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15 Dec, 146 tweets, 27 min read
Fresno County Board of Supervisors December 15th,2020! A full docket this morning as they head into holidays: 60 items on Consent Agenda and 21 on regular agenda & on closed Session.
On the agenda include new COO $175,000 salary;CDBG dollars for Senior Meals, 2.5 million to Community hospital for Covid patients and testing;temporarily classify restaurants as "without seating" for future permit fees;hearing officers for nuisances in unincorporated parts of
the County;. Approve Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding four Public Health Nurse I/II positions which provides nurse home visitation services to low-income, first-time mothers and their families; Variance application at Sanger City limits;Retain property tax sharing
distribution of 63% for the County and 37% for the cities. (City of Fresno not pleased with this).Some selected items on Consent Calendar:
*Adjourn in Memory of Mrs. Gloria Mendes of Kingsburg; *Adopt Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the Riverdale Irrigation District ;Adjourn in Memory of Rafer Johnson, sports icon and former resident of Kingsburg, Mr. Johnson
won a Silver Medal in the 1956 Olympics
and a Gold Medal in the 1960 Olympic Games; 37. *Recognition of Andrew Vue as the Recipient of the Fresno Workforce Development Board's Outstanding Achievement Award for the Third Quarter of 2020; 38. Proclaim December 2020 as Toys for Tots Month
51. Transfer $25,000 for the Purchase of Sheriff’s Canines Approval of the recommended action will allow for the purchase of two canines for the SID unit. The new canines will replace two of the Sheriff’s canines due to a retirement and a death of a current canine.
57. Agreement with Pacific Valley Patrol for Security Services .Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Agreement with Pacific Valley Patrol
to provide security services at emergency shelter motels established in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emer-
-rgency, effective November 15, 2020, not to exceed one-year and eight months, which includes an eight-month base contract and one optional one-year extension, total not to exceed $571,989.
58.Resolution for Round Three - No Place Like Home Program Participation There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The recommended resolution will authorize the County to apply for and, if awarded, accept the NPLH - Round Three funds to con-
-vert 41 of the 165 permanent housing units at Crossroads Village into PSH. The County is included in the Large Counties allocation and is eligible to apply for a formula allocation of $7,095,003;based on the formula of population, 2019 Point in Time Count & Extremely Low-Income
Renter Severe Cost Burden. However, the maximum award amount per project, including all eligible capital and capitalized operating subsidy reserve costs, is $20 million.
58.1 *Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Promissory Note with UPHoldings, LLC, development sponsor/co-applicant, to provide capital funds for the construction of Butterfly Gardens @ 784 W Holland Avenue in Clovis, a No Place Like Home - Round Two permanent supportive
housing project, effective upon close of escrow for a 55-year term ($3,500,000)
61.Approve waiving the minimum annual leave usage requirement (Section 615.5 of the Fresno County
Salary Resolution) for the 2020 payroll year. This year has presented our employees with extraordinary circumstances, as the County responds to COVID-19 and the Creek Fire, in add-
-ition to regular duties. Due to these extraordinary circumstances, the following employees, listed by department, will be unable to use the required one hundred-twenty (120) hours of annual leave during payroll year 2020.
65.1.Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute five Agreements with the San Joaquin
Valley Air Pollution Control District (G-83703-A1; G-83704-A1; G-83705-A1; G-83706-A1; and G- 83708-A1) to fund five 2020 ZeroNox eTuatara electric utility carts at $19,992 each,a
total of $99,958; 67.1 1.Approve request by CMG Construction Management, Inc. to extend close of escrow date toMarch 2021 in the Sale/Purchase Agreement No. 19-486, related to the UMC Campus located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road;
75.Approve and authorize Chairman to execute an Agreement with City of Selma for the Selma Senior Meals Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Community Development Block Grant Project No. 19652-CV, effective upon execution through January 31, 2022 ($126,772)
76.Approve and authorize Chairman to execute an Agreement with City of Fowler for the Fowler Senior Meals, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Community Development Block Grant Project No. 19232-CV, effective upon execution through January 31, 2022 ($29,055)
77.Approve and authorize Chairman to execute an Agreement with City of Kingsburg for the Kingsburg Senior Meals Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Community Development Block Grant Project No. 19392-CV, effective upon execution through January 31, 2022 ($52,604)
89. Approve a three-year extension of the Millerton New Town Infrastructure Plan for the Millerton
New Town Plan Area (Infrastructure Plan), including its associated Millerton New Town Area Implementation Procedures (Implementation Procedures), so that the Infrastructure Plan
including its associated Implementation Procedures shall continue in full force and effect through December 31, 2023.
