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Mar 21st 2023
📢🧐 How can we improve the quality of our relationships with ourselves and others? This article explores expert advice on relationship management.👥💕…

#relationships #selfimprovement
1/15 Our relationships with others reflect the quality of our relationship with ourselves. Can we change our behavior and chemistry to cultivate more positive relationships?🤔💭

#selfreflection #positivity
2/15 Building and nurturing a relationship requires being available for the other person, clear communication, and meeting your partner where they are.👫💬🤝

#relationshipadvice #communication
Read 16 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
👋 Hey #Psychologists! 🧐 Are you considering shutting down your individual practice? Providing psychotherapy is a fulfilling but often lonely journey. 🤔 It's natural to question whether it's time to move on.
💭 However, making such a decision can be overwhelming, with many factors to consider. 💰 Financial concerns, personal goals, and more.
💬 Before making any drastic decisions, it's important to reflect on why you became a psychologist and what your goals are. Are they being met in your current practice? #SelfReflection
Read 12 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
2/res Ths who’ve never done #research in lifetime find it difficult to understand, why this is critical, for directing commissioning & using, good policy relevant research [An internal core of researchers is key to success]. For them ideas & analysis can be bought like software📦
3/res Any org that merely reacts to media headlines, & questions raised by critics, is like a consultancy organisation, not a think tank. It can never anticipate problems, nor create imaginative new solutions. Worlds top consultancy orgs. reward salesmanship not analysis… 4/res
Read 5 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
It's possible to become #financiallysuccessful even if you start with no money. It may not be easy, but with the right mindset and plan, you can increase your chances of success. #personalfinance #moneymanagement
First, set #financialgoals and create a plan to achieve them. This will give you a roadmap to follow and help you stay focused on your path to financial success. #planning #success
Educate yourself on personal finance, investing, and money management. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to make informed financial decisions. #education #investing
Read 8 tweets
Dec 11th 2022 BRITAIN IS ENTERING A NEW AGE OF CORRUPTION - BRITAIN HAS RETURNED TO THE ‘OLD CORRUPTION’ THE VICTORIANS TRIED TO END - TAKING US FURTHER DOWN A ROAD TO A KLEPTOCRACY THAN MOST PEOPLE IN BRITAIN IMAGINE. Britain has entered an era of legalised larceny by the politically well-connected some 150 years after the Victorians ended what they execrated as the “Old Corruption”. By this they meant the toxic system whereby the ruling elite enjoyed a parasitic relationship with the state enabling them to obtain jobs and money through patronage, partisanship and purchase.
Read 68 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
🧵🧵 THREAD: 9 tips for successful #bioinformatics #projects 🧵🧵
1. Start by defining the aim, scope, and objectives of your project, and by identifying the #biological and #computational questions you want to answer.
2. Identify the #data sources, types, and formats, that are relevant and available for your project, and evaluate their quality, quantity, and suitability.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
@KevinClimate "We've developed this term 'net zero' which allows us to move the burden of reducing emissions out to future generations, out to 2050 and beyond. It’s vacuous. Completely meaningless. It’s Latin for kicking the can down the road."
Source: How Wealth Inequality Fuels the Climate Emergency: @GeorgeMonbiot, Scientist Kevin Anderson on COP26 11 November 2021 CUMBRIA COAL MINE WILL BE "NET ZERO", SAYS GOVE Hugo Gye 7 December 2022 #GoveLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament
Read 18 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
We’ve reached an understanding with Gov’t re. #planning & we’re discussing with colleagues.

We need a community-led, #green & regenerative system.


#housing @luhc @michaelgove @lucyfrazermp #iwnews @10DowningStreet @Telegraph @thetimes @PA

Those who’ve campaigned against bad development have too often been smeared as being #NIMBYs. In my book, they're local patriots. 🇬🇧

We also know #community groups, on the #IsleofWight and across the #UK, have despaired at top-down targets.

We (Theresa Villiers & I) agree. So, we:
a) built an alliance of Tory MPs
b) put down amendments
c) negotiated intensively with @michaelgove, @luhc & others to evolve language & ideas in the flagship Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (#LURB).

