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18 Mar, 72 tweets, 26 min read
Fresno City Council meeting March 18,2021! Among the items is a proclamation for outgoing Fresno Housing Authority’s CEO Preston Prince; Storyland/Playland 31-year lease at $1 per year; homeless Youth shelters;adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division;
Appearance by Chicago’s Anthony Tassone to discuss Remove Racial Bias by Analyzing Police Body Cams While Reducing City Spending @GreenKeyTech #publicsafety #police Watch Live at 9 am #Fresno
Selected items on CONSENT CALENDAR 1-B BILL No. B-4 (Intro. 3/4/2021) Amending Article 15 of Chapter 7 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to certain technical amendments required by the California Department of Tax /Fee Administration and as required due to the passage time
the Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax Ordinance (Measure P)
1-D Approve the award of a purchase contract to Ruckstell Sales of Fresno, California, for the purchase of 12, 520 Peterbilt side loading refuse trucks in the amount of $4,777,548.
*1-F Approve first amendment to lease agreement between the City and Storyland and Playland, Inc. for property at Roeding Park, located at 890 W. Belmont Ave, for the purpose of operating Playland and Storyland to provide educational opportunities and pleasure to the children and
families in the Central Valley for a term of 31 years at $1.00 per year.
Actions pertaining to the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP): 1. Approve Amended Agreement with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) for homeless youth services emergency shelter beds totaling $242,153.76 2. Approve Amended Agreement with Turning Point of
Central California for triage center services totaling $1,863,000 3. Approve Amended Agreement with Focus Strategies for program management services totaling $170,571.
1-N Actions pertaining to Final Map of Tract No. 5551 RESOLUTION - Approving the Final Map of Tract No. 5551, of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5551, accepting dedicated public uses offered therein- south side of North Salinas Avenue between North Figarden Drive and West Corona
1-O Actions pertaining to adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division 1. ***Approve 4th Amendment to Position Authorization Resolution No. 2020-160, adding one (1) full-time position to the Council District 7 Office Division, effective March 18, 2021.
Meeting is beginning at 9: 02 am @fresnoland @FLDocumenters All members are present this morning via Zoom.
10:05 Master Fee and 10:15 on Noyan and Frazier property have been removed and will be heard at April 8 meeting. @MiguelArias_D3 had removed 6 items from consent to Contested Consent.
@Esmeralda_Soria “Proclamation of Woman of the Year” @kmkarbassi co-sponsored. His mother is always his Woman of the Year. Women have been crucial in his development over the years. Soria: Steinbeck School’s Principal Ying Lee She helped with food distribution and Toy Drive.
Principal Ying Lee: was a pleasure to partner with Soria’s office on Food Drive/ Toy Distribution. Thanks Mayor and Council for this proclamation. @kmkarbassi District 2 Michelle Arax Asadoorian former School Board member.: she worked with @LuisCha70215912 while on School Board
Education is her passion. As education system goes so goes our city. Push to get other elected officials involved with schools. Thank you!
District 3 @MiguelArias_D3 (plays a video narrated by Bitwise’s CEO Irma Olguin jr. who grew up in Caruthers) @irms 2000 technology jobs created in Fresno. She thanks the Spanish, Hmong and Punjabi interpreters who are translating this especially after the tragic attack on Asian-
Americans yesterday. @LuisCha70215912 Thanks her and Bitwise for all they do.
@Maxwell4Fresno District 4 @JackieH00461046 Works hard for El Dorado Park area. Knows every tenant by name, paving alleys,community gardens , murals. Maxwell: entire community is inspired. (Note:she lived with my family when I was 6 years old!! I have known her a long time!)
Holmes : Thanks City Councilmembers over the years. We are increasing the assets of the neighborhood. Our future is to include the assets of those in the neighborhood and institutions in the area such as Fresno State and Wesley United Methodist Church. Chavez: she is the Mayor of
El Dorado Park. @LuisCha70215912 Always pushing electeds to help her neighborhood in SE Fresno. She is as grassroots as you can get. An amazing person.I have seen entities come and go but she is always there. (In Spanish she speaks to Council)
Chavez briefly translates for her: language is not a barrier. If you want to work you can work. Wants all women to work together and seen as a leader. We chose Fresno and Fresno didn’t choose us.
@GarryBredefeld She is originally from Pakistan. After losing her beloved dog Rex she has devoted herself to helping local pets, animal rescue, Club 1 gave her a van to transport pets statewide. She has saved many animals over the years. She does God’s work. She does it all with
-out pay. Mona Ahmed: honored and humbled. Thanks her husband for supporting her 7 days a week work in this project. We are the only voice for these unwanted animals.
