Albers: the bylaws will allow for members to hold the political part of the party, leader and caucus, accountable.
Narrator: As in the leader does not "hold the pen".
Modry: Knowing the merger between FCP and Wexit was taking place, I started building the policy and governance document. Started with Wildrose, looked at FCP, UCP, and also Leslyn Lewis' (from the CPC leadership).
Modry: it became evident that it would be difficult for any one person or small group to come up with a slate of policies. With the board's approval, we built it based on previous policy and governance docs. Founding principles are on the website
1. Alberta Will Be Strong and Free (“Fortis et Liber”), and Sovereign 2. Alberta Will Gather Unto Itself All Power To Uphold Independence 3. Alberta Will Create “The Constitution of Alberta” 4. Alberta Will Hold A Referendum on Independence
We're awaiting the vote to approve the bylaws and policy and governance documents into the AGM.
New for this thread, personal commentary will be under "Narrator". I hate to mix up things I add in and what others are saying. I use quotes when I can, otherwise paraphrasing.
Albers: every AGM the members will have a leadership review.
Narrator: sunny with a chance of recurring shade.
Oh much more to my taste...
One more vote to go and then we will hear from Dr. Modry again, then interim leader Paul Hinman, followed by the results of the votes. Flett says members will hear back within 30 days about a leadership race. #WIPAldr2021??
Flett: a reminder that the PIN is still on the screen for you.
Narrator speculates alternative meaning: stop f*cking calling and emailing, omg this is the fourth time we've voted
Voting complete! Shout out to votebuddy Flett says.
Dr. Dennis Modry has the floor.
Modry: I asked Kathy what she wanted me to talk about and she said 'to entertain' you. We're going to talk about heart transplants, politics and covid-19.
Let's go back to 1905.
Modry: not only was Alberta born, but the first heart transplant occurred. In 1956 a new procedure was developed and the race was on to perform the first successful one. In 1967 another doctor performed his first who survived 18 days and a second survived two years.
Modry: experimentation followed by Dr. Barnard (this is supposed to all come together), Dr. Barnard was vilified. Then Dr. Shumway got a lot of publicity and was charged with murder for removing a heart from a donor. Defence presented the beating heart in the recipient.
Modry: that's where brain-dead legislation came from. Many people have asked what it's like to do a heart transplant. You take that cold heart of the donor, and you implant it into the recipient and as it comes to life, it gives life.
Modry: how does this link to politics? The beating heart of Alberta has supplied life to the rest of Canada. So strong has this heartbeat been, as Alberta became an economic powerhouse and became a threat to eastern Canada. They threatened to move head offices to #yyc - one did.
Modry: A plan was hatched to keep Alberta from threatening to become an economic power and keep Quebec from seceding: the National Energy Program. In QC, capital left the province and people became destitute. Over the next few years, Alberta's heart began to beat stronger.
In 2006, when Klein left, investment capital was returning to Alberta. The NEP wasn't simply about taking money out of Alberta: central Canada will never again allow Alberta to come close to taking power, no triple E senate.
Modry: now his son, "you might call him 'Kindergarten Trudeau'", came along and continued the attack. It's aimed at cementing power forever in central Canada. He's not stopping Saudi Arabian oil. He knows oil will be needed for centuries but doesn't care if it comes from Alberta
Modry: He now champions the U.N. and the Marxist plan of the Great Reset. He's supposed to support Canadians not the socialist agenda. Trudeau and all Marxists as well as those who advocate for the dogmatic destruction of our energy industry, are misguided.
Modry: ask them how many products they use that come from a barrel of oil. Ask them about the uses for CO2 - most don't think about the fact that it's plant food.
Modry: do those misinformed socialist Marxist folks want to take us back to cave-men days? What is being taught in our education system? History tells us that no federal government has ever wanted Alberta's economic prosperity and no provincial govt has either
Modry: Based on history and Trudeau's stated plan for Alberta, the trajectory of Alberta's beating heart is clear. It will stop. So how did Covid-19 affect the beating heart of Alberta? How many people have died from suicide and not being able to access healthcare
Modry: how many businesses have permanently shuttered? How many children haven't been able to access education and sports? Do you value freedom? We now know that restrictions have caused more harm than Covid and stopped more beating hearts than Covid.
