Leroux - MOU -- Keep in mind the settlements/people of Cape Sable weren't on the census.
Well for starters there is the letter from Daniel Paul, who acknowledged the Metis in the East. (Dan Paul acknowledging Metis) -- although he has since backtracked now and concluded he was mistaken, for obvious reasons, guess they are just too many of us and he is worried about
his rights being assimilated, so to hell with us .. no matter Mr Paul, we are used to this treatment, still here and always will be.
The First Way of War- American War Making on the Frontier, 1607-1814- Cambridge University Press 2005 - Mi'kmaq author Daniel Paul took note of the activities of Gorham and his rangers-particularly their practice of scalping Indians and Acadians.
between the Acadians and the Micmac during this period became so pronounced that each side at times took exceptional risks to protect the other from English depredation.
The Acadian miracle - by LeBlanc, Dudley J - 1966.- Not reported on the census were the settlements at Cape Sable .
The Acadian Miracle - Dudley J LeBlanc - An act of unbelievable cruelty to the Acadians by the English - MicmacNews-1976-11.
The Acadian Miracle - Dudley J LeBlanc - An act of unbelievable cruelty to the Acadians by the English pg2- MicmacNews-1976-11.
Ratification of 1725 Treaty - Cape Sable and the other Indian tribes belonging to & inhabiting within his majesty of Great Britain's territories of Nova Scotia and New England.
History of Barrington Township- by Crowell, Edwin 1973 - Robbery occured by the St John Indians near Cape Split, Charles D'Entremont of Poubomcoup (Pubnico) read a note on the subject to the Cape Sable Indians.
Joseph Mieux dit D'azy - Burial - died 13 December 1729, about fifty-five years old - Father Philippe Mius and Mother Marie Mi'kmaq.
A scattering of seeds - the creation of Canada-by Tracey, Lindalee 1999 - They are the descendants of Philippe Mius d'Entremont and they know, as the land does, that they are planted deeper down than the boots of Britain could ever stamp out.
Along Came a Spider - Alice M. Azure-Lulu.com, 2011 - Indian women authors - Charles Amand 2 Mius m Marie Josephe Mius - father d'Entremont noted this couple were closely related and that Marie was Metis.
Down in Nova Scotia-Dennis, Clara 1934- French settlement of Eel Brook or Ooptomagogin - the place for eels. Pierre Surette, Pierre Muis, Pierre LeBlanc and 𝗟𝗼𝘂𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝘂𝗶𝘀, among first settlers.jpg
Janet Chute PHD expert court witness and historian for the Mi'kmaw Marshal fishing case.- A Good Day On The Aboiteau 2004- study of the Acadian-metis of Eel Brook and Quinan area- Metis - Louis Muise was certainly of metis extraction -His uncle Francois Muis was a Mi'kmaq chief.
Acadia of the Maritimes- thematic studies from the beginning to the present- 1995- Intermarriages Between Native women and Frenchmen - Mius d'Entremont families of LaHave region.
L'Acadie française, 1497-1713, Volume 1 - Robert Rumilly Fides, 1981 - These Saint-Castins, we remember, are metis. Louis de Chambon avec Jeanne Mius d'Entremont .
WOMEN AND ACADIAN POPULAR RELIGIOUS CULTURE IN SOUTHWESTERN NOVA SCOTIA, 1795-1820 - COLBY GAUDET - MARCH 2018 - Philippe Mius and his sons were enumerated as Mi'kmaw in the 1708 census of east coast Indians.
An empty shell of a treaty promise- R v Marshall and the Rights of the Non-Status Indians - Pamela Palmater Dept of Justice - went on to uphold the legitmacy of Metis political orgs in paragraph 30.
cbc.ca/news/canada/no… -- seriously CBC? I think you know, you are completely involved in the effort to whitewash our history!!
Mal i Mic News - March-April 1978- CBC Film Investigates Plight of NBs Indians. - Invisible People , Forgotten people, CBC plays on the racism of Maritime Provinces to help extinguish who we are.
Ottawa- Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, 1999- PERIODICAL - The Forgotten people- the national voice of off-reserve Indian and Metis peoples throughout Canada.