@D7Esparza Mary Haskin She is an All-Star Constituent for not only District 7 but entire City. She fundraisers for providing dental care for disadvantaged. Passionate for Blackstone Corridor. Alleyway cleanup. A Leader among Leaders. She is now working to boost Manchester Park.
She has taken on being a caretaker for her mother. Esparza: notes she passed away this week. Haskin: I got involved in Community Service beginning with her children. A huge clinic gave free dental care occurred. It was so fulfilling and led me to work with city officials. Thanks
both Esparza and Maxwell for their help. Her constituents are amazing.
*Proclamation of “2021 National AG Day chavez:40 food processing plants in his district. Farm Bureau‘a Ryan Jacobsen: caretakers of crops and animals takes people and the reason for this being food capital of the world. Ag community is resilient during this pandemic as we con-
tiued to be out in the fields. He thanks all the ag leaders on the line this morning. @MayorJerryDyer Thanks Jacobsen and all the farmers and field workers out there who take the risk to get the crop to market. @MiguelArias_D3 As a child crop picker I appreciate the farmworkers
who continued to pick during a pandemic and Creek Fire.
*"Small Business Development Center's Day Clovis Community College does impressive work says @GarryBredefeld SBDC’s Rich Mostert says we support businesses throughout region. Our goals quadrupled the past year.
Proclamation for "Preston Prince Day"@PressedTinP Prince is becoming Executive Director of Santa Clara County Housing Authority. Angie Nguyen appointed to replace him.
@Esmeralda_Soria Prince is one of her constituents as well as champion of affordable housing.Led the Authority
for past 14 years. 2000 new units achieved. We are short 35,000 units though. He was able to chip away at that number. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. She has heard from children that had stable housing and were able to then go on to college. He stepped in when other
would not. @PressedTinP Thank you for this great honor. I am speechless (no I am not). Welcomed us 14 years ago if a strong community. Wife and him came in it was 108 years ago but afterchecking out the housing authority projects she said “hell yeah this is the only place for us!
Thanks his many staff members who helped leverage City money. On this day of Woman of the Year it is noteworthy many of the Housing Authority’s staff members are women. We tried to not only be transactional but transformational with these projects. 6 projects under construction.
All together $1 billion invested into Fresno. He thanks the individual councilmembers and notes the projects in their districts. Looking forward to see what Mayor and his staff will create. Thanks @gregorybarfield for his hugs when I needed it. Housing Authority has shifted from
Compliance to transforming. Tearfully Thanks everyone on behalf of his wife and himself. Mayor: thanks him for his passion. Buying the motels made the cleanup of freeways possible. Preston loves this city and will be another city’s gain. Job training for those who live in the
Authority’s units. @MiguelArias_D3 Growing up he lived in migrant housing. As I became policy maker I saw how authority was so much better. Shouldn’t all housing should be like that no matter their income level. We have had tough conversations. Prince wasn’t always the best
friend of developers.We will need to invite him back to Fresno to see the fruit of him and his staff. @D7Esparza We have been accustomed to the quality of leadership Prince has brought.Santa Clara is lucky to have him. @LuisCha70215912 Thank for the work in SE Fresno. You have
turned the Authority from just shelter to now cleanup of blight and making the area better. He set the standard of how a landlord’s dwelling should be.
“Proclamation for "A Celebration of Greek democracy in Greece and the United States”. Mayor: they are hard working and have made this community a better place. Ex-councilmember @SenatorBorgeas is an example. Their food is great too. @kmkarbassi lots of those of Greek descent
in District 2. They make our city a better choice place. @LuisCha70215912 Greek Fest really captures bringing people together. Father Pappas:one of the largest events in the community. Ioanris Kottinidis: revolution against Turks needed help from throughout world. We have paid
this debt back by serving in military. Thanks those still fighting for democracy.Pappas:looking forward to meeting with @D7Esparza. Soria: jokes that Nelson just needs to taste that Greek food and he will be on board. Pappas: community is now not just Greek but those of Orthodox
Christianity. Councilmember Reports: Karbassi: we lost businessman Bob Smittcamp.Was in an iron lung in ‘53 due to polio which led to supporting healthcare. CEO Lyon Magnus and others. Smittcamp Honor College.@LuisCha70215912 he employed lots of his constituents. I met him when
I was 13 years old due to picnics for Wawona employees. @MayorJerryDyer a dear friend. First met him for playing softball of a team Smittcamp sponsored. He had a crusty appearance but a heart of gold. Called me up once asking why his car got stolen. Turned out Bob had left the
vehicle running. @GarryBredefeld met him the first time on Council. I loved that he was blunt and direct. I was able to meet with his father Earl too. @MiguelArias_D3 thanks staff for First Operation Cleanup of a multi family development. This is first time even though they pay
more for trash pick up than single family. Next: an independent investigation is needed about Fresno PD officer has ties to Proud Boy. This is a nationwide problem. Result of investigation must be made public. Police Reform Commission needs to have the results implemented. We
need to root out officers that is a member of a hate group and it has places where our city liable for any Judgements caused by it. @Maxwell4Fresno SAFR funding has run out so we are partnering with local businesses. Thanks Mayor for joint town hall. Homeless Task Force and Fres-
no Irrigation District were part of townhall. He was also given a tour of new garage being built at Fresno Airport which was a PLA and is on time and on budget. Extension of airport terminal is next. @D7Esparza a new level of hate in this nation such as against API community or
white supremacy causing division in Tower District. Agree with Arias about having an independent investigation. Mayor: @BeautifyFresno cleanup at Manchester Center as well as Kings Canyon corridor with Chavez and 177 volunteers. Project Offramp 44 housed along Golden State as
as Shaw and Gettysburg in District 4. Cleaning Tyler Ave in @D7Esparza district. City Manager Esqueda says Rental Assistance program has begun. Thanks IT Department and finance staff processing the applications.