Not seeing a video link for this morning's meeting yet.Typically it is up half an hour prior to the start.
No sound though. Meeting has begun anyway.
Yes! Sound !! Item 11 will immediately follow 4. Consent Calendar approved 5-0. Item 67.1 pulled to allow quintero to recuse himself. Approve request by CMG Construction Management, Inc. to extend close of escrow date toMarch 2021 in the Sale/Purchase Agreement No. 19-486,
related to the UMC Campus located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road; Approved 4-0
3. *Proclamation Declaring December 15th Joseph Castro Day Mendes says he has know Castro's wife's family for many year. He knew Castro would be successful as he was like the student body. Castro is videoconferencing in.
Castro said Supervisors have been very supportive. He will help as much as he can as Chancellor of CSU campuses. Brandau congratulates him. Entire system will be served as well as he did Fresno State. Brandau also was first generation college graduate in his family.
A professor (the one who made comment about Barbara Bush's death?? I am gussing)said something that Brandau strongly didn't like. Castro made personal phone call that added some background. The personal touch was helpful.Magisg knows Castro won't forget his Valley roots. Pacheco
is proud parent of two Fresno State students. Pacheco won't want to be the President that follows Castro. Quintero: Congratulations! Loved to get to know Castro and his wife personally. Liked the "Vision Bold" and Castro was involved up and down the valley. Brandau reads select
portions of Proclamation. Of all Castro's accomplishments "marrying Mary was the best one he did" says Brandau. Mendes: Mary and Joseph set the bar very high. Never had a First lady so active. Castro:"Go Dogs!"
4. Presentation from Nisei Farmers League and Farm Bureau regarding their response to COVID-19
Manuel Cantu (Sp.) says it wasn't County line only as workers go past that line.Louis Ramirez: we have provided 1000/s of workers with Covid equipment. (having trouble showing video)
Video shows the PPE items given out to farmworkers to protect them from Covid-19. Cunha says they handed out bandanas, hand sanitizer and surgical masks. 200,000 surgical masks given out. We encourage farmworkers to get tested and get the vaccine when it comes out.Thanks
David Pomaville, Director of Public Health and the 5 supervisors for the help. Ramirez says they especially focused on workers that rode together. We also another prong with Mayors as well. @LincolnSeward Magsig:Several efforts to get help to farmworkers. We have gotten flack for
not doing enough for farmworkers and their families. Ryan Jacobsen says we also gave 1 million N95 masks during Creek fire smoke. There were issues with Covid in rural areas so we quickly reached out and items out in 2 weeks. Cotton masks are reusable and will be long term.
