easy promise to do the right thing @ enormous political cost w/no real political benefit
Restoring and fully supporting #asylum at the southern border for the victims of our empire *is* the right thing, and we should accept nothing less. We just need to be real, as @DLind is here, re: just how politically and practically fraught this is. It's a whole lot of fraught.
To be absolutely clear, this is me committing to doing whatever I can to hold him to it and encouraging you to do the same. The war on asylum via #MPP/#safethirdcountry agmts is literally murderous, as bad as Trump policy got. It all has to go on Day 1--no delays, no excuses.
Every election for more than a decade now I have slipped into #Boston's Ward 1 Precinct 1 (my #EastBoston polling station) as they're closing up just to watch the numbers come in.
This is something any citizen can do. In some states, you could go do it tonight!
A lot to unpack here, but what I've mostly learned from reading these so far is that I still have the capacity to be astonished. Not that they knew that the single worst Trump immigration initiative (#MPP) was bad--we all knew that--but that they would put any of this in writing
I mean a "full and fair" asylum system is literally the definition of a "safe third country." That's it! That's all it requires. We all knew none of the countries they were forcing into these agreements had one, but...
Here's the clearest example of "the cruelty is the point" I've seen from this boundlessly cruel govt.
They knew that conditions were so dangerous that these refugees would leave under any circumstances--all while insisting that most of their asylum claims were fraudulent.
Proud to say that I spent my Election Day winning an #asylum claim for exactly the kind of applicant the Trump administration has spent the past four years trying to keep from winning asylum, based on legal grounds they have spent the past 4 yrs years trying to eliminate.
For immigration advocates--and, far more importantly, the ppl we serve--the past four yrs have been an endless, exhausting, all-consuming nightmare of arbitrary administrative cruelty and violence. Much better lawyers than I have defended every inch, winning far more than not.
4 yrs ago, thousands of young ppl watched this country vote in the worst of us for the explicit purpose of doing violence to the most vulnerable. Many of them have just passed the bar, fresh reinforcements in a generational battle against institutional racism & xenophobia.
I was reminded again today that most state judges simply don't comprehend the trauma that even a chance of imm. enforcement causes non-citizens.
If you don't already understand why my client lives in fear of being detained & exiled by ICE I'm just not sure how to explain it tbh
My client didn't appear bc he knew that he had a deportation order & that ICE would be waiting.
While I sincerely appreciate the court agreeing w/our request not to impose bail after removing the default, I can't agree that this decision was merely "putting his head in the sand"
Thanks to the Trump administration's twisted anti-federalism, states which share information w/ICE and allow them into courthouses are voluntarily giving up on prosecuting a substantial number of non-citizens. Yet they continue to defend all of this in the name of "public safety"
Here's a simple statement of historical fact which every American should know:
US immigration policy has always favored white northern European immigrants, but visa quotas were *explicitly* determined by eugenics & "race science" from 1921-1965.
That's it. That's the fact.
You can't know this fact to be true and honestly deny that an immigration system which only stopped relying on eugenics 15 yrs before I was born is fundamentally and irredeemably founded in white supremacy.
You just can't.
And no, since I know you're about to ask: it's not much better since the birth of the modern US immigration system in 1965.
The racial preferences and open displays of white supremacy are not only still baked in, but one of the few things both parties can still agree on.