@LisaYFlores1 thanks Council for UCSF vaccine program. There was some logistical nightmare with how cars were lined up. Nazi proud boys are escalating and increasing in numbers. PD needs to divide the two differing protesting factions. Next: Dez Martinez: stressed out from 13
homeless has created pressure on me. There are 32 at my encampment now but only me to run it. You will not break me as I will continue to take on the forgotten people of Fresno. I don’t need thanks from City but help. Need tents, lighting, keep camp safe. @LovesMercy Brandi says
homeless wanted shelters but no room. Safe options and resources are needed. Some of our groups have been a harassed and doxxed. Homeless advocates want PD to keep homeless safe and social workers be First contact of homeless.Robert McCloskey: safe camps needed. Uncivilized to
let people sleep in the street or not have access to restrooms. The money is available. Money being spent is just keeping it status quo. Full audit to find out where money is going. Supervised low barrier camps needed. @Esmeralda_Soria is there anything we can do to support Dez?
Dez is providing a safe place. We need to decide as a city what we can do as these people working towards permanent housing. @GarryBredefeld would like 1-I pulled and a NO vote registered on Measure P (1-B) Remainder of Consent approved.
Karbassi wants to register NO vote on Measure B item. *1-F Approve first amendment to lease agreement between the City and Storyland and Playland, Inc. for property at Roeding Park, located at 890 W. Belmont Ave, for the purpose of operating Playland and Storyland. Arias wants
it to be known that group is applying for Prop 68 grant and not the city. Approved.
1-G Actions pertaining to amending Sections 3-330, 33-336, 3-338, 3-353e, 3-408, 3-413, 3-415 and 3-424e, 3-547, 3-550, 3-52 and 3-566e of the Fresno Municipal Code to Clarify and Conform the Disability and Death Provisions of the Fire and Police Retirement System and the Employ
-ees. This is not new and just an IRS change says staff. Approved 6-0 1-I What about ACELA planning problems asks Bredefeld. City Manger will be developed with Burns Co. and then transitioned to City Staff by the end of the year. ACELA 2.0 has the capabilities we need but wasn't
fully developed. Bredefeld: is ACELA really what we need? Esgueda: Staff is frustrated too but this will be fixed but fully launched in FY 2022. Dyer: steps and mitigation will need to be done, training, and more fully developed. 5.8 helpful and we need need to get to 10.0
Bureaucracy is slow says Bredefeld. Frustrating for people to do business in Fresno. Esgueda:original roll out was by a certain date and not when it was ready and that is where we dropped the ball. We know exactly what needs to be done.Dyer:We are fixing it now and not 2022.