If we get more from State we will get them out. A bit of a crunch in numbers now. Cunha "no farmers would prevent us from going on their farm. Some groups with other agendas were prevented. We went to Stockton, Bakersfield, Tulare as Fresno workers were there. State thought once
peach season was done supplies were no longer needed but we are 365. Giving supplies to workers is needed still. One farmworker said in video "When you have food on table thank a farmer. But also thank a veteran" . Canhu gave to farmers but not other groups like union or crew
leaders as sometimes those supplies ended up at flea markets. Canhu is giving out aeorsal cans to be used to wipe down vehicles. We now need to focus on vaccines and " I don't give a hoot what their status is" but they need it. If we could take money from the"Dumb choo choo train
and use it for covid supplies".Ryan: 750-1000 hours spent getting these supplies and is labor intensive as there are small groups. Brandau:You gave us a detailed package and as someone who voted to give you this money I appreciate the data you give as to where and when supplies
were given out. Mendes asks if Quintero via phone has any comments (He doesn't appear to be there). Canhu says we wouldn't have gotten these supplies if wasn't for Supervisors. Canhu says goofy state only thinks we work a few days (and mumbles something about marijuana)
11. 1 Receive Presentation from County Administrative Officer (CAO) Jean Rousseau regarding CARES Act Update.1. True up period from January to March 2021 with Treasury. Will be helpful. 2)Non -grant employees meet requirement. Any funds leftover from Covid dollars can be used
for medical uses. It allows CAO to sleep as night as he won't have to return any money to feds. Shows slide as to what they have spent.Also Supervisors business grants. $3 million to cities. Vulnerable populations given out to EOC etc but have not been billed out.$1.5 million on
testing. $2 million on Contact tracing. We expect $3 million from Public Health but that hasn't come in yet.
$11 million may be for homeless efforts. Hope to have it done by February. Despite what newspapers says we do work with city. Contact testing: not as much as labs like Quest look to to Federal to pay up first with County as last resort. Contact tracing is mainly County employees
but some nursing students used as well.This plan isn't perfect but w eare doing well. A break for 6 weeks to deal with Creek Fire. We will end up spending $80 million by the end. This is a marathon. $330,000 in interest from State and Fed dollars. We can use remaining dollars to
salaries of county employees. City of Fresno used $28 m to balance their funds. We are not doing that but use the extra for our employees. Probably spend $30 million to offset employee salaries. Net at end of year will be $10 to 15 million range. @LincolnSeward County has
focused on contact tracing, hospitals and small businesses. Businesses have been told they are not essential and that is not true. We need to focus on hospitals and businesses. Brandau: we spent $11 million on CBOS but much less from farm bureuas. We got a detailed report from
them. City of Fresno used essentially from same CBOs and they pulled them onto carpet after 3 weeks. We haven't got a report. That is flaky. We are stashing taxpayer dollars in government. City of Fresno hiding $38 million in Fire Dept. We are doing similar. Mendes: blank check
but we don't do it that way here. We use lots of State and Federal dollars here so we ask lots of accountability here. CAO:City has lots of issues due to t o t (?). Coastal cities have issues as tourism is down. Hospital took major contract off our hands and we are better for it
Varies from city to city. LA needs to reduce PD budget due to revenues down. David Pomaville says we used CBOs but we pay after the fact. We are better trained to handle these type of contracts than cites do as we do this a lot and didn't have to reboot. Lots of fear with people
and government so CBOs are often better. Vaccinations may not be well received but we need to have faith based, CBOs passing out good info. Brandua:Not quite what i was going for. City of Fresno didn't have good work from CBOs. Are we?CAO: CBO's need to meet with us. Brandau:
government and public sector did well during pandemic but not other type of sectors.
5 Authorize reimbursement up to $2.5 Million to Community Regional Medical Center for expenses incurred in response to COVID-19 hospitalization and testing services. CRMC reports that as of November 23rd, of admitted patients diagnosed with COVID, 73% have been in the Intensive
Care Unit (ICU). Patients who are homeless, seniors (65+), or uninsured constitute 38% of the ICU-admitted patients diagnosed with COVID. The average charge for an ICU bed for one day is $9,047 - and this cost is frequently born by CRMC. CARES Act funding must be allocated by
December 2020. Magsig:hospital says they need more CARES dollars. They need to demonstrate that to us. He also reached out to one other hospital who said they still have CARES dollars. Magsig found out Community deals with more uninsured/underinsured patients and that is why.
ICU beds surge during this current surge. They have to be creative with staffing and beds. Brandau and I think we should give some CARES dollars to Community. Approve 5-0 reimbusement to Community
6. *COVID-19 Environmental Health Permit Fee Credits Approval of the first recommended action would result in a credit of Environmental Health Permit fees for restaurants with seating for calendar years 2020 and 2021. Restaurants with seating will be temporarily reclassified as
“restaurants without seating” and will be issued a credit towards future permit fees. The Department of Public Health has been actively discussing the impact of COVID-19 to permitted businesses in Fresno County, particularly restaurants that offer dine in seating options. The
The Department recognizes that these facilities, while they have resorted to takeout orders as the bulk of their business to continue operating during the pandemic, pay higher permit fees than take out and/or drive through only restaurants. Approximately 989 restaurants with seat
ing up to 50 will be issued a fee credit of $205, totaling $202,745. Another 735 restaurants with seating over 50 will be issued a fee credit of $272, totaling $199,920. Another 348 bars will be provided a $303 adjustment totaling $105,560, for a combined total adjustment of
$508,225. Magisg would like this to be more sweeping as bars etc can't be open. Brandau: David Pomaville has come up with some ideas. This won't help businesses on the brink but we wan't to let them know we didn't forget them.Approved
7. ***Authorize reimbursement up to $150,000 to North Central Fire District for expenses incurred in
response to COVID-19 related services. uAthorize reimbursement up to $150,000 to North Central Fire District for expenses incurred in response to COVID-19 related services.
Approval of the recommended action will reimburse North Central Fire District (NCFD) for a portion of the expenses incurred since March 2020 for backfilling personnel on COVID-19 sick leave, material expenses, and costs to add a patrol rig. This item pertains to locations in
northwestern Fresno County. Approved 5-0
8.**Statement of Vote for November 3, 2020 Consolidated Presidential General Election
Brandi Orth: a very unique election with high turnout during a pandemic.Staff worked long hours and weekends. Voters Choice Act. Thanks Supervisors for providing incentive to work entire 4 days and made it much easier to retain election workers. Thanks David Pomaville for help-
ing keep workers safe. Proud to say none of her workers tested positive.Entire County family is dedicated to citizens.Mendes: how many signatures were rejected? Orth: voter allowed to rectify. 7000 cure letters sent out with 50% returned. Some of those signatures didn't match
Once election is certified we keep ballot for 21 months and won't be opened unless court ordered. Mendes:how many provisional? Orth:Much less than before Voter Choice mandate. She thanks Supervisors for their vision. Magisg:2.2% ballots cured. Some said they got duplicate ballots
Orth: voter needs to tell us when they move but they don't always do. We try various ways to find out. If we are told than we can handle it. Magisg: social media often amplifies issues.Orth: Some got primary and general mixed up. Voter for younger than 18 to pre-register.
Sometimes voter got ballot guide or postcards mixed up with an actual ballot. Sometimes a second ballot is needed if moved or post office lost a ballot. People reach out and we send new ballot but first then shows up in mail. First has been invalidated. Turnout is one of highest
in County history. 9.Amendment to the Ordinance Code to add Chapter 1.16 - Public Nuisance Administrative Abatement Procedure. Per Section 25845 of the California Government Code, your Board is authorized to adopt an ordinance to establish procedures to abate nuisances found
within the unincorporated areas of the County. The recommended ordinance provides these procedures and delegates your Board’s authority to abate nuisances to a hearing officer. The recommended ordinance will utilize hearing officers established through the Office of County Hearin
g Officer found in Chapter 2.81 of the Ordinance Code of Fresno County. Mendes: sometimes County has toxic cleanup but if we have good abatement we don't get to that point. Approved
Four license allowed and four already exist. This will make a 5th. Closest is .4 miles away form this site. Magisg: we received one protest letter. Approved
12. 11.1
Discuss representation on the Urban Counties of California (UCC) coalition and authorize the
Chairman to appoint a Board member and one or two alternates to serve as a member of the UCC. The membership fee for the UCC coalition is $37,000 per year and funded with
appropriations in Org 2540 Interest and Miscellaneous Expenditures. Currently, the UCC member counties are Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Ventura. Services through
he UCC include:
* ·  Testify and send letters on key legislation and budget issues.

