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23 Mar, 76 tweets, 24 min read
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting March 23, 2021! On the slate today include ask Governor to accept federal work hours for nomadic sheep herders(!);General Plan progress;County’s State lobbyists recommendations;mid-year budget;CDBG /HOME Investment Partnerships Program
Among the CLOSED SESSION the LOOOOONG continuing
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - UMC Campus
located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road; County
Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau Negotiating Parties: CMG
19. *Adopt Conflict of Interest Codes for Two Agencies
Currently, the Fresno County Office of Education’s (FCOE) Conflict of Interest (COI) Code includes the
Fresno County Board of Education (FCBE) and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Approval of the recommended action creates new COI Codes for FCBE and FCSS. There is no Net County
Cost. This item is countywide.
20.*Adjourn in Memory of Gloria Smith, a longtime Fresno County resident who was always gracious
and encouraging
21.*Adjourn in Memory of Dr. Noel Smith, a longtime Fresno County resident and doctor who had a
calling in providing medical care to the medically underserved
22. *Adopt Resolution urging Governor Newsom to use his administrative authority to adopt the federal
weekly hours work standard for herders in California
(And the Four-footed firefighters 😝
24. Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2020-21 appropriations estimated revenues for
Sheriff-Coroner in amount of $3,223,669 to offset the
unbudgeted cost associated w/ the inmate population waiting for transfer to the State Prison
System due to the COVID-19 Public Health
25.Sheriff Inmate Welfare Fund Purchase:Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2020-21 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $1,000,000 for the
purchase of two vehicles, additional radios and computers
26. As of June 30, 2020, $52,092,103 in Measure Z funds were held in trust for Fresno’s Chaffee Zoo