We’ve agreed the following:

Read 17 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
For the second part of the four part series of spatial zoom ins on the trends of urbanisation in Tamil Nadu, we look into western TN.
The dynamics of urbanisation outside of Chennai's sphere of influence is seldom discussed in popular discourse. That makes the next 3 zoom ins that much more interesting to start a dialogue on the regional dynamics of urbanisation in the state.
Western Tamil Nadu has urbanised rapidly in the last 15 years as seen evidently from the maps. The region already had a strong textile processing and manufacturing industry which has matured considerably in the recent years.
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Nov 23rd 2022
This afternoon, myself and others will set out the case for #planning reform.

#LevellingUp #LURB #Housing @michaelgove @lucyfrazermp @luhc @PA @thetimes @timesredbox

For sure, we don’t like top-down targets. But most of all, we want a better way of doing things: a planning system with #communities, regeneration and the environment at its heart.

We want a planning system that is environmentally #sustainable, rooted in community support and used to regenerate out towns and cities, not hollow them out.

Read 10 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
This headline 👇 will be no surprise to anyone who's been following @NHSEngland's plans (and actions) for a while.

But @JonUngoedThomas's article reveals some crucial details about what's intended for your #NHS #HealthRecords that are worth unpacking...… Controversial £360m NHS Eng...
First, and possibly most significantly, is @NHSEngland officials' confirmation that its '#FederatedDataPlatform' will incorporate patients across England's #SharedCareRecords: Health officials confirmed ...
Why is this so important? Because #SharedCareRecords - which every new #ICS* is supposed to have - include your #GPdata, which @NHSEngland has been trying to get hold of for years (most recently last summer)...

*#IntegratedCareSystem explainer here:… Map 1: The 42 integrated ca...
Read 21 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
It’s annual planning time again!

Unfortunately, most annual plans are ignored or discarded almost as soon as they are done.

Why is that?

The process companies use for planning is flawed. By creating plans by committee, you ensure the most uncontroversial, boring plan possible.

No innovation, no ambition.

All of the best ideas don’t even make it into the planning process for fear of being shot down! Those are the ideas you need to win in your market.

There is a better way…

Read 8 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
While the chaos of '#AcceleratedCitizensAccess' to #GPrecords continues to unfold:

...we've come across some perturbing items on the agenda for @NHSDigital's Board meeting this afternoon 👇 which I'll pick up on in this [Thread].…
First, beginning on page 158, are some Directions that @NHSEngland must know will be HIGHLY controversial - given they are telling @NHSDigital to use @PalantirTech's #Foundry to collect *patient level identifiable data* from hospitals... 1 Executive Summary  NHS England are directing NHS Digital t
I'll tweet as I do a read-through, but even these first two paragraphs are incoherent, e.g. " a way that will enable." Enable what?

And if @NHSEngland Directs NHSD to use #Palantir, NHSE is *determining the purposes and means of processing* - i.e. it is a #DataController... Whether you are a controller or processor depends on a numbe
Read 25 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
Since people are in scenario planning mode, right now, a few tips. A 🧵 #planning #scenarios
Please don't present a base case and two strawman (or strawperson) proposals. A strawman, often misused in my experience, is a rhetorical fallacy, i.e., creating a proposal that no one would reasonably vote for, and then encouraging votes against it.
For example, most companies create 3 scnearios: base, silly1 and silly2. Then they spend the meeting arguing why silly1 and silly2 are bad, which isn't hard, and thus we have only one good choice, the base case. All in favor, aye!
Read 7 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
PhD and #planning are inseparable. But more often than not, it NEVER works!
Either we procrastinate till we fall into anxiety or overwork to the point of burnout.

Here's a little🧵for procrastination-proof planning!

#PhDlife #PhDchat #phdtips #AcademicTwitter
Why planning has always been a tricky thing for me:

❌My plans are either too big & I get overwhelmed or too short & I lose the big picture.

❌they have no space for changes. One interruption can cause a domino effect & I'd feel like the whole plan is sabotaged.
In my journey to build a routine, I realised these mistakes in my planning and found little ways to improve them.

📝Here's what I've learnt:

(more detailed explanations below⬇️)
Read 15 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Today marks the start of #PrestonStreetPrimarySchool's next campaign phase to improve our playground facilities & to further engage with other stakeholders regarding improvements to #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople around school & connecting to the wider city.#Edinburgh #LEZ 1/5 Vision for future of Preston Street Primary school sitting w
We're seeking support/feedback from local community stakeholders & those from the wider #Edinburgh area to join our campaign in seeking a more connected approach to #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople #planning through cohesive #CommunityEngagement & inter-community cooperation.
The success of #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople in our ward (#SouthSideAndNewington) will also require the often lauded 'cross-party co-operation' of our locally elected parties:
@EdinburghLabour (Tim Pogson)
@EdinburghLibDem (Pauline Flannery)
Read 6 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Requirements to completely phase out #FossilFuels:

"The proposed non-fossil fuel energy mix translates into 586032 new power plants. To put this in context, the total power plant fleet in 2018 (all types incl fossil fuel plants) was only 46423 stations”

Other studies: "There was no long-range #planning at all."