There will be noticeable improvements over the next 6 months. We will provide to Council what changes will be done. Arias: my patience with ACELA is wearing thin and don't want to hear more more money is needed at Budget time. Approved 6-0
1-J Actions related to the Freeway Litter Abatement Project: 1. ***RESOLUTION - 68th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution No. 2020-159 Appropriating $197,000 from the California Department of Transportation for the Freeway Litter Abatement Project (Requires 5 votes)
Public Works Director Scott Mozier: Our current vendor is doing very well. 168 and 180 corridor is cleaned 1x per month end to end. The other two 99/41 are cleaned 2x a month. This new money will be a entire new crew with 3 Fresno residents hired. Golden State is cleaned 90 days
.Cal-Trans money can only be cleaned in State Right of Way but most of Golden State is in City Right of Way. @BeautifyFresno and Measure P are possible sources to clean that. Dyer: We will make entire Fresno as part of Beautify Fresno including Golden State. We are also asking
considerable dollars from State for housing homeless and cleaning up freeways associated with homeless. Will start Golden State in April. @Maxwell4Fresno this will double crew to clean up freeway?A:YES. Litter complaints seem to be coming from side of freeway facing homes. Can we
make sure that side of embankment is cleaned too? A: If encampments are present our crews will not clean but another group will due to needles etc.@kmkarbassi I voted against this originally but thanks Mozier for what is being done.@GarryBredefeld Adult Offender Program? Mozier:
depends on State dollars. Prisoners cannot be dropped off at interchange but at City Maintenance Lot. Covid is limiting us currently from moving on. @MiguelArias_D3 Homeless stockpiled items away from encampment and this crew and Cal Trans where they only clean embankment which
only benefits those passerbys but not homeowners. Approved 7-0
Chavez: We will need to do a better job getting these type of questions before it is pulled from Consent. 1-K voted on with no discussion. Will take up remaining items at 1:30 (after lunch break)
1-O *Actions pertaining to adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division 1. ***Approve 4th Amendment to Position Authorization Resolution No. 2020-160, adding one (1) full-time position to the Council District 7 Office Division, effective March 18, 2021.
City Attorney Sloan says if Council doesn't want to have a one off every time Council needs to set a number and be any number less than that. @kmkarbassi Amendment: I would like to add a position in my office too. Can we do it now as well? Esparza:Raising the number will be the

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18 Mar
now. Lets make it 5 for now. Soria: This has been an issue since I have been on Council. My staff do a lot with nothing.We get 15 constituent calls a day not to mention emails and social media comments with only 2 paid staff.It would serve our constituents better
if we expanded staff. Mayor Staff White:The way it is written please don't go hire staff until it passes Veto portion. Esparza:Will you veto this ? Dyer:No money added to this?Then I won't. Arias:Mayor has grown his team with positions that were not there before. Allow us to grow
as well. Chavez:Originally we were going to expand to 9 Council members but got changed by Voters. Census numbers coming out will show the increase. We may need satellite offices to better serve constituents. Approved 7-0
Read 28 tweets
9 Mar
Fresno County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2021! Among the items on the agenda include Official appointment of James Kus as Registrar of Voters;Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing
the landowners in the San Joaquin River
bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing
Board; @sarahparkes09 Budget Resolutions to Purchase Drug Analyzer, Undercover Vehicles and
Rebuild Sheriff’s Helicopter Engine #Fresno
On Consent Calendar: 18.1 Adjourn in memory of Bob Smittcamp, a Fresno County business leader and philanthropist
Read 59 tweets
4 Mar
It is Thursday so it must be time for:March 4, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! On the Agenda includes 16 miles of bike pathways;3 workshops on Housing Production,American Rescue Plan and Displacement Avoidance ;Jensen/Maple 12 acre development;SE Fresno Prop 68 Park Grant ap-
plication; Covid relief for grocery workers; #Fresno Watch live at 9 am
Three Workshops:Workshop on Displacement Avoidance work related to the
Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant;Workshop on American Rescue Plan and proposed allocation
methodology; AND Workshop on Housing Production
Read 173 tweets
23 Feb
Fresno County Board of Supervisors February 23,2021! On the agenda includes Closed Session item to appoint replacement for outgoing Clerk/Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth who has recommended James Kus; Covid-19 Vaccine Update; County’s federal lobbyists update; Sanger’s NFL Hall
of Fame player/coach Tom flores honored! #Fresno
Some select CONSENT CALENDAR items:

18.1 Proclaim March 2021 as Professional Social Worker Appreciation Month
Attachments: Proclamation
Supervisor Mendes
Read 70 tweets
18 Feb
Fresno City Council February 18, 2021! On the agenda includes the 1 PM Free Bus Fare Act 2 Homeless items including Regional coordination and CDBG-COVID funding. Advocates wish for the funding is used for Mobile medical clinics and Right to Counsel ; Bredefeld lawsuit against
Fresno Unified to force reopening of schools. #Fresno You can watch at @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar Items:1-B Actions pertaining to the Ordinance Number 2021-005, the
Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax Ordinance
Certifying and declaring the results of the Consolidated General Election held in the City of Fresno on November 6, 2018, as to
Read 142 tweets
9 Feb
Fresno County Board of Supervisors February 9,2021! Among the items are a COVID UPDATE; fence standards for urban residential zone districts; Two Vacations (but not the fun kind of vacations but referring to right of ways 😞)of county roads ; #Fresno
On Consent Calendar: 16. *Proclaim February 2021 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
17. *Adopt Resolution honoring Chief Mark Johnson who retired from Cal Fire Fresno/Kings Unit and Fresno County Fire Protection
Read 84 tweets

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