If, like me, you have very limited means (which largely boils down to money) there is very little one can do, except get together with people who have more means.
If I had the means, I would found a community based on sustainable values.
The individualistic values which underpin existing society are inherently unsustainable. This has to change, or our civilisation will soon perish.
The choice between individualism & collectivism is a false dichotomy. We need the right balance between the two.
At the moment we have no balance at all, as a consequence of which our civilisation is on course to self-destruct.
Individuals who are well-served by the status quo will naturally want to retain it & rationalise doing so. #BillGates & #StevenPinker are classic examples of this. They both mean well, I'm sure, but are blinded by their own personal success.
#NativeBritons are taught by state & academic authority to deny & despise their own kin & race, & instead to intermarry with other races, so that their own race is destroyed.
But what I tell them is this: Love your kin & your own, European, race.
Love other races too, & those that are mixed, but do not deny & despise your own White race. Those who teach you otherwise (like #DavidAaronovitch & #NickCohen) are serving #BigBrother, who wants you to love him, rather than your own kin & race.
But do not hate David, Nick, nor any of the other racial self-deniers & self-haters, for they have been misguided by a well-intentioned, but misconceived, ideological, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazism.
These words are from a song, The Boxer, by #PaulSimon:
🎶A man hears what he wants
to hear & disregards the rest🎶
Humans have a fatal capacity for ignoring what they don't want to know.
How to explain this in evolutionary terms?
Our ancestors survived by recognising threats & dealing with them. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.
The threats I'm referring to, however, are very different from the ones our ancestors faced, which were local & immediate. The threats facing us are neither of these.
The greatest honour we could afford the victims of Nazism would be to LEARN from it, but instead, all we do is demonise it.
We cannot learn from what we demonise. We need to understand it! @HolocaustMuseum
It is not just Nazism that is, understandably, demonised, but everything associated with it.
The Nazis manipulated & abused human tribalism for their own evil ends, in #NeverAgain response to which human tribalism itself was demonised, which was a HUGE mistake.
Tribalism is as inherent & essential a part of evolved human nature as is our sexuality. Demonising it is madness - but with pernicious, power-political method to it.
Putting modesty aside, I consider this insight on a par with the Copernican Revolution, which moved the Earth from being stationary at the centre of the universe, to being a planet orbiting the Sun.
It took the Catholic church more than 200 years to accept this truth.
If it takes academia that long to accept the truth I have revealed, our civilisation, & academia with it, will be long gone.
The UK is not Kingdom, but a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the power they wield & abuse.
Kingdom has the same root as kin. The English, Scots, Welsh & Irish are - or were - all kinship groups, on which the British state imposed a union in 1707. The people were not asked. This was government of, by & for the elites.
The Irish rebelled & eventually won their independence. So did the American colonists, who won their independence a lot sooner. But instead of becoming a genuine nation, as the founders had hoped it would, America became just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain.
The moral authority of the British Parliament rests on 3 pillars:
1) Traditions going back many centuries. 2) The myth of British nationhood. 3) The myth of British democracy: that Parliament serves the interests of British society at large.
These traditions are an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain is a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
British democracy is what it has always been: government of the elites, by the elites, for the elites. Notwithstanding that we enjoy some important democratic freedoms, which will hopefully allow us to radically reform the system, provide we proceed peacefully & within the law.