"The basics have not been done here"

"Years to produce metal at 2019 rates of production. Copper: 189,1 years" ImageImageImageImage
"...not one single person has actually come back with a sensible pushback at all. And no one has been able to refute the numbers⬆️ either" @SimonMichaux ⬇️

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Aug 9th 2022
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 1. #Partition1947 counterfactuals aren't counterintuitive. #Partition ended a zero sum game among the same stale set of interlocutors conducting a dialogue of the deaf #Simla, June '45 onwards. #CabinetMissionPlan's devolution did NOT solve #India's impasse.
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 2. #Jinnah accepted the #CabinetMissionPlan for an embryonic #Pakistan was assured, and permitted to secede, come 1957, if the #confederation was not to the #MuslimLeague's liking. Routinely overlooked by #Nehru's #Indian and #Pakistani baiters.
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 3. To iterate: #CabinetMissionPlan was a pilot project to be reviewed decadally. Just how was #India and #Nehru to embark on #economic #planning and consolidate a #democratic #union of disparate elements riven by #regionalism, #casteism and #sectarianism?
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Jul 8th 2022
Wondering what is really behind #BadPlanning #Travesty4OireachtasScrutiny & want to know what the Government is doing just on one of many bills before the #Dáil rises for summer recess next week? Well then brace yourself for this👇
On Apr 6th over 2 mnths ago, MoS
told the Seanad the Gov. planned to introduce #Seanad amendments on a whole range of other matters & to other legislation to an already complex & controversial #Planning bill on #SubstituteConsent
But they didn't, instead ...👇
..instead the Gov waited until the Bill finished in the #Seanad and with a week to go before the Dáil rises as the bill arrived in the Dáil for 2nd stage,
announces the Gov are bringing all those & even more changes to the bill. In fact ...
Read 23 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
Wondering what is really behind #BadPlanning #Travesty4OireachtasScrutiny & want to know what the Government is doing just on one of many bills before the Dáil rises for summer recess next week? Well then brace yourself for this👇
On Apr 6th over 2 mnths ago, MoS @peterburkefg told the Seanad the Gov. planned to introduce #Seanad amendments on a whole range of other matters & to other legislation to an already complex & controversial #Planning bill on #SubstituteConsent
But they didn't, instead ...👇
..instead the Gov waited until the Bill finished in the #Seanad and with a week to go before the Dáil rises as the bill arrived in the Dáil for 2nd stage, @DarraghOBrienTD announces the Gov are bringing all those & even more changes to the bill. In fact ...
Read 19 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
As an Irish citizen of a Constitutional Republic - I am yet again appalled this morning by what I witnessed this Government do to the #Oireachtas in the making of #legislation - facilitated today by @smytho a Minister of State in #DECC from @greenparty_ie - details below👇
On 14 June in 2nd stage debate on a bill on #CircularEconomy & #Mining the Minister flagged in less than 6 lines of words - a major scope change to the bill for "essential amendments on Committee Stage in this House to address some urgent matters concerning energy capacity" BUT👇
17 days later the Government:
😡Had not briefed even informally the JOC HLGH responsible for Planning or the JOC Env & Climate Action responsible for the EPA on the changes
😡Had not ensured a copy of the amendments was on the Oireachtas website for today's debate on them
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May 31st 2022
New issue! We have just released an #openaccess collection focused on new urban forestry approaches and concepts for city #planning.

The issue was edited by @Dr_alessiorusso and Francisco J. Escobedo and is available here:

What has the issue found? 🧵👇
1/ One of the priorities for cities is to provide equal access to healthy #food & lifestyles.#Urban food forests can contribute, but + effort is needed to identify the most effective mosaics of “#green” land uses.

@FAOForestry @sim1borelli @botanicaUGR
2/ The inclusion of edible species in urban forest stands can enhance nutrition and #wellbeing in the urban landscape, where food deserts are common.
Read 9 tweets

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