It’s Intl Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women, and start of #16DaysOfActivism. What world is this where men still beat & kill us even during a pandemic? How long must we wait until men stop beating & murdering us even in lockdown?
🎥 @rerutled
It is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and the start of #16DaysOfActivism.
Intimate partner terrorism & domestic abuse kills and hurts millions. Where is the VACCINE against THAT global epidemic?
- not everyone can call the police.
- not everyone wants to call the police.
- police don’t protect everyone: ask Indigenous women, Black women, women of colour, marginalized women, sex workers, etc
- I don’t want to be protected. I want to be free of violence #16Days
And that is why I don’t want to go back to “normal.” Fuck normal.
-I cut my hair off to cut up my return ticket to “normal.”
-There is no “going back to normal” after a pandemic.
-Refuse to return to the ABNORMAL #16DaysOfActivism#16Days
🎥 @rerutled
The above videos are FEMINIST GIANT Dispatches from the Pandemic.
I made the Fuck Normal video in May, when 350,000 people had died of #COVID19 around the world.
Now, 264,000 people have died of COVID19 in the US alone.
The #COVID19 pandemic is a disaster for women around the world - increase in violence in lockdown and because it exacerbates already exiting inequalities. I launched FEMINIST GIANT to highlight feminist resistance to global patriarchal fuckery #16Days
Today is Intl Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women & the start of #16DaysOfActivism.
How long must we wait for men & boys to stop murdering us, to stop beating us & to stop raping us? How many rapists must we kill? My Qs got this episode banned
My questions about imaginary violence against men are considered worse than the real violence against women.
Imaginary violence vs men shocks more than actual violence vs women #16DaysOfActivism
Intimate partner terrorism and domestic abuse kills and hurts millions. Where is the VACCINE against THAT global epidemic?
Last night I dreamed I had died. This Mona has indeed died, so that the Mona I am could be. I am grateful for all that she did and all that she was and I want her to know I have set fire to my rage over what happened to her and to so many other women during our revolution.
November 24, 2011, when I was being held incommuncado by #Egyptian military intelligence & interrogated blindfolded - both my arms broken thanks to riot police - all I thought of was “Just you fuckers wait until I write about this.” Ha! Writing! In the face of such brutality!
Trump has pushed the bar so low - has smashed it to pieces - that many will be tempted to celebrate Biden’s cabinet nominees simply for “back to business.” That should never be enough. Coming soon: my feminist analysis of his picks. Sign up 👉🏽
It is not enough to have historic “firsts” and, for those of us who are not white, it is not enough to have people who look like us in positions of power.
Always ask what they’re going to do with that power and will they uphold nor dismantle patriarchy & existing oppressions.
I wrote this not just because she was nominated by Trump but because #AmyConeyBarrett is a mediocre judge and dangerous zealot. She is a Five-Star General of the Patriarchy.
I will bring as tough a critique to Biden’s nominees.
Trump is not an aberration. He is the fruition of decades and decades of white supremacist, misogynist, bigoted rot. And when he’s out of the White House, that rot will not suddenly disappear.
Trump said out loud what so many whispered. Those of us who want liberation, remember. Democrat or Republican, regardless of who occupies the White House: fight the crimes of white supremacist patriarchy because the presidents never do.
My concern is now that Biden won the presidency, the white liberals who spent the Trump era crying “This isn’t my America” (sidenote: WHAT FUCKING AMERICA HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING IN?) will now celebrate “My America is back!” and go on amnesia overdrive.
A pandemic, like revolution, does not happen overnight. I have to remind myself that softness drives the revolution as much as rage.
I refuse to emerge as if unscathed. I insist that we all be scathed, that we refuse to be the people we were at the start of the pandemic.
And now in this year of pandemic and perimenopause, this grief anniversary is the hand brake to the car in my mind, screeching in its insistence that I remember to sit with the fear and chaos.
We cannot reverse. We will emerge, our hearts unhealed and scarred but awesome.