To be clear, we do not know the identity of the person who (if our interpretation of events leading to the creation of the Facebook posts is correct) may admin both the GOA and the Alberta Patriots page.
We have reported both of the posts as well as the account. We also forwarded these threats to who we believe was the target so they are aware and can make their own decisions on how to proceed.
We have just confirmed directly with someone who is intimately aware of how @jkenney and the @UCPCaucus do business that it is impossible that the premiers office was unaware of his traveling MLA’s.
Not only does this effectively confirm that @jkenney appears to have deliberately misled Albertans, but it also seems to confirm that @TanyYao is deliberately being thrown under the bus.
On Sundays we’re supposed to be thankful for something.
Today, we just want to thank Comms Pros Michael Forian & @ElizaSnider8 for having the lack of foresight to be the first to post pictures of their Hawaii vacation of their own volition.
Without them, it would have eventually come out with UCP MLA’s posting pictures, displaying that same lack of judgement, but those two really got the ball rolling.