THREAD: (1/10) There are a range of ambitious recommendations in @theCCCuk Sixth Carbon Budget to deliver 78% reduction in UK territorial emissions between 1990 and 2035 #PlantheWorldWeNeed Some thoughts from the RTPI in this thread...…
2/10 Recovery: The RTPI's #PlantheWorldWeNeed campaign demonstrates how planning will play a key role in supporting @theCCCuk recommendations, ensuring a sustainable, inclusive and green recovery from the pandemic…
3/10 Investment: @theCCCuk recommends additional investment of £50bn annually. The RTPI proposes Green Growth Boards to guide investment needed for zero carbon at a strategic scale…
4/10 Transport: @theCCCuk recommends switch to electric vehicles by 2030. Planning will be key in rolling out charging infrastructure but first we must reduce travel demand and increase sustainable travel. Look out for RTPI paper in January on planning for zero carbon transport
6/10 Buildings: @theCCCuk recommends #retrofit of 13 million homes by 2030. RTPI welcomes focus on retrofit. New homes must be #netzero through focus on fabric efficiency and lower embodied carbon, not relying on grid decarbonisation…
7/10 Environment: @theCCCuk recommends 460,000 ha of #trees planted by 2035 and restoration of #peatlands. Effective planning will be key to unlocking the multiple co-benefits. We recommend Local Environment Improvement Plans to encourage a joined-up approach
9/10 Resourcing: Only by investing in local authority planning can @theCCCuk recommendations be properly integrated into the built and natural environment. In our CSR response we called for £67million investment in climate action…