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Jun 8th 2023
Madeline Kingsbury body was found in an area that was previously searched, however body was covered up in such a manner it wasn't found initially. Chief Williams "Law enforcement never gave up, the community never gave up."
Hundreds of tips were thoroughly explored. Focus now is to continue assist w/ every resource available to ensure accurate investigation.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 29th 2023

Being the text of a #PressConference addressed by a Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the outcome of the just concluded general elections and the State of the Nation today

Good afternoon
Comrades, members of the fourth estate of the realm, ladies and gentlemen

We want to start by passing our warmest regards and salute to NIGERIANs for their commitment to the unity of Nigeria by coming out to express their democratic right in the just concluded in
general elections, we also commend all the institutions that took active part in the exercise which includes INEC, all the Security agencies, EFCC, Members of the Fourth Estate/the Media and the accredited local and international observers.

Enough of Political Rascality Over
Read 44 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
#BREAKING | Sensitive Content 🚨

Security footage released showing #transgender #Nashville shooter #AudreyHale driving & shooting her way into the school building.

Live on #FoxNews, an angry mom at the #Nashville School #Shooting #PressConference, steps in front of the mic and gives an incredible speech.

Meanwhile Fox News is caught off guard and panics, trying to not show her on air. I'm sure the gun lobby and NRA aren't too happy.…
The mass shooting in Nashville yesterday is the 129th mass shooting in the US so far this year. 6 people including 3 children killed the shooter captured here on CCTV. That’s a rate of 1.4 mass shootings per day in the US in 2023.

Read 13 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
कसबा पोटनिवडणुकीचे विजयी उमेदवार श्री. रविंद्र धंगेकर यांनी आज सदिच्छा भेट घेतली. यावेळी विविध विषयांवर माध्यमांशी संवाद साधला.
कसबा पोटनिवडणुकीत यश मिळेल असे आम्हाला सामान्यांमधून ऐकण्यात मिळत होते. पण मला याची खात्री नव्हती, त्याचे मुख्य कारण नारायण, सदाशीव, शनिवार हे होते. हा सर्व भाग भाजपचा गड आहे असे अनेक वर्षे बोलले जाते. तसेच याठिकाणी बापट यांनी अनेक वर्ष प्रतिनीधित्व केले होते.
बापट यांचे वैशिष्ट्य असे की त्यांचे भाजपची विचारधारा न मानणारा जो पुण्यातील वर्ग आहे त्या सर्वांशी मैत्रीचे संबंध त्यांनी ठेवले आहेत. त्यामुळे बापट यांचे लक्ष ज्याठिकाणी अधिक केंद्रीत आहे तो मतदारसंघ आपल्याला जड जाईल असा अंदाज आमचा होता.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
I just found out this week is #MentalIllnessAwarenessWeek and I'm an advocacy person :( \\ I wondering what will it take to make these awareness campaigns more effective? I’m attending an Anti-Stigma Grand Challenge Design Summit next week w/ 100 orgs Image
Good mission and vision >> "The mission of #StopStigmaTogether is to unite to end the stigma around mental health and substance use disorders."
and "Our vision is a world free from stigma and suffering." see & follow @westopstigma
thanks to @uofu_hmhi Huntsman Mental Health Institute for hosting the summit next week 10/9-11; look forward to collaborating and innovating on #mentalhealth cf. "A Grand Challenge is a social change movement that shifts beliefs, attitudes, and behavior."
Read 10 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
आज माध्यम प्रतिनिधींशी संवाद साधताना राज्याचे नवनियुक्त मुख्यमंत्री श्री. एकनाथ शिंदे आणि उपमुख्यमंत्री श्री. देवेंद्र फडणवीस यांना शुभेच्छा दिल्या. तसेच त्या अनुषंगाने घडत असलेल्या विविध राजकीय घडामोडींविषयी आपले विचार व्यक्त केले.

राज्याच्या मुख्यमंत्रीपदाची जबाबदारी एकनाथ शिंदे यांना मिळाली आहे, कदाचित त्यांनाही याची कल्पना नसावी. भाजप कार्यपद्धतीमध्ये आदेश दिल्यानंतर तो तंतोतंत पाळावा लागतो. मागच्या काळात जे मुख्यमंत्री होते, त्यांना उपमुख्यमंत्रीपदाची शपथ घ्यावी लागली. हा आश्चर्याचा धक्का होता.
पण एकदा आदेश आला आणि सत्तेची कोणतीही संधी मिळाली तर ती स्वीकारायची असते, याचे उदाहरण देवेंद्र फडणवीस यांनी आज घालून दिले. या दोन्ही गोष्टी आम्हाला कुणालाच माहीत नव्हत्या.
Read 28 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
राज्यात निर्माण झालेल्या राजकीय परिस्थितीबाबत आज माध्यम प्रतिनिधींशी संवाद साधला. राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस पक्षाच्या सहकाऱ्यांशी बोलल्यानंतर राज्यातील वर्तमान परिस्थितीवर भूमिका मांडली.

#Pressconference Image
महाविकास आघाडीने अडीच वर्षे उत्तम कारभार केला. अनेक महत्त्वाचे निर्णय घेतले. कोरोनासारखे राष्ट्रीय संकट असताना आरोग्य खात्याने अतिशय चांगले काम केले आहे. त्यामुळे महाविकास आघाडीचा प्रयोग यशस्वी ठरला नाही असे कोणी म्हणत असेल तर ते राजकीय अज्ञान आहे. Image
प्रसिद्धी माध्यमांमधून ज्या गोष्टी पुढे येत आहेत, त्या नाकारता येणार नाहीत. पण विधानसभेचे जे सभासद महाराष्ट्राबाहेर गेले, ते पुन्हा राज्यात आल्यानंतर ज्या प्रकारे त्यांना नेले ही वस्तुस्थिती लोकांना सांगतील व ते पुन्हा शिवसेनेसोबत राहतील. त्यानंतर बहुमत कुणाचे आहे, ते सिद्ध होईल. Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
पिछले दो-ढ़ाई साल में यह तिसरी बार हुआ है। पिछली दो बार विधायक उठाने का काम हुआ। पिछली बार हमारे विधायकों को हरियाणा, गुड़गांव मे रखा गया था। वहाँ से वो निकलकर आये, उसके बाद उद्धव ठाकरे जी का सरकार बना।

#NewDelhi #PressConference
पिछले ढ़ाई साल से महाराष्ट्र की सरकार ठिक तरह से चल रही है। कल महाराष्ट्र विधान परिषद का इलेक्शन हुआ। एनसीपी के दो उम्मीदवारों के लिए वोटों का जो कोटा तय किया गया था, वो उन्हें मिला। हमारी पार्टी के विधायकों ने डिसिप्लिन से वोटिंग किया।
हमारी फ्रंट का एक उम्मीदवार जीत नही सका, ये बात सच है। मुंबई वापस जाने के बाद इस पर चर्चा करेंगे। इस में कुछ ना कुछ रास्ता निकलेगा ऐसा मुझे भरोसा है। महाराष्ट्र सरकार की तीन सहयोगी पार्टीयों मे सही तालमेल है।
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
#कानपुर यतीमखाने पर बवाल, लाठी चार्ज, पथराव, बमबाजी

बाजार बंदी को लेकर दो पक्ष आपस में टकराए
पीएसी पहुंची, हालात काबू में।
Read 59 tweets
May 22nd 2022
काही दिवसांपूर्वी माझी भेट घेण्यासाठी काही लोकांना विनंती केली होती. श्री. दवे यांनी यासंदर्भात वेळ मागितला होता. त्यानंतर आमच्या पक्षाच्या जिल्हाध्यक्षांना याची कल्पना देऊन त्यांनाही या बैठकीला उपस्थित राहण्यासाठी सांगितले.
#pressconference #Pune Image
जिल्हाध्यक्षांकडून समजले की, दवेच नाही तर महाराष्ट्रातील अन्य ठिकाणाहूनही अनेक लोक भेट घेण्यासाठी इच्छुक आहे. यामध्ये वेगवेगळ्या जिल्ह्यांतून नऊ ते दहा संघटनांचे साधारण ४० लोक आले होते. ज्यामध्ये अनेक मुद्दे मांडण्यात आले.
त्यापैकी त्यांच्यात माझ्या पक्षातील काही सहकाऱ्यांनी विधाने केली त्यासंबंधीची अस्वस्थता होती.याबद्दल त्यांना सांगितले की, पक्षांतर्गत त्या विधानांविषयी चर्चा झाली असून अशा पद्धतीने पुन्हा कोणत्याही जाति-धर्मावर न बोलता धोरणात्मक कार्यक्रमावर बोलण्याचा अधिकार आहे असा निर्णय झाला.
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Jun 8th 2021
@SDCAnews “Today we revealed the most sophisticated effort in disrupting the activities of criminals operating around the globe. Let this serve as a warning to those criminals who believe they are operating under an encrypted cloak of secrecy-your criminal communications may NOT be secure"
@SDCAnews In an innovative effort, the FBI, with the help of the Australian Federal Police, launched their own encrypted communications platform and supplied more than 12,000 devices to hundreds of criminal organizations that operate around the globe. #FBI #OperationTrojanShield
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Apr 14th 2021
@ShkhRasheed stuttered while admitting #TLP was more prepared than #Pakistan #government, but went on to say that #PTIGovernment has decided to #BanTLP and the requisite file will be sent to the Federal Cabinet.
#TLPNationWideProtest #TLPterrorists
#TLPGoons were NEVER serious in negotiations with #PTIGovernment: they focused on maximum pressure thru militant violence by showing their 'street power' at EVERY opportunity. Their goal was to force out ALL #European diplomats, not just #French ambassador, from #Pakistan
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Mar 25th 2021
Thoughts on @JoeBiden's #PressConference

Well we know why they waited this long.
He lost the thread multiple times and employed a coping mechanism I have seen repeatedly in family members as they slipped into dementia:

Some version of a rambling answer then "so do you want me to keep going?" or "Do you want more detail?" because he couldn't complete the thought or find a finish.

When he switched from immigration to discussing the filibuster, it got bad.

At one point he said this:
“I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate. So the best way to get something done, if you, if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to, anyway. . . ” and just trailed off.

Read 7 tweets
Dec 30th 2020
If schools are safe Johnson, then why won't you answer FOIs on infections, hospitalisation and deaths of workers?
#edutwitter #lockdownuk
#PressConference #pressbriefing
The Tiers are a mess as well why is Redbridge not on the contingency list with higher rates than some on it?
None of the LAs in Berkshire which is in Tier 4 are on the contingency.

Readings hospital has ambulances queuing outside, yet primary schools open fully next week

Here's a Berkshire school, seriously think its safe for all students back next week. Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana -

Establishments registered under EPFO provide new employment from 1st October 2020 -

1. If you have less than 50 employees, you have to add 2 new jobs to be eligible.
2. If you have more than 50 employees, you have to add 5 new jobs.
Central Government will pay a subsidy for those NEW employees ONLY

1. For establishments upto 1000 employees - Central Government will pay BOTH EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE contributions (24%) for 2 years.
Read 21 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Trump is on doing a #PressConference. So far he has lied about Biden, Obama, and the EU, made a racist "China Virus" comment, and is lying blatantly about our numbers and recovery.

In short:
Trump is pushing to get Big 10 football open again.

Recent studies showed that up to 35% of players in some teams hit by COVID-19 are having symptoms of myocarditis.…
Trump's China ban did not happen when he says it did.

It did not do what he says it did.

It did not stop this virus.

Read 24 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
He looks and sounds drugged. And he has lied the whole time. #Pressconference
Read 3 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Pence encouraging Americans to pray: SPARE ME. Just do your job. (It’s like “thoughts & prayers” after gun violence - no thank you.) #coronavirus #COVID19 #PressConference /1
2/ REALLY RICH coming from an admin that AT THIS VERY MOMENT is trying to take health care away from us. Save your prayers. They are meaningless.
3/ pence is the ONLY ONE not wearing a mask. So my prayer is that he will grow a spine & be a role model.
Read 3 tweets
May 16th 2020
Press Conference to begin shortly. Please follow the thread for details on the #AatmaNirbharBharatAbhiyan
Focus on Policy simplification in various sectors. Decongest sectors to boost growth and employment.

Read 22 tweets
May 13th 2020
@FinMinIndia @nsitharaman to address press conference at 4.00pm with the first set of details about the #AatmaNirbharBharat Abhiyaan. #Finance #PressConference #IndiaFightsCorona #Bharat
The press conference by Smt. @nsitharaman, @FinMinIndia will be addressing a press conference shortly. Please follow this thread for updates on the #AatmaNirbharBharatAbhiyan
I will be posting verbatim from the PC. Thoughts in this thread with simplification later.
Read 33 tweets
May 1st 2020
The wearing of face mask in all public places is now compulsory throughout the State.

#Covid_19 #PressConference
The State’s Security Council will meet in the next 24 hours to consider and approve necessary mitigating measures for commuters, including the deployment of Government buses to shuttle designated public routes free of charge.
While we agree with Mr. President’s decision to gradually re-open the country for business, we shall be guided by the peculiarities of our State on when to relax the measures we have put in place and gradually restore business activities to the State.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 18th 2020
THREAD: Literally everything Trump just said about Virginia's new gun reform laws at #PressConference is a complete lie.

I did a comprehensive fact check and will use this thread to break down his false claims. 1/
Trump claimed Virginia exploited #COVID to pass gun reform.

FALSE. Dems ran on gun reform in Nov. 2019 & began passing these measures in Feb. BEFORE the pandemic 2/
Trump claimed VA's gun laws would "take away your guns

FALSE. The new laws expand background checks, re-impose a one-handgun-a month rule, establish a Emergency Risk Protection Order, require owners to report stolen weapons, ⬆️fines for guns left out in front of children 3/
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
Let's journey back on the #FireTheSG movement, shall we?

December 2018, @Surgeon_General @JeromeAdamsMD convinced the public #media, inflating a false "epidemic" w/30-day use, not daily.

Lie #1:…

Based on feelings, Google alerts, potential & inaccuracy.
No refuting vaping products help smokers quit, 👆above, continues below...

With #data he wanted to present, sentiment and "feelings" continued.

Lie #2:…

Indifferent, bans & taxes ⏫increasing countrywide, & no care of helping smokers quit.

False statements, accusations continued. When corrected, he didn't like that and had to swallow his narrative.

In full, with @2Vaping, @TheLegionCmdr, @Surgeon_General & others:…

“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth“

Read 20 tweets

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