Today @JoeBiden takes big steps on #ClimateAction
✅Creating a National Climate Task Force
✅Setting clean procurement standards
✅Stopping new oil & gas leases on public lands
✅Calling for a Civilian Conservation Corps
✅Kicking off the Justice40 Initiative
This is a start!
Biden borrows from the best ideas out there--like from NY State's landmark climate law of 2019 that set a 40% EJ investment target. Don't forget that movements got us here and movements are what will push the Biden administration to do everything we need.
Stopping oil & gas lease sales on public lands will have a huge impact, including for communities defending their lands from fossil fuel extraction. It is the fights against pipelines like #KeystoneXL#DAPL and against fracking that have won this victory.
I am so excited about a new Civilian Conservation Corps! The CCC was a key program of the original New Deal. It could usher the #GreenNewDeal. I hope we focus on creating skilled jobs and training especially for Black, Indigenous, & People of Color youth.
Black, Indigenous, & communities of color have been sacrifice zones for fossil fuel pollution & extraction. Today's actions are a start. @joebiden needs to continue to show up for frontline communities. Here is what else he can do to #BuildBackFossilFree!
Today's actions are the beginning of what we need to survive #ClimateCrisis. Time to keep fighting. "Dems have a majority in the House, Senate, & a President ready to take action. Now is the moment to deliver transformative change for the American people."
Another thing about the #EnvironmentalJustice Mapping and Data Collection Act is that Sen. @EdMarkey an Rep. @CoriBush have done an incredible job designing this bill directly with experts & community members! Their excellent leg teams built on the wealth of knowledge out there.
Sen. @EdMarkey & Rep. @CoriBush listened to advice to pay attention not just to the data but also to the process of designing a mapping system w/communities' input. This is so important when there are frontline communities in CA, NY, WA, etc. who have built such tools already!
BREAKING: Senator @EdMarkey and Rep. @CoriBush introduce the #EnvironmentalJustice Mapping and Data Collection Act of 2021, to create a whole-of-government initiative, funding, and data infrastructure to determine environmental risks affecting communities across the U.S.
"With the bold an expansive Executive Orders that President Biden has signed, he has showed us that #EnvironmentalJustice will be at the heart of the response to the #climatecrisis. Yesterday's actions were just a start." @EdMarkey, introducing Environmental Justice Mapping Act.
"Our legislation will launch a whole of government effort using demographic data to identify who is at most risk from environmental injustices. Our bill also focuses on the process of creating this tool. This must bring decision making power into frontline communities." @EdMarkey
Now is the time to organize and direct resources to Black and grassroots organizations on the ground. Now is the time to channel your rage and fury into action. To mobilize our bodies, talents, and money for our Black family and comrades. How? There are SO MANY things you can do:
If you willing to take on the risk, join a #JusticeForGeorgeFlyod#BlackLivesMatter protest in your city. Or organize one. Follow @riotupdatez. If you aren't Black, you can use your body to protect Black people during protests. This is what it looks like: