Remember #Event201 stimulating #COVID19 💉 just weeks before the "outbreak"?
Welcome to the next simulation from Johns Hopkins brought to you by @gatesfoundation
Written in 2017, it's difficult to determine if it's COVID or something "new"...
SPARS outbreak begins in Minnesota with 3 deaths in one week from a mission trip to the Philippines and returning back home.
Suspected to be the seasonal flu at first due to similar symptoms.
The CDC runs the familiar #PCR test and determines it's not the flu but a "novel coronavirus" dubbed St. Paul Acute Respitory Syndrome (#SPARS) after the city where it was first discovered.
Even stimulated tweets from 2025 with hashtags like #VampireCough 🤧 are presented.
Two drugs named "Kalocivir" and "VMax" are rushed and fast tracked by the FDA with mixed results and side effects.
Video goes viral of a child vomiting immediately after taking one of the drugs.
Thus, reinforcing the idea that an upcoming vaccine is *the only real solution*.
Public interest in SPARS wanes by May 2026 especially with the CDC recently reporting that the actual fatality rate is only 0.6% of all cases (sound familiar? 🤔).
CDC, FDA, Gov develop a new messaging campaign about SPARS and encouraging the forthcoming vaccine: #Corovax 💉
Celebrities and former President "Jaclyn Bennett" are used to promote #Corovax 💉
Familiar? 🤔
Side note, this is all prefaced with a presidency reminiscent to incoming Biden/Harris administration, but with sexes reversed. 👫
Note that the previous President during 2020-2024, "did not seek a second term due to health concerns." 🤔
By July 2026, 10 million doses of #Corovax 💉 are available to the public with rollouts determined by priority groups.
Electronic Health Records are widely used in 2026 therefore, #HIPAA laws out the door as everyone is reviewed to determine your place in the vaccine queue.
For reasons unknown within this "simulation", electrical grid #blackouts 🔌 cause havoc during the #Corovax 💉 distribution since the medical system now fully relies on the Electronic Health Records.
Just food for thought, #EMP 〰️ weapons do exist - not just abroad.
By late 2026, "epidemiologic evidence later indicated that 30-40% of children and 10-20% of adults developed secondary bacterial pneumonia approximately 4-8 months after initial SPARS infections."
(Possible alt. cause: 😷)
Enter the "nationwide antibiotic shortages." 💊
💉 Vaccine Injury (1/3)
"By May 2027...a group of parents whose children developed mental #retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of #Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting vaccine manufacturers."
💉 Vaccine Injury (2/3)
"End of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. After no
adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches and numbness in their extremities.
💉 Vaccine Injury (3/3)
In regards to the PREP Act (gov liability protection for vaccine manufacturers)...
"the prospect of long-term effects and potentially permanent disability gave rise to concerns that additional resources would be necessary in the near future."
Pandemic ends in Aug 2028, but cases linger for 5 years total.
As cases dwindle, politicians exaggerate the threat for political gain.
President is accused of mishandling the situation and media urges public to vote him out. (Trump? 🤔)
Just in case you might suspect that #Event201 and the Johns Hopkins simulations are mere coincidences, here's a third simulation also with incredible parallels: