Explainer: Advocates of #ConversionTherapy misrepresent 'Affirmative therapy' as pushing people towards being LGBT and as being ethically questionable.
In fact, affirmative therapy provides an affirming (non-judgemental) space free from stigma to explore one's identity 1/
Affirmative therapy is therapy that does not pathologise sexual and gender minorities nor view their sexual orientation or gender identity as the root cause of a client's problems.
It provides an affirming (safe, non-judgemental) space (free from stigma, prejudice or bias) for its clients to explore their identities and enhance self awareness and acceptance of their own identity and orientation (whatever that may be). 3/
In addition to providing an accepting space for identity exploration/development, it often includes: comprehensive psychological assessment; helping clients to access social support; and encouraging strategies for actively coping with identity conflicts and social stigma 4/
Affirmative forms of therapy are evidence-based and grounded in ethical principles of respect (for diversity), responsibility/beneficence (avoiding harms caused by social stigma) and self-determination 5/
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Tip #1 Use language that is preferred by your clients, students, research participants etc. E.g. Use their preferred names and pronouns in person and, wherever possible, in documentation. Displaying your pronouns can also communicate that you're inclusive. #TransAwarenessWeek
Tip #2 Don’t make assumptions about a person’s gender, nor assume that their gender identity is ‘just a phase’ #TransAwarenessWeek
The next few weeks are going to be tough for socially isolated LGBT people. LGBT communities have come together in response to a virus before. This one won't beat us. LGBT orgs & charities across the UK are offering support & helping us to connect. We'll share links & resources