2 National organizations for the Metis peoples of Canada - MNC established in 1983 when it split off from the NCC and NCC/ CAP which are who repatriated the Metis into the 1982 Constitution with Harry Daniels. Mal i Mic news December 1976 - NCC, Cabinet talks on Land Claim Study
- Harry Daniels, Melvin Nash - setting up an organization to research the claims of the NonStatus and Metis people./ academia.edu - The Native Council of Canada - It is now an alliance of NonStatus Indians from across the country and Metis from areas such as Labrador,
the Maritimes and other eastern provinces. - Tony Belcourt. @CBCNews@CBCIndigenous Seriously, pretty shoddy journalism , or is it something else altogether??
metismuseum.ca- British Columbia Association of NonStatus Indians - BCANSI (Now MNBC) at Victoria , British Columbia.
Mal i Mic news OCT 1973 -PEI Joins NB Association - There are about 39 Metis and NonStatus families whose housing conditions are similiar to those of the Metis and NonStatus Indians of New Brunswick. - How hard CBC did you try to find Metis who have non RR MNC roots?
Mal i Mic news OCT 1973 - Michael McCabe says Secretary of State supports land claims research for Metis and NonStatus Indians- must not follow policies that keep Metis and NonStatus Indian people apart from their status Indian brothers.
Mal i Mic news May 1973 - General Assembly Held in Ottawa - 250 delegates of the NonStatus and Metis Associations across Canada who attended a 3 day National Assembly of the Native Council of Canada.
Mal i Mic news OCT 1973 - NBAMNSI requestion additional funds for PEI- winter warmth program expanded to include Metis and NonStatus people of Prince Edward Island.
Mal i Mic news July 1973 - Constitutional Changes - Recommended Change - The Name of the Society is- The New Brunswick Association of NonStatus and Metis Indians.
Mal i Mic news July 1973 - Job Opportunities - Summary - Locate NonStatus Indians and Metis people within a given area in NB.
Mal-i-Mic NewsDecember 1973- Metis and NonStatus Indians want recognition - it said Metis and NonStatus were caught in the middle. Your people call us Indians and our brothers and sisters call us NonStatus or Metis.
December 1973 Mal-i-Mic News - Nb Housing - if Associations across Canada want to be a success for the Metis and NonStatus Indians, the members must stand up and be recognized./ Want to know what happens when people do this?
Darryl Leroux and gang meme's, that @CrownIndigenous likes to retweet Darryl's posts.
Darryl Leroux saying Eastern Metis are not indigenous.
However Pam Palmater whose father identified as a Metis from the East, went on to re-claim her Mi'kmaw status identity from the federal Government recognition, so I think there must be some Indigenous blood there Darryl !!
I think this is Pam's brother? Working for the general assembly of the NB Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians.
rcap 432 - Frank Palmater - I am a Metis. I always have been and I always will be, that is self-identification./ Interesting how Pam is not tied to that identity but others do get tied to that.
RCAP 432 - Frank Palmater - Frank says he is a Metis Micmac, Frank seems pretty adamant he is a Metis!
"Métis Confed. Forms Within NCC- Métis propose Confederacy to Annual Assembly-Frank Palmater, Kirby Lethbridge, Claude Aubin." "A Confederacy of Metis Peoples-res No.24-Kirby Lethbridge and Frank Palmater." "A confederacy of Metis Peoples-res No.25-Frank Palmater-Shawn McKinney."
macleans.ca/news/canada/th…@macleans really? You publish this racist garbage? One thing Darryl forgot to publish is how census at first explicitly asked people to only use their paternal ancestry, how do you think that threw data off when people could identify using their maternal
ancestry data? All those Metis who were Metis on their Maternal lineages, who couldn't identify, you think that could have been done on purpose? Hold high your heads-history of the Metis Nation in Western Canada-by Tremaudan, Auguste Henri de-1982- Pemmican Publishing - The
Paternal Ancestor- The White Man. / You think the gov had any I don't know, vested interest in having people identify as French Canadian instead of their Aboriginal Identities? When Genetics and Genealogies Tell Different Stories—Maternal Lineages in Gaspesia- First published 08
November 2010-Claudia Moreau Hélène Vézina Michèle Jomphe Ève‐Marie Lavoie Marie‐Hélène Roy‐Gagnon Damian Labuda./ Surely we could trust our gov's not to mess with data like that? 🤣
PAGE 10, APRIL 18, 1986, WINDSPEAKER - apparently Canada was not counting non status its in census of 1981.