* ·  Provide a weekly e-newsletter, which highlights the latest news on legislation and budget.

* ·  Track budget issues and provide summaries of the Governor’s budget, May Revise,
approved with Mendes, Magisg and CAO as members.
12. Conduct first hearing and take action to: a. Amend Title 3 - Personnel of the Fresno County Ordinance to replace existing reference to deleted ordinance code 03.08.100 with updated language; b. Waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety and set the second hearing for
January 26, 2021; designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of the proposed Ordinance; and direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish the required summary in accordance with Government Code, Section 25124(b)(1)
13. Approve the salary for the Chief Operating Officer classification at $175,000 annually, effective
December 28, 2020. On September 1, 2020, your Board established the Chief Operating Officer (“COO”) classification in the County Administrative Office, directed Human Resources
staff to conduct the recruitment for this vacant position, and to return for salary approval once your Board had selected a COO candidate. The COO serves as the second highest executive position within the County and is responsible for managing the operations of the County, in
approved with no discussion 5-0
14. Sale of County-Owned Real Property in Dunlap, California . 1.Determine the subject Real Property, approximately 0.129 acres located at Dunlap Road adjacent to Dunlap School, is not necessary for County use, and approve sale of subject Real Property to Kings Canyon Unified
Unified School District; and
Authorize the Chairman to execute Grant Deed for conveyance of County-owned subject Real Property, located at Dunlap Road adjacent to Dunlap School, to adjacent landowner Kings Canyon Unified School District, for sale price of $1.00. Magisg:on our
agenda for past 4 years. will this solve it? A: Yes. Mendes: Deja vu all over again! Approved
15. Approve Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding four Public Health Nurse I/II positions to the
Public Health.accepting CHVP-SGF for the expansion of the County’s existing NFP program, which provides nurse home visitation services to low-income, first-time mothers
and their families. From pregnancy through the child’s second birthday, PHNs with specialized training visit regularly with mothers, fathers, and extended family members to monitor and provide health education on several topics, including: pregnancy, parenting, healthy
relationships, disease prevention, and appropriate community services. Approved with no discussion
Development Fees within the Sphere of Influence of the City of Clovis. The water supply fees and other development fees collected are used by the City to fund construction of facilities needed to serve new development such as sewer, water, community sanitation infrastructure
infrastructure, parks, major streets, fire department facilities, police department facilities, library facilities and undergrounding of overhead utilities. Under the County’s application process, all discretionary proposals located within the City’s SOI are routed to the City
SOI are routed to the City for review and comment. The City has the opportunity to identify applicable City fees associated with the development proposal during their review. The information is then provided to the
project applicant for payment of fees directly to the City. The County requires evidence of payment prior to the issuance of a building permit or at the time of final map approval. Approved with No discussion other than thanking Clovis for attending.
