2/8 - Valais is experiencing an increase at high levels in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.08), with no expected mortality, for 7 more days.
3/8 - Geneva is experiencing a rise, at high levels, in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.14), with no expected mortality, for 7 more days.
4/8 - Vaud (Lausanne) is experiencing an increase at high levels in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.08), with high level of mortality, for 7 more days.
5/8 - Zürich is experiencing a rise in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.13), at medium levels, with medium levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
6/8 - Basel Stadt is experiencing a rapid and worrying surge in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.30), at medium to high - by early next week - levels, with no expected mortality, for 7 more days.
7/8 - Bern is experiencing an increase, at medium level, in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.06), with medium level of mortality, for 7 more days.
8/8 - Ticino is experiencing a rise, at high levels, in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.10), with very high levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
9/8 -
Read forecasting for other countries by following @KristenN_06
and @elisa_manetti
A few definitions:
Safety zone: nb of forecast cases/day < 4.29/100K pop 4.3 < Medium level of epidemic activity < 20 cases/day
20 < High level < 100
Very high level > 100
10/8 -
... Definitions (cont'd):
Very low mortality: nb of forecast deaths/d < 0.05/100K pop
0.05 < Low mortality < 0.10
0.10 < Medium mortality < 0.20
0.20 < High mortality < 0.50
Very high mortality > 0.50
Alarming mortality > 1.0
Very alarming mortality > 3.0
• • •
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1/9 - Le 28 oct 2020, le Président Macron annonce un confinement et un changement radical de stratégie française de riposte contre la pandémie, les quatre piliers de la stratégie de suppression sont alors évoqués : 1. “L’objectif est de passer de 40000 à 5000 contaminations/j.”
2/9-“La stratégie de tests de dépistage et de traçage des contacts sera redéployée une fois le pic épidémique passé”;
3.“Nous devons collectivement déployer beaucoup plus massivement l'application TousAntiCovid” et,
4.“L'isolement des personnes positives doit être plus efficace.”
3/9 - Le 1er décembre, l’objectif visé n’est pas atteint (plus de 10000 cas/j rapportés), mais la révision de la stratégie française n’est à partir de ce moment plus jamais rappelée. La stratégie de tests n’est pas revisitée, l’App. peu promue et l’isolement reste inefficace.
2/22. Portugal is the 1st EU country that has landed in its #COVID19 safety zone (<4.29 cases/100K pop/day), and will stay in it (R-eff=0.81), with low to very low - by next mid-week - levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
4/22. The UK will be shortly landing in its #COVID19 safety zone (R-eff=0.96), close to reach it, decreasing in mortality too, from medium to low - by next weekend - levels, for 7 more days.
>40% of its population vaccinated so far.
2/11 - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is experiencing an increase, at high level, in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.08), with high levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
3/11 - Corsica is plateauing at high levels in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.03), with high level of mortality, for 7 more days.
1/4 - La saisonnalité de la #COVID19 est très probable, on en a profité l’été dernier en Europe, mais elle n’est pas “automatique” : en zone tempérée, la saison joue un rôle de frein (de l’ordre de 0,6 x R effectif), mais pas nécessairement un blocage sur les virus respiratoires.
2/4 - Pour la grippe, dont le R0=1,5, l’été ramène le R effectif sous la valeur 1, donc est bloquant. Pour #SARSCoV2 dont le R0=3 (voire plus avec les nvx variants), ce n’est pas suffisant, il faut des freins additionnels (gestes barrières, mesures de confinement, immunité,...)
3/4 - L’été, en zone tempérée, ce n’est pas juste la température et l’humidité, c’est aussi plus d’UV, plus d’ensoleillement, plus d’activités dehors, plus de fenêtres ouvertes, une nutrition différente, plus de vacances, moins d’écoles,...
2/22. Portugal is the 1st EU country that has landed in its #COVID19 safety zone (<4.29 cases/100K pop/day), and will stay in it (R-eff=0.77), with low to very low - by the weekend - levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
Spain (Re=0.91) is not far from its safety zone too.
3/22 - Norway (and Finland), European champions in fighting #COVID19 are experiencing a surge (plateau) in incidence, at high (medium) levels, R-eff=1.24 (1.03), with very low (low) levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
Iceland benefits from #ZeroCovid strategy, with no death.
2/10 - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is experiencing an increase, at high level, in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.08), with high levels of mortality, for 7 more days.
3/10 - Corsica is plateauing at high levels in its #COVID19 epidemic activity (R-eff=1.02), with high level of mortality, for 7 more days.