2/ The Code of Medical #Ethics also states, “However, respecting patient #privacy in other forms is also fundamental, as an expression of respect for patient autonomy and a prerequisite for trust.”
3/ Physicians and hospitals may share patient information without explicit patient consent for treatment, payment, business operations.
@HHSOCR enforces #HIPAA. Voluntary compliance and corrective action without a fine is a goal, but penalties are steep for “willful neglect.”
4/ Entities that knowingly obtain or disclose individually identifiable health information in ways not permitted by #HIPAA may face a fine of up to $50,000, as well as imprisonment up to one year.
5/ Conditions where patient jeopardy is higher necessitate #privacy protections stronger than #HIPAA.
Persons w/#SUD risk loss of job, housing, custody, & insurance if the diagnosis is shared. Potential exposure deters treatment. Greater confidentiality safeguards are warranted.
6/ Under #HIPAA, physicians are required to provide patients with access to their information. Last year, @HHSOCR launched its Right of Access Initiative.
To help physicians better understand these obligations, #OurAMA has released a playbook:
7/ “Without appropriate safeguards, patients’ data could become a commodity. Health data can provide a wealth of information for marketers or be sold and exchanged by data brokers—impacting insurance coverage, access to care, or resulting in employment discrimination.” | #OurAMA
Prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts that threaten financial viability of physician practices, especially during #COVID19 PHE & beyond. @SpeakerPelosi@GOPLeader
2/ HR1868 is vital to protect physician practices:
•Extend current moratorium on the 2% Medicare sequester cuts past the 3/31/21 deadline
•Avoid additional Medicare statutory PAYGO cut of up to 4% triggered by budgetary impact projected under American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
3/ The #COVID19#pandemic persists and continues to have a substantial fiscal impact on physician practices.
It is critically important that physicians are able to provide frontline care to #Medicare beneficiaries.
2/ •Use of #buprenorphine by a person who has #OUD but is not in withdrawal can precipitate withdrawal. This is a significant adverse experience. It also dissuades patients from adherence to treatment.
3/ •It is unclear whether removal of the X-waiver requirement for #buprenorphine-prescribing will increase access to care in the community. Already, physicians who have an X-waiver do not see the full allowed complement of patients who have #OUD.
1/ @HHSGov @SecAzar has extended the #COVID19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration effective Jan. 21, 2021 for an additional 90 days.
2/ This means that all of the #telehealth and other waivers and flexibilities that have been implemented during the #PHE will remain in effect until at least April 21, 2021.
3/ As in the summary & impact table by @AmerMedicalAssn, the Consolidated Appropriations Act signed into law 12/27/20 included provisions that offset most of the 10.2% budget neutrality adjustment that was slated to take effect for Medicare-covered services provided as of 1/1/21.
1/ @AmerMedicalAssn led a sign-on letter with over 100 national specialty and state medical societies submitted to @DeptVetAffairs in opposition to its recent Interim Final Rule (IFR), “Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care.”
2/ The @DeptVetAffairs IFR permits virtually all VHA-employed non-physician practitioners (NPPs) to practice without the clinical supervision of physicians and without regard to state scope of practice law.
3/ The IFR establishes the VA’s authority to allow virtually all NPPs to practice without the clinical supervision of a physician. In doing so, the IFR preempts state license, registration, certification, supervision, or other requirements.