Modry: the restrictions imposed by the feds and province have harmed us more. Jason Kenney apologized in the summer but then he did it again. Kenney was unwilling to re-evaluate the government's approach even after new info like the Barrington Declaration
Modry: what does this mean? We are now seeing more doctors and nurses speaking out. More lives could have been saved. Hydroxychloroquine has now been approved by the NIH National Institute of Health. A reckoning will come. We all must take personal responsibility for our health
Modry: much like we do with the flu virus. Vaccinate if we want but understand what the risks are.
Like the founding principles.
The referendum for sovereignty has already been drafted by WIPA. We will engage Albertans and assuage fears of Albertans and businesses.
Modry: Remember, if you're advocating for independence, don't get off message.
Folks, we're not alone. This is why we have the Maverick Party looking out for our interests and the Buffalo Party in Saskatchewan. Don't dwell in the past. Your furstrations will be documented
Modry: ... in the new Constitution of Alberta. Get members to hop aboard the Wildrose Independence Train.
We win, they lose.
And now Paul Hinman.
Narrator: He's beginning with an anecdote about a scuba diving experience which is giving me a chance to recuperate....
They'd been out at night, got carried away from the island. Finally they saw the light that marked the ladder.
PH: For too many Albertans right now, that light has gone out. Got a call from a grandmother the other day and her business was shut down, she's a guardian for two of her granchildren. Was told if she reopened, her grandchildren would be taken away. Remember Ocean (hockey guy)
PH: If you'd have told me a year ago our government would say we cannot go out and make a living... that's why I'm so proud of this movement. We've had nothing but fear mongering from health officials and our premier and the WHO.
PH: now all of a sudden there's different information since Biden was elected. Now they're allowing drugs they wouldn't a few months ago. I'm so inspired by the people here. As Trudeau and our premier and health officials continue to put the squeeze on us, our only hope is WIPA
PH: This mountain we have to climb for freedom, for sovereignty, it's not an easy one. Our children deserve the opportunity to have their freedoms and practice religion and work for a living.
There is no vote split for freedom fighters like us. Like WRP, we won that byelection
PH: If we want accountability we need recall, if I'm the fortunate leader, we will have a referendum and it will be law. The balanced budget law; they aren't constricted, they can buy votes with out children's and grandchildren's money. It was just a year and a half ago
PH that Kenney was elected. It's been a complete failure. The new Canadian Energy Regulator gave approval to the KXL in May but then it took until October for Trudeau to approve it and Kenney said sure, great, thank you thank you. But there's five new conditions.
PH: now it's shut down? It's cold out, we have leverage right now, shut off the taps for our natural gas. I remember in 2008 I was so excited but from 2008 to 2015 Northern Gateway never got built. It's disgusting. We have no provincial leader or a federal leader to stand up 4 us
PH: we need to gather the troops and stand up, allow for citizen's initiative referendums, the WR message will not just criticize the government but will create something better for all of us.
Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Enemy, heartwrenching. She prepared for two years
PH: Albertans say how can we survive when we don't have access to tidewater? Kenney should have cut off the taps. We need a provincial police force, our justice system allows criminals to be out again before the paperwork is ever finished. Revolving door
PH: We need to take control of our revenue agency and our own pension plan, the fear mongering is outrageous - we would be in an immediate surplus. We need this for Albertans, we could reduce payments from biz and increase payments to our seniors.
PH: The Laurentian Elite jet around the world and talk about how what we're doing is hurting the environment and you have to give your head a shake - read what Michael Moore formerly of Greenpeace says about it. I't about oppressing Albertans
PH: what we're going to do is offer options for Alberta, we're not going to make decisions in Paris or Ottawa, we'll make them in Alberta. And Immigration reform. So many thing we need to do, take care of seniors, our employment insurance plan
PH: When I was in the leg, I sat to the left of Notley and Mason. The gov was estimating oil at $85/bbl and Notley was mad that Albertans weren't getting a fair deal because oil would be at $95 and I said Rachel we can't give wage increases.
PH And I said Rachel you don't understand, if we're paying a teacher or nurse $100k a year, that money comes from AB and is taxed and sent out to Ottawa. We can't be sending taxpayer taxes out to Ottawa. We support military and intelligence but can't send it and request back
PH: Like Kenney is doing. We're not going to be a have province for much longer and equalization payments will stop because we're a have not province and they won't send money to Alberta so equalization will change when that happens.