17.Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 1809, 2227, 2799, 5150 and Partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract. The Applicants paid the application fee of $19,740 for staff to process the cancellation petitions. The Applicants
G3 Farming Trust, Woolf Family Trust No. I and Woolf Properties) have filed a petition for cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract (ALCC) Nos. 1809, 2227, 2799, 5150 and partial cancellation of ALCC Nos. 365 and 367. Approval of the recommended actions will remove
approximately 1,600 acres with Prime Farmland soil classification from the Williamson Act Program to allow development and operation of a 150-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar power generation facility on approximately 1,395 acres (Fifth Standard Solar Facility), a 20-MW
photovoltaic solar power generation facility on approximately 200 acres (Stonecrop Solar Facility) and a 100-MW electrical battery storage facility on approximately five acres (Blackbriar Battery Storage Facility). Approved
18.Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Application for Community Development Block Grant Funding, Substantial Amendment to 2019-20 Annual Action Plan and Budget Amendment for CDBG-CV Program
The County has been notified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) that it will receive an additional award of $1,541,850 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Utility Assistance Program. Magisg: Will EOC run this? A: County will initially start but outside contractor will take over. Pacheco:lots will go to
Senior meals? A: yes. Approved
19. Initial Study Application No. 7651, Variance Application No. 4072, Director Review and Approval Application No. 4587, and Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3654 (Applicant: Christopher and Theresa Smith; Appellant:
City of Sanger The proposal involves redu-
-cing of the minimum parcel size requirements of the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel) Zone District to allow creation of two 7.16-acre parcels and a 3.61-acre parcel from an existing 17.93-acre parcel; allow a truck and trailer storage and maintenance
facility limited to certain specified agriculturally-related uses; and allow a feed and farm supply store. Two letters of opposition were received by Staff and presented to the Commission and have been attached as Attachment D. One of the two letters presented was from the City
of Sanger, and was received by staff on October 6, 2020, which was two days before the scheduled Planning Commission hearing. The City stated in the letter that the subject site is designated General Commercial in the City of Sanger’s General Plan and upon annexation, would be
oned C-4 (General Commercial). The letter further stated that the proposed truck and trailer storage and maintenance facility is not a permitted use in the City of Sanger C-4 Zone District and the City recommended denial of this portion of the project. Additionally, the letter
provides information regarding limited water availability.
Letter of opposition to the Planning Commission.The second letter indicated they are the owners of the property of the existing feed and farm supply store that the Applicant currently leases and operates.
The letter states that they intend to continue the use if the Applicant wishes to leave and are in opposition of the proposed feed and farm supply store as the same use exists and would reduce the viability of the existing use.
Applicant attorney: we accept County findings
and spoke with then Mayor Gonzales who was in favor. New Mayor is here today and is in favor too.Appeal:MOU is not acceptable. City had no standing as they it is not annexed. City Council has no objection. Magsig: who of City is appealing to us then? Attorney: an employee who
did not give title? Magsig: Who paid the fee then? Pacheco: how did this come before us then? County Attorney: we didn't follow up and verify who it was. Applicant Attorney:No pending annexation or mayors against it. Sanger's attorney Shannon Chafin says this is no litigation.
We are only worried with variance portion. Staff got authority from City Manager. Magisg: never seen an item where a staff member is against it but not Council.Chaffin: general plan is very clear what is allowed here. Is there a basis? Can't be found for seed supply due to re-
-ducing minimum lot size. Cedaborg:Not comfortable with difference with Sanger attorney and elected Mayor.Chaffin: suggest Continue this out. Magsig: punishing applicant. If we can find findings we can approve minimal size lot. Chaffin: Truck maintenance is the issue. Sanger
Mayor Ontiveros says he is in favor and want to be a good neighbor. This is ag oriented and will create jobs.Staff is going rogue. This will create more business. Pacheco:dumbfounded how this happened. Unprecedented. Dirk Poechel:Physical use of property can be used. Finance is
issue as the two types of businesses need to be considered separate.On a truck route. Ag related. All findings can be made.Land Owner Rick Bubinec (sp) says he is for business. We ahve developed 15 lots Burger King , Les Schwaab etc. Sanger has encouraged me to
develop this area. This development will only help my businesses. Chaffin:On standing. There is a letter given to you to say why finding cannot be found. Magsig: leaning to deny appeal and uphold Planning Commission decision. We do have letter. I can find findings for all 4
Carving it up for financial is exceptional but needed. Makes Motion. Approved 5-0
Vacation of North Plumas Road Public Road Right-of-Way (Vacation Application N) (Applicant - Jerry Pacheco)
The subject ROW is not included in the County’s maintained mileage system. The vacation under consideration will vacate the portion of North Plumas Road public road
right-of-way (ROW) lying 20 feet West of and adjacent to Lots 17 through 24 of said map, together with that portion lying 20 feet East of and adjacent to Lots 41 through 48 of said map recorded in Book 7, Page 3 of Plats of Fresno County Records
approximately 2.339 acres. The portion of the ROW is very limited and only of use to the adjacent property owners, indicating that it is no longer necessary for present or prospective public use. Pacheco recuses himself as his father owns this although he has no financial
interest himself. Approved 4-0 Board Agenda Item 21

Expired and Pending Master Tax Sharing Agreements (Memorandum of Understanding) with Cities in Fresno County
State law requires that a tax sharing agreement be in place between a city and county prior to annexation of lands
o a city. In the early 1990’s, the County executed 15-year MOUs with each of the 15 cities in Fresno County. Presently one (City of Fresno) of the 15 MOUs have expired and 13 will expire beginning in 2021. Only the City of Clovis has a long-term MOU that will not expire until
2027, with the opportunity to automatically extend for one additional five-year period (2032), unless either party desires not to extend.
