<THREAD>Thoughts on the successful test of an SM-3 IIA interceptor against an ICBM.

BLUF: For technical & operational reasons, SM-IIAs aren't much use for homeland defense, especially against Russia or China.

Politically this test is a BIG deal. (1/n)

The idea of using SM-3 IIAs against ICBMs isn't new, though interest has ebbed and flowed over the last decade. By demonstrating at least some capacity in a test, however, this idea is no longer just theoretical.

But is it practical? (2/n)
Given the locations of the target launch (Kwajelain Atoll) and the interceptor (northeast of Hawaii), it's clear that the target missile was intercepted on its way down.

See this helpful picture dug up by my colleagues, @nktpnd. (3/n)

Intercepting an ICBM shortly before reentry has two implications for homeland defense.

First, a single interceptor can only cover a relatively small area--like a cornerback at football. So, you need lots of interceptors to protect a wide area. (4/n)
Second, interceptors would need to be located near the homeland.

Now, the U.S. has lots of Aegis capable ships that could be loaded with SM-3 IIAs. So, *in theory*, it could park them around the coasts and hence supplement its missile defenses. (5/n)
But, it's hardly practical because those ships have, you know, other missions. In fact, especially in a war against Russia or China--when nuclear use could come into play--those ships would be need to be forward deployed. Not least to protect carriers. (6/n)
There simply wouldn't be time to redeploy the ships around the United States if nuclear use by Russia or China began to seem like a real possibility.

Ship-based homeland defense would be somewhat more practical in a war against North Korea, but only somewhat. (7/n)
And, to be sure, the Trump administration has never claimed that ship-based defense would be practical against Russia or China! The Missile Defense Review explicitly singles out "rogue states" here.

media.defense.gov/2019/Jan/17/20…, page 55.
There's also technical challenges associated with the use of SM-3 IIAs against real ICBMs.

The test appears to have been conducted over a range of 5,000-6,000 km. Real ICBMs have significantly longer ranges and hence travel at greater speeds, complicating intercept. (9/n)
Moreover, real ICBMs have anti-BMD countermeasures. Given that the test readout doesn't mention countermeasures, it's a safe bet that the target missile didn't have them. (10/n)
Now, to be sure, there are other concepts of operations. The U.S. could install land-based SM-3 IIAs around the homeland. That'd be very expensive and you still have the problem of countermeasures. (11/n)
Which leaves you with forward-deployed land-based SM-3 IIAs. Otherwise known as Aegis Ashore! Indeed, there are already plans to install these interceptors at the Polish site. (12/n)
Now, most analysis to date suggests that *forward-deployed* SM-3 IIAs lack the speed to catch Russian ICBMs. And today's test doesn't undermine that analysis. (Though if future testing does, that'd be highly significant.) (13/n)
SO... all in all, I don't think today's test really threatens Russia's or China's nuclear deterrents.

BUT there's no question they--Russia especially--won't see it that way. (14/n)
Russia will see this test as vindication that its concerns about the European Aegis Ashore system have always been correct. And, given those concerns are fundamentally about the long term future of BMD technology, I think they are genuine. (15/n)
In short, this test is likely to continue stimulating Chinese and Russian efforts to bolster their nuclear forces and make arms control to hinder the burgeoning arms race more difficult. (16/16)

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16 Nov
<THREAD>The @DeptofDefense is ignoring the danger of inadvertent nuclear war.

Thanks to @RepRickLarsen, other @HASCDemocrats, and their staff, DoD has issued a report on inadvertent escalation.

It's very revealing... but not in a good way. (1/n)
My concern is that this report is really about maintaining effective deterrence, not preventing inadvertent escalation.

Of course, maintaining effective deterrent is important! But, even if deterrence is effective, a nuclear war could still break out.

I'll explain. (2/n)
The report rightly recognizes the need to “clearly communicate U.S. intentions” [p. 1].

Yet, it only identifies one message: don’t underestimate our resolve or ability to defend our interests.

That's an important message, but insufficient to protect U.S. interests. (3/n)
Read 11 tweets
2 Oct
<THREAD>And here it is..

"A ReSTART for U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control" by @pranayrvaddi and me.

It's our proposal for a follow-on to New START. Here are the big ideas. (1/N)

1. Extend New START. (2/n)
2. Make all intercontinental ground-launched boost-glide missiles and nuclear-powered torpedoes (whether nuclear or conventionally armed) accountable. (3/n)
Read 12 tweets
23 Sep
<THREAD>Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov responded to @USArmsControl in an interview with @ElenaChernenko. Beyond the predictable lack of interest in U.S. proposals, two points caught my eye.



First, the good news. If Biden wins, Ryabkov did not rule out agreeing to a New START extension in the time between Biden's inauguration (Jan 20) and the treaty's expiry (Feb 5).

Previously, Russian officials and experts had said that time would be too short. (2/n)
Second, in his interview, @USArmsControl explicitly threatened that, if New START is not extended, the U.S. will "unconvert" converted delivery systems so they can be used to deliver nuclear warheads. (3/n)

Read 4 tweets
21 Sep
THREAD. @USArmsControl just gave an interview to @ElenaChernenko on the U.S. position re future arms control.

@baklitskiy has a useful summary thread. I want to highlight four things that caught my eye. (1/n)

NB The interview is in Russian and I'm using Google translate, so caveat reader. (2/n)

1. Overall, @USArmsControl is laying out a position for the extension for New START that Russia could never accept. It's clear, as it has been for months, that the United States is trying to kill New START. (3/n)
Read 8 tweets
29 Jul
<THREAD>Concern about China's nuclear build-up (see below) is partly premised on the fear that Beijing seeks to challenge the United States numerically.

This misses a key point: China lacks the fissile material to do so. (1/n)

In 2019, @DefenseIntel Director Ashley estimated that China’s warhead stockpile was in "the low couple of hundreds." The U.S. has ~3,800.

So, how many nuclear warheads could China build given its fissile material stockpile? (2/n)

First off, here's a *worst-case* scenario, i.e. Let's make assumptions tend to underestimate the amount used in each weapon and overestimate the amount available. (3/n)
Read 19 tweets
19 May
I strongly agree with this. And I have a theory that part of the reason why academic writing is often bad is because of peer review... (1/n)
I'm a think tanker, not an academic, and I have no formal training in political science. But I have published in peer reviewed journals so had to learn about the review process through trial and error. Lots of error! (2/n)
Over time I learned to write for the reviewers--who are a subset of my audience, but only a subset.

Reviewers are super-experts and it's their job to critique your work. This influences the way you write, I think... (3/n)
Read 7 tweets

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