PH: I met with Danielle Smith in December and she said 'I have to leave, I can't talk about the things we need to, I don't know what's next but I can't do it in mainstream media' he says.
Says gmail sends WIPA emails to spam, and twitter is censoring and FB, need all contact
PH: information to ensure we can contact our members. Kenney govt shut everyone else down except for a few jet-setters and he said he was going to stop floor crossing but then shows Pat Rehn the door but ppl of Slave Lake can't fire him
PH: we need to increase our revenue but thanks to everyone who has, if you can afford $0.50 per day, and if every member can find one person each month to sign up and we can win the election in 2023. It's about building the membership doubling it every six months.
PH: It's exciting to me the work and the foundation we have here at WIPA - will there be naysayers, yes there will. Another anecdote that ends with all Albertans need freedom and freedom of expression and not follow the narrative, grandmother needed help to reopen her business
PH: As Modry said, this govt is doing more harm to the people of this province than the virus. Looking forward to meeting everyone, thank you God Bless, may we be successful in this battle for freedom.
Results of voting: Bylaws passed, policy passed, strike a leadership committee passed. General board results: Anders, Brown, Flett, Goransrud, Janke, Miller, Paul Mitchell, Modry, Northey, and Wellwood were elected or re-elected to the board.
And that's it for me today. Those who have my home address may send pizza and beer, for everyone else, there's patreon. The CPC policy convention is coming up in March - I'll be there too.
And we’re off - right on time for the Wildrose Independence inaugural AGM.
President Rick Northey notes they do not have availability to hear from the “floor” today but next time maybe. #WIPAGM2021 #ableg#abpoli#cdnpoli
The morning events will consist of speakers and the new board election.
Dwayne Hill is the first speaker.
Says he’s been involved in the separatist movement for many years but ramped up in 2015 after Trudeau’s election.
DHill thanks those who came before him, Alberta First, and others.
Says after the NEP was brought in, people started paying attention.
2019 showed Albertans are powerless to stop liberalism even as the province fully rejects it.
Of particular note, there are two subjects in his statement. O’Toole personally and the CPC generally. In his “I” statements, he positions himself as a centrist (which doesn’t mean “middle”, it means holding views that are traditionally left or right at the same time).
Let’s start with the 2020 leadership. Peter MacKay, the former federal Progressive Conservative leader, positioned himself as the moderate with a distinct fetish for the right, having served the PC’s to Stephen Harper’s CRAP (Conservative Reform Alliance Party). Never gets old.
FB live: Kenney defends “consolidating the administration of the investment of” teacher’s pensions. “The taxpayer is on the hook” if ATRF mismanages funds, he says. Correct me if I’m wrong, but ATRF didn’t lose billions over the last year. #ableg
Says teachers should be grateful they have the security of defined pensions. Suggests it’ll save $20 million by consolidating administration and ATRF still gets to direct AIMCO.
Lots of questions about contact tracing. As noted in Dr. Hinshaw’s update today, contract tracers are catching up - now only 47% of infections from unknown sources, down from 80% in November.
Telling a story about David Thompson who explored and mapped Alberta. It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of his Métis wife.
Reading some quotes. Said Thompson was overwhelmed by the mountains and how to get to the west coast
JK: we face obstacles with the pandemic and economic issues. Like Thompson we don’t have a map but with principles, like personal responsibility and care for the vulnerable, we will make it through.
Think of the hundreds of thousands of Albertans here by choice
Erin O’Toole is back to chat with the #UCPAGM2020 crowd. As soon as he stops talking about himself, I believe he’s going to do a Q&A.
He says if you’d have said “Wexit” five years ago, people would have looked at you funny. But says this is what 5yrs of Liberals gets you:
EOT “only in Canada would we want to put people on the CERB rather than putting people back to work.”
Says Canada shut down the pandemic early warning system and had to rely on “open data from China”.
EOT says Canada got everything wrong with pandemic response. Says Kenney has done far better than Ottawa.
Says AB “graciously” hosted the Stanley Cup and didn’t have any COVID cases.
EOT doesn’t follow what’s happing in the province outside of Kenney’s updates it seems