n addition to addressing tax sharing (property and sales taxes), the MOUs address land uses matters. The primary focus of the MOU provisions
elated to land use ensures that urban type development is directed to the cities and that the cities only annex properties within the cities spheres of influence when development has been approved in conformance with its adopted general plan, that development is imminent and that
the Standards for Annexation are met. This approach reflects the County’s historical General Plan policies of protecting agricultural lands and promoting the efficient delivery of urban services.
For purposes of renegotiation of the existing MOUs, staff recommends that your
our Board consider and approve the following recommendations:
1. Property Tax
Retain property tax sharing distribution of 63% for the County and 37% for the cities. Currently, all 14 of the MOUs reflect this property tax sharing distribution. The exception is the recently
expired MOU with the City of Fresno which reflected 62% for the County and 38% for the City.

2. Sales Tax
Retain the same sales tax sharing methodology for the new MOUs as the existing/expired MOUs. This approach would allow the County to continue to receive a 5% share of
of the sales tax revenue from the cities. In addition, staff recommends retaining the sales tax equivalent provision that exists in the City of Clovis’ MOU and City of Fresno’s recently expired MOU. This provision, which applies to new growth areas as identified in the MOU,
requires the City to pay the County a cash equivalent of an additional 3% of local sales and use tax generated by the city. CAO:we want to continue with the percentages. City of Fresno data is not done well. Staff: keep Clovis rate. Some of the cities are looking at new growth
areas. Typically 15 year at length but recent Clovis was only 10 years. Brandau:I like 15 year.Why did we make make exception with Clovis? CAO: pressure on Clovis made them want 10 years. Brandau: what happens with Fresno and other 12 cities? CAO: me too rule. What one gets the
will get too. We gave a percentage to Fresno. Mendes: They forfeit that. Staff: City wanted to go to county lines for churches who didn't have to pay fees. We have worked with City but they can't provide nexus to charge those fees.County islands may go into city over time.
We have got staff to take roads. Just need LAFCO approval then. If they can work with us. CAO:15 year length and the percentages of 38% for city. Rest of cities get 37%. Magisg: schools and special districts take a cut of that too. We need to provide County services cities get.
We need to do better in showing that. If they can show us they are subsidizing the other cities i am open to negotiating. Clovis is only one near that.Staff: County has policies that have pushed growth towards to cities to their benefits. Brandau: We want to drop Fresno back to
62% like other cities have. Staff: housing direction from state may double in next two years. It may go into County areas despite not being in our general plan. Brandau: State is talking about tripling housing. Without water that will change how we do anything. Staff: MOU is
specifically towards Sphere of Influence. Mendes: Some people don't know how good they have it. And Common Sense is not very common. CAO: agree with 15 year and 63.37% for all cities including Fresno? Approved 5-0
22.Board Comments :Magisg is lucky he is a supervisor and enjoys the challenge. I laugh as i wrap up my first term when i just wanted to get thru 2019 only to have pandemic, Creek Fire and protests. Brandau: Governor told retail that they will be at 20% occupancy but parking lot
is at 110% occupancy. We need to resolve that be fore we all swing(?). Mendes laughs. Mendes: Cousin's wife passed away. She was part of one of first successful hispanic families in Kingsburg. Also Rafer Johnson of Kingsburg death. Got to meet his brother Jimmie Johnson too.
