Today in #HillfortsWednesday let me tell you three short stories on community archaeology, based in our work in Mallou hillfort (Carnota, #Galicia), a small and beautiful Late Iron Age settlement with stunning sea views.
📸 Concello de Carnota / Noel Feáns.
Very close to the hillfort, halfway up the hillside all along a circle of mountains, you will find dozens of rock art stations. In the summer sunsets, the old Bronze Age carvings come to life.
We planned an archaeological campaign in 2013, led by Anton Malde. At first, we noticed some mistrust from the villagers. Why? They remembered an older dig, organised as a work camp with teenagers. They crossed the village in vans full of young people. #hillfortswednesday
The problem was that the older neighbours were already familiar with the 'work camps'. Since the civil war, Franco imprisoned many republicans and forced them to work in the quarries. It damaged the relationship with the site.
We needed a strategy to rebuild the relationship between the community and its hillfort. And we realised that the key was the children. Galicia has the lowest fertility rate in Europe. Children are GOLD.
In Mallou village everyone remembered the theft of an impressive wild boar stone head statue that some neighbours found in the ramparts of the hillfort in the 50's. They installed it in the centre of the village. In the early 1980s it was stolen.
So why not involve the children of the village in its reconstruction? Thanks to stonemason Marcos Escudero they started working. The elders explained to the children how they remembered the boar's head.
It was all about rebirth memories. The children began to ask their grandpas the old legends of the site. Fairies caves, the Wolf Queen Seat, the Rampoña, a terrible harpy. Generations began to bring again the hillfort to the village life.
We fought against the lost of identity. A retired contractor visited us all days. "There is nothing there!", he warned us laughing. He stole tons of stone in the hillfort years ago. When the first houses appeared, he got surprised.
He had 80 years old, and decided to clean by himself the wild slopes of the hillfort. It was a kind of compensation."I feel so sorry!", he told me, "all that our elders told to us was true!". The self-hate of rural communities was healing.
Elders did not came back to the hillfort since they were child. We decided to visit them, door by door, giving them a letter of invitation, like in the Galician weddings. All that old, wise women climbed and enjoyed the party.
Archaeology is not only abouth the past. It's also about the present, the daily life of local people, in how they deal with their own identity and memory. When an archeological site is opened to research, you open also many other doors. #HillfortsWednesday
📸 José Chazo
Anxious to get deeper in Galician hillforts? Try my Moments.
Estes días estamos vendo a enxurrada de novos parques eólicos e as mobilizacións de numerosos colectivos locais ante o seu enorme impacto.
Eu quérovos falar dun especialmente grave: o que afecta a Castro Valente, en Padrón. E explico por que.👇
Coñecín Castro Valente por un lector do blog en 2009. Fiquei pasmado: unha estraña fortificación de 10 hectáreas lonxe de todo. Só tres ou catro xacementos arqueolóxicos en Galicia teñen esa dimensión. Ao visitalo descubrín un mundo.…
Non era un 'castro' tal e como o entendemos, senón un enorme espazo aparentemente baleiro cunha muralla descomunal. Comezamos a ver que había outros, que xa espertaran inquedanzas similares. E atopamos máis inéditos. Non había case ningunha publicación científica.
Hoxe, preparando un fío que publicarei nos vindeiros días, din cunha referencia marabillosa que vincula ao gran escritor norteamericano Henry Thoureau (1817-1862) con Galicia. 👇
Para os que non o coñezades, Thoureau volve ser moi lido hoxe. Precursor da literatura ecoloxista, do reencontro coa Natureza e un dos primeiros activistas da desobediencia civil.
O seu libro máis famoso é Walden, onde se retirou a vivir unha vida sinxela e solitaria.
En 1849 foi a Cape Cod, en Nova Inglaterra, a ver o mar por primeira vez. Daquelas viaxes ficaron as crónicas extraordinarias dun encontro do home co mar e unha paisaxe descoñecida.
25 de xullo de 1386. Xoán de Gante, duque de Lancaster, desembarca na Coruña cun exército descomunal para invadir o reino de Galicia, cabeza de ponte para se facer coa Coroa de Castela.
Durante dous anos, un inglés gobernará os destinos do reino.
E quedará algo alucinante. 👇
Como cerebro da operación figuraba o cambrés Xoán Fernández de Andeiro, logo asasinado. Pero non vos vou contar hoxe a historia.
Galicia entrou na Guerra dos Cen Anos, o principal conflito da Europa do XIV.
Quedounos o corpus de imaxes máis fermoso sobre a Galicia medieval.
Jean Froissart foi o autor dunhas Crónicas nas que narrou moitos dos acontecementos da primeira parte da Guerra dos Cen Anos. A súa obra tivo tanto éxito que a nobreza encargou moitísimas copias con fermosas miniaturas.
The dig ('La excavación'), publicada desde onte en Netflix, é un destes grandes filmes británicos con todos os ingredientes: pazo, 'arriba e abaixo' social, guerra mundial, amores e paixóns imposibles, personaxes profundas. E todo un retrato das tensións da arqueoloxía. 👇
O filme describe a escavación das mámoas de Sutton Hoo (partíame de risa coa tradución como 'montículos'), un dos sitios arqueolóxicos máis importantes de Gran Bretaña e clave para entender as culturas saxonas do século VII, da que se sabía moi pouco. (Os seus suevos, vaia).
A propietaria do pazo encarga a un 'excavator' local, Basil Brown, a intervención: un granxeiro con afeccións arqueolóxicas. Recoméndanllo no museo local, onde pensan que non o precisan eses días para os seus proxectos arqueolóxicos. Brown coñece cada palmo da terra de Suffolk.
This is the hillfort of Castromao (Celanova, #Galicia), the former Coeliobriga (celt., 'The fort of the Bold'). An object found here is key to understanding the politics of the hillforts. Other... is just the cutest thing you will see today on twitter. Go!👇 #HillfortsWednesday
Coelibriga was inhabited from the end of the Bronze Age until the height of Roman times. Outstanding examples of Gallaecian Iron Age art have been found there. #HillfortsWednesday
And even unique technological objects. This is a portable oven, possibly used for melting metals. Raw gold pieces have been found in the hillfort. #HillfortsWednesday
Estou mergullado no proceso de corrección das probas da miña nova novela, e gustaríame compartir convosco algunhas reflexións sobre ese traballo.
1) Toda edición dun texto é un proceso de estrañamento do que escribiches. A cada nova volta distánciaste máis da obra. Tes que vela desde fóra, friamente. Pero o paso definitivo é cando o texto pasa do teu word cara a maqueta da editorial.
2) E pasas de pantalla a papel. Comeza un proceso inconsciente. Ao velo na maqueta da colección, o teu texto fala cos doutros autores xa editados. Quéiralo ou non, vas comparalo. Está á altura? Encaixa? Que pensará o lector AQUÍ e AQUÍ? Non te podes volver tolo con iso.