Gov only cared about Paternal ancestry because they only included Indigenous/Aboriginal people who had a paternal lineage and who they recognized as Status Indians.
so people who identified themselves as NonStatus and/or Metis people, who had a Maternal lineage, were not counted in the census data. Darryl never bothers pointing that out !! His favorite work is raceshifting. However, considering even in the western Metis, they could when
Manitoba was being added to the Constitution choose to identify as either Treaty Indian and be put on "band lists" or could choose to identify as Metis and not be put on a reserve. They frequently went back and forth with their identities changing. Also when bill C31 came in,
The one-and-a-half men - the story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis patriots of the twentieth century.- Dobbin, Murray - 1981 - Metis Scrip - large number of Ex-treaty Indians. - who decided they wanted to be Metis again!
Metis election sees 70 candidates - 1993-08-30 - Windspeaker - lost 1000s of members in 1985 when Bill C-31 re-instated many Metis to status of an Indian. All this raceshifting Darryl, you keep track of names ??
Metis fear for future because of census error - WINDSPEAKER, July 17, 1987, PAGE 5 _data2.archives.ca.
Does that change the equation at all for you Macleans? @macleans Did you check any of his facts at all ?
Robyn saying there is a difference between non status and Metis.
MNC Intervenor in Daniels trial - MNC wants Metis and NonStatus Indians issued separately.
scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-cs… - I am seriously starting to wonder if Robyn can read or just has a 'mental' block due to the fact she repeats this nonsense so often!
Federal and provincial responsibility in the Métis settlements of Alberta - Fred Martin - 1988. 50 p - Claims and Historical Research Centre S.l4 - The descendants were Metis by virtue of their mixed blood and non-Indian status.
Mal i Mic news Oct 1976 - Supporting Membership Drive Begins- New Brunswick Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians- There are over 5000 Metis and NonStatus Indian people here in New Brunswick-selling annual memberships.
Mal i Mic news December 1976 - Member Associations - Native Council of Canada - Peggy Rydzewski, Viola Robinson, Gary Gould, Stan Daniels, etc.
Mal i Mic news oct 1976 - What Is a NonStatus Indian- when a Status women married nonIndian or NonStatus she loses her Indian Status, her descendants lose their Status, Most of their descendants are known as Metis.
Mal i Mic news December 1976 - LIP Approved - A local initiative project submitted by the New Brunswick Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians has been approved for Westmorland-Kent Constituency.
Mal i Mic news January 1976 - A NonStatus Indian- it is Ironical that many Metis and NonNative women are Status Indians, due to marrying a Status Man.
Mal i Mic News Nov 1976 - Tenant Lisason Worker Hired - Patsy Palmater - has been involved with the New Brunswick Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians since 1974. Research for native culture preservation.
Mal i Mic news February 1976 - To My Son - My son, you have come from a union of white blood and red blood, You are a Metis.
MNC Intervenor in Daniels trial - CAP-MNC split due to fundamental disagreement about who the Metis are - serious dispute in definition.
rcap-380 - Ron George Non MNC Metis - different definition than the Metis National Council which is primarily made up of scrip descendants from the Red River Valley.
The 60-year-old Sinclair defeated former president Ron George and Native Council of Canada. NCC - renamed the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, at a convention in Ottawa Feb. 26 to28. ammsa.com/publications/w…
Mal i Mic July 1974 - NBAMNSI Notes - 3rd Annual Assembly- The board feels that not only people of direct native descent but also their spouses be included as full members of the Association. Based very similar off the MMF associations membership rules!
The History of the Manitoba Metis Federation - Tony Lussier writing in 1978 states - Today a Metis is defined by the MMF as:
Mal-I-Mic News - April 1977 - Daniels Addresses Standing Committee - Statement by Harry Daniels - President of the NCC Feb 24 1977.
Mal i Mic news oct 1976 -PEI Association of Metis NonStatus Indians Holds 2nd Annual Assembly - Guest speakers - Harry Daniels, 𝗦𝘁𝘂 𝗞𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗻, Gary Gould, etc.
Micmac News Jan 1974 - Based on Two Doctrines - Land Claims - Stuart Killen - Research Director UNSI.
stuart killen - living treaties -Narrating Mi’kmaw Treaty Relations - Marie Battiste, Editor - He helped UNSI - Union of Nova Scotia Indians .
MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - sec 3.12 Metis.
bylaws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Micmac News 1973 -03 - Membership in UNSI. "all Indians in Nova Scotia"
Editorial - A welfare conference for what - MicmacNews-1974-01 - Dan Paul - UNSI is to promote the wellbeing progress and support of all Indians in NS.
atlantic.ctvnews.ca/the-controvers… -- "When you're looking at the Maritimes and Quebec, the children of intermarriage were accepted by either party, in our case the Mi'kmaq or the Acadian," Mi'kmaw elder and historian Daniel Paul says. / A social history of the Manitoba Metis published by
Manitoba Metis Federation Press. - 3 groups all of which eventually assimilated. What's the difference Mr Paul? / The one-and-a-half men - the story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis patriots of the twentieth century.- Dobbin, Murray-1981 - Northern Saskatchewan -Most mixed
blood people did not refer to themselves as Metis or Half-breeds./The Other natives- the-les Metis- Publisher- Winnipeg-Manitoba Metis Federation Press-1978 #Metis History-Until 1960's most Metis did not identify as Metis when graduating, they identified as French Canadians if
But Googoo says jobs, education and awards programs geared towards Indigenous Peoples are an important piece of reconciliation. He says having newly identified Metis flood those programs is a step backwards.Mal i Mic news OCT 1973 - Michael McCabe says Secretary of State
supports land claims research for Metis and NonStatus Indians- must not follow policies that keep Metis and NonStatus Indian people apart from their status Indian brothers. I think you might be very interested in keeping kin separated Jarvis Googoo, lol
Robyn Lawson and Jarvis Googoo saying they have never heard of Metis in Mi'kma'ki.
Mal i Mic news July 1973-UNSI-represents everyone regardless of status./Dec1973-Mal-i-Mac News-What's Up-The Union of Nova Scotia Indians held their fourth semi annual general meeting Nov14-16-1973-topic was Pros and Cons of Non-Reg Metis and NonStatus Indian membership in the
Mal i Mic July 1974 - NB-PEI Achieve Unity - September 1973 the Metis and NonStatus People of Prince Edward Island met in assembly and joined with Metis and NonStatus of New Brunswick..
Metis and NonStatus Indians homes. - Mal i Mic News January 1975.
Mal i Mic News January 1975 -Assisted Home Ownership Program Funded - The NB-PEI Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians Housing Program.
Mal i Mic News January 1975 - Emergency Repair Program-ERP - Housing program NB and PEI Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians.
THE HISTORY AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE NATIVE COUNCIL OF NOVA SCOTIA - 1987 - Native Council of Nova Scotia - RRAP 2 CMHC - residential rehabilitation assistance program.
NCC wants RRAP increase - 1978 - 07. Micmac News
Indians and Metis victimized by white middle class education - 1978 - 06. Micmac News
Division Snags Courtworker Talks - Negotiations between UNSI ( Status ) and NCNS ( Metis and Non Status Indians) MicmacNews-1978-05.
Lequille - Sheet Harbor, NS - testing ground for land claims - 1978 10. - NonStatus and Metis people of the Maritimes are going to claim their rights.
RRAP - PEI AMNSI - Gigmanag October 1978.
4th Annual Assembly 1978 - The PEI Association of Metis and Non Status Indians - Gigmanag September 1978.
Constitution and By-Laws - PEI Assocation of Metis and Non Status - Gigmanag%20May%201978.
Board attends workshop - Harry Daniels , Gary Gould Gigmanag December 1979.
Gigmanag November 1979 - Elections - NCPEI - Metis and Non Status - President - Peggy Rydzewski.
Maritime Aboriginal Rights & Land Claims Commision - Gigmanag December 1979.
MicmacNews-1977-12s - Viola Robinson did not want Metis and Non Status to be lumped with every other ethnic group in the province.
1977 - Non Status And Metis association changed its name to the native council of nova scotia.
A group made up of the members from the provinces Non Status and Metis association - MicmacNews-1977-02.
Discrimination Expressed - Denise Aucoin victim of Discrimination she is a Metis Indian. - MicmacNews-1977-11.
Markie makes music- Sheet Harbour, NovaScotia- Markie describes his -Status- as Metis.- MicmacNews September 1979.
Mal i Mic news Oct 1976 - Provincial Leaders Meet - Gary Gould-NB- Peggy Rydzewski -PEI- Viola Robinson - NS - for the Associations of Metis and NonStatus Indians.