Going to Closed Session now. Item 29 will not be heard on UMC. Next Meetings
January 5, 2021 - 10:00 AM - Designation of Officers January 12, 2021 - 10:00 AM

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10 Dec
Fresno City Council December 10,2020! #Fresno
Among the items are naming new Community Center after outgoing Councilmember Paul Caprioglio; Environmental work at Maxie Parks Community Center;Changes to election of President/VP of Council; Possibly sell Selland Arena tosoccer team
10:10 AM annexation shows negative fiscal impact to City if share of revenue with County doesn’t change:neutral if it is a 50-50 share:several FAX (bus system) items on Consent Calendar including electric busses;Naming the Southeast Fresno Police Substation the
“Officer Phia Vang Police Station; Watch live at 9 A.M. on @CMACTV and as re-runs after that. Some of the Consent Calendar items:1-C Actions pertaining to Maxie L Parks Community Center (Council District 3) 2. Approve Third Amendment to Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. in an
Read 131 tweets
3 Dec
Fresno City Council December 3, 2020! Consisting of a special meeting and the regularly scheduled meeting includes Grizzlies Stadium negotiations with Major League Baseball threatening to demote team to Single A level; Sky Park vacation of road; Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee
Sola Semi-Report;Three projects on City property; Among the Consent Calendar items:1-B ***Approve and award three (3) Collection Agency Contracts, each consisting of an initial three-year term, with three (3) one-year extension options available for each and authorize the Con-
Con-, or his/her designee, to execute all necessary contract documents. 1-C Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno contract award of Parking Facilities Management Services, Bid File 9554. 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section
Read 89 tweets
24 Nov
Fresno County Board of Supervisors November 24,2020! Among the items (delayed meeting by a week due to Supervisor Brandeau testing positive for Covid 19) are accepting the Crop and Livestock Report; Creek Fire debris removal;General Plan 2019 Progress Report (Report delayed
due to Coronavirus) #Fresno Among the CONSENT CALENDAR
28. Adjourn in Memory of Bob Beilage, a long-time resident of Riverdale
29. Adopt Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary and Centennial Commemoration of the Fresno Irrigation District
Read 74 tweets
19 Nov
Fresno City Council November 19,2020! Among the agenda items are report from Commission on Police Reform; Solar on three City buildings; Tower District and Roosevelt High area streetscapes; Banning 7-11 alcohol sales across from high school; 80’ tall LED billboard #Fresno
Among the Consent Calendar items: 1-C Approve the 2021 Council Meeting Schedule; appropriating $382,000 for the Ventura Street-Kings Canyon Road Corridor Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Adaptive Project
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of $1,578,972 to Audeamus Inc., dba Sebastian of Fresno, CA, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Ventura Street-Kings Canyon Road Corridor ITS Adaptive Project (from Van Ness to Chestnut Avenue)
Read 137 tweets
5 Nov
Fresno City Council November 5th, 2020! On the agenda include a proposed 7-11 across from Roosevelt High School; 3:00 pm WORKSHOP:Community Report from Summit on Violence and Initial Recommendations; 2,000 credit card enabled parking meters; #Fresno
Watch beginning at 9 am @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar: 1-C *Approve an amendment with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission for homeless employment program services, decreasing the contract amount to $76,122
Read 125 tweets
3 Nov
Fresno County Board of Supervisors November 3,2020! Among the items are flexibility to change start time of Supervisors meetings other than 9 am; 2021 Board meeting calendar; $105,000 Sheriff’s boat; Centennial of Fresno Irrigation District; lawsuit due to dog killed by deputies;
; expansion of a Biola Fertilizer plant; some CONSENT CALENDAR items: 17.*Approve and Adopt the Revised 2021 Board Meeting Calendar
18 Proclaim November 2020 as National Adoption Month in Fresno County
Read 63 tweets

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