2/ This is why they are scrapping the vaccine second dose, to get up to that 15m as fast as possible, of course there's also panic about rising rates but if they were that concerned about cutting transmission they wouldn't be planning 30 kids in classrooms without mask next week
3/ While a logical argument can be made about giving as many people the first dose as possible, it seems the move has alarmed many in the medical and scientific community.
It is a sudden change of strategy, first to suggest it was Tony Blair and that was met with derision.
So the November national lockdown didn't work, cases and deaths have risen dramatically, why do they think these Tiers and secondary going back a week or two late in January is going to do a better job of getting cases down and keeping them down?
So what will be the difference between mid January and mid December besides replacing isolation in schools with unreliable LFTs?
Why did @GavinWilliamson claim primaries will continue to get regular testing?
Why did @BorisJohnson and @GavinWilliamson claim transmission isnt happening in schools with their comments about household mixing and community infections and then claim testing would cut transmission chains.
They just made out there wasn't transmission chains in schools
1/ Oh @halfon4harlowMP this interview is a shocker for selective quoting, and it appears you haven't read or understand what SAGE have said about school and students
2/ "Transmission is low" You're quoting the PHE report on infectiousness of children, this line has done a lot of work in UK media and also in other countries but its a misquote
The report said they had "low confidence" in this statement, see for yourself
3/ Report did say they had high confidence schools returning would have significant impact on RO, they said the reports findings of low transmission could only be applied to schools during lockdown with limited student numbers and shouldn't be applied to September opening
1/ Lot of media coverage for UsForThem in the last few days.
For a small grassroots organisation they've managed incredible coverage and access.
While DfE won't answer NEU FOIs on how many workers have died, UsForThem get into government meetings in no time
2/ UsForThem Summer newsletter was sent to me.
When you consider parents groups campaigning for more safety measures in schools, considerations for CEV families campaign just as hard, UsForThem have done very well in media coverage.
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3/ They even got a meeting with Johnson, for grassroots they are particularly legitious liking pre-action letters.
Take great pride in preventing masks being worn in schools.
Bit of an anti union vibe going on
And I guess having a mysterious non disclosable advisor helps.