Background: Find a space that works. Is it distracting?
Lighting is 🔑: Face a window or have a lamp in front of you
Sound: test quality ahead of time
Platform: be familiar w/ what is going to be used
Virtual engagement strategies:
Eye contact:
🎯Elevate laptop on a box/stack of books so camera is at eye level
🎯Add sticky note behind camera as reminder to look there
🎯Minimze & move window with interviewer as close to the top of the screen as possible 3/
What do we hope to learn about applicants during interviews?
🎯Get to know the applicant beyond what’s in the file
🎯Part of the holistic review
⭐️Communication skills
⭐️Professional interests
⭐️Goals, values, aspirations
AND give them a chance to learn about the program 3/