Harry Daniels - Gary Gould - commission hears maritime Indians - MicmacNews-1980-12.
LAC - Metis Circle Special Consultation -- Rock Matte, Claude Aubin, Frank Palmater, Kirby Lethbridge, Viola Robinson, Gary Gould etc.png
Windspeaker-8-may-1994 Rock Matte, Claude Aubin, Frank Palmater, Kirby Lethbridge, Viola Robinson, Gary Gould etc - Metis Circle wraps up hearings - Eastern Metis.
Dunn-Martin-The-Other-Metis-A201701143_-Freedom Of Information Request- The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People 1984 All my relations the other Metis- for the Metis Circle Special Consultation- Government Policy of Metis Claims in 1876.
Dunn-Martin-The-Other-Metis-A201701143_-Freedom Of Information Request- The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People 1984 All my relations the other Metis- for the Metis Circle Special Consultation
Dunn-Martin-The-Other-Metis-A201701143_-Freedom Of Information Request- The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People 1984 All my relations the other Metis- for the Metis Circle Special Consultation- Terms for Sang Mele populations.
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Wow, I don't even know where to start here .. Forgive me Mr Barkwell, this is not about you, it is about the huge issue of Identity Politics and how ugly it gets and people who get drug into it and shamed publicly over it.
U of M Native Studies Dept - Lawrence Barkwell made honorary Metis, I think that is lovely he has contributed years of research to Metis history, however it was Metis history he wrote and made into history as a non-Metis person.
Mal i Mic News January 1975 -Assisted Home Ownership Program Funded - The NB-PEI Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians Housing Program. Estimated that over 100 members need and will qualify for a house under this program.
Metis and NonStatus Indians homes. - Mal i Mic News January 1975
Darryl - saying had to have Metis and NonStatus to receive funding, not a distinct people -- I will let you draw your own conclusions on the map. Sure seems like they had a distinct identity to me. Who else do the homes (therefor families) belong to?
Darryl - saying had to have Metis and nonStatus to receive funding, well Yes Darryl when you have an association that is representing Metis and NonStatus people that makes sense.. Duhhh .. When it says Metis and NonStatus people OF PEI, it sure sounds like a distinct group of
Metis to me. I think what you mean, is they weren't representing MNC Metis, and then you would be correct. They were representing the Metis people who the Native Council of Canada represented, who had a very different definition of Metis than MNC. Well now they do, then in those
years Darryl, those prairie province made up part of the Native Council of Canada. MNC didn't split off to form their own organization until 1983, incorporated in 1985. Up until that point in time, they had the same Metis definition. The Native Council of Canada one. MNC
Mal i Mic News Nov 1976 - Little Metis and NonStatus Children's Group. - help teach the children their culture and heritage. @DarrylLeroux OMG they even had the kids in on it! Little #raceshifters they are! Or wait, it was the gov who changed their ethnic labels wasn't it?
Feb 1974 - Mi'kmaq women and men that the gov labelled as -Metis, NonStatus, Off-Reserve, Enfranchised, Non-registered Indians and many other stereotype labels. - NCNS.
Mal i Mic news oct 1976 - What Is a NonStatus Indian- when a Status women married nonIndian or NonStatus she loses her Indian Status, her descendants lose their Status, Most of their descendants are known as Metis.
Mal i Mic News Nov 1976 - Tenant Lisason Worker Hired - Patsy Palmater - has been involved with the New Brunswick Association of Metis and NonStatus Indians since 1974. Research for native culture preservation. @Pam_Palmater sister? Weird all your family shows up in Metis
associations that you say never existed? Might be the wrong Patsy, but might not be also.
RCAP 589 - NEW BRUNSWICK ABORIGINAL COUNCIL - these rights apply to off reserve, non-status, and metis descendants of treaty - Frank Palmater.
@CongAboPeoples -- huh ? What is up with only off reserve status and non-status ? What happened to the 2018 mandate in the accord? if you get funding for Metis people, shouldn't you be representing them as well ? Something seems really damn fishy here ..
Political-Accord-ENG - Canada and CAP Political Accord Dec 2018 - pg1. -- yup it says 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬.
Political-Accord-ENG - Canada and CAP Political Accord Dec 2018 - pg3. @CrownIndigenous maybe you can explain why are they now NOT representing Metis not affiliated with MNC ? You signed the accord and know the mandate, so I expect you should know.