This is a quote from #DavidAaronovitch, in which he ridicules the notion of "kith & kin".
It is testimony to his contempt for kinship & race, which also reflects that of the British state & establishment & goes to very heart of that is wrong with western civilisation.
Actually, it is not just what is wrong with our civilisation. It is what has caused every civilisation before our own to decline & fall, as ours will also do, very soon, unless we correct it. It represents a flaw in nature of the state itself.
KING has the same origin as KIN, & kings were originally expected to rule in the interests of their kin, i.e. society at large. But this was before the emergence of the state, which is dedicated to facilitating society's self-exploitation.
With the emergence of the state through conquest & subjugation, & the creation of ever larger societies, the King ceased to care about all but his closest Kin. Most of society became just a human resource, there to serve him & his court, rather than he his people.
When Parliament overthrow the English king in the 17th century, it was in the interests of England's elites represented in Parliament, not in the interests of the English people at large, who remained a human resource exploited in the interests of England's elites.
In recent times, ordinary people have become important not just as human resources (although "hard-working families" are still very much in demand), but also as consumers, necessary to maintain our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic & thus inherently unsustainable, economy.
The main point I want to make in this thread, however, relates to the indifference & contempt of the British state, establishment & Parliament towards kinship & race.
This is why Native, White, Britons are on course to soon become a racial minority in their ancestral homeland.
Notwithstanding his communist origins, #DavidAaronovitch is now very much a member of the British establishment, but not a BAD person. Just misguided, as most people are, by the state deceitfully posing as our nation & tricking us into loving #BigBrother.
I began this thread with a quote from #DavidAaronovitch, in which he ridicules kinship & race, & on the basis of which he deems me to be a RACIST, because I hold them dear & told him so.
This is not just of great personal importance to me, but also of great political importance.
Since the emergence of the state, society has always been controlled by a cognitive elite (#BigBrother, formerly the Catholic Church), which prioritises its own interests over those of society at large, while claiming the opposite.
David represents state authority, i.e. BigBro.
This is especially ironic in view of him having been awarded the #OrwellPrize for his political writing, because it doesn't stop him tell me & others, on behalf of BigBro, how we should & shouldn't FEEL & THINK about kinship, race, #BritishIdentity & nationhood.
This should be the biggest political issue of our times. Infinitely more important than whether or not Britain remains a member of EU.
How is the ideology of White racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred, which now dominates Britain, America & the West, to be explained?
First & foremost by the very nature of the state itself, which, by deceitfully posing as our nation, tricks us into loving #BigBrother.
Then there is the pathological overreaction to the evils of Nazism (esp. on the part of traumatised Jews), which #BigBro weaponised as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control.
The self-exploitative nature of the state also makes it ultimately self-destructive. This why ancient Greece & Rome, & presumably every other civilisation, after reaching its zenith, declined & fell.
There is nothing more self-destructive than to deny & despise one's own race.
America was founded on #WhiteIdentity & Nationalism, the founding fathers being the original #WhiteNationalists, who restricted American citizenship to Whites, i.e. to fellow Europeans. So WHY is #WhiteNationalism now demonised?!
It is because America, like the UK, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
The founders knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race, without trying to include other races.
And so it has proven. America never did became a genuine nation, as its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary patron state, deceitfully posing as a nation, like Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.
#DavidAaronovitch has denounced me (& no doubt others) as a RACIST for non-compliance with #BritishValues in regard to Race, National Identity & Nationhood, which presume to stipulate how one should & shouldn't FEEL & THINK about RACE, national identity & nationhood.
David isn't just anyone, but a prominent member of the British media establishment, working for @thetimes & the BBC. He is closely associated with @IndexCensorship & has been awarded the #OrwellPrize, no less. And yet he defends & supports such Orwellian values as cited above.
What motivated me to broach these taboo issues with David personally were his liberal values & good sense which I had observed in his journalism. One could surely discuss them with him, I thought. But I was wrong. No discussion was possible.
I can't actually liberate you. We all have to do that, in cooperation with others, for ourselves. But what I can & am attempting to do is awaken you to your enslavement, which most are unaware of, especially if, like #StevenPinker, you are very comfortable in your enslavement.
England's (soon to become Britain's) #GloriousRevolution was glorious indeed - for the elites. For ordinary Englishmen & Britons, not so much, which is why the American colonies broke away, sick of being exploited by Parliament & Britain's elites (never mind the King).
Amerca's founding fathers hoped to create a genuine nation of free White people (yes, White, because they knew that multi-racial nationhood would never work), instead of the mercenary #PatronState (deceitfully posing as a nation) that Britain was.
The founders knew it would be difficult enough creating a genuine nation from different European peoples of the same race.
And so it has proven. America became just a bigger, more powerful, version of the Orwellian construct that is now the UK.
Britain is not a nation, but an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
I've said this countless times here on Twitter, but have received no academic response, despite it being of the most profound political importance.
In fact, it is more than just profoundly important. It's existential. The very survival of our civilisation depends on it being recognised & understood soon.
I'm speaking truth to power. But power doesn't want to know, for fear of being undermine.
When our civilisation falls - as it is on course to do - where will your power & privilege be then?
All you will have are the curses of your own children & grandchildren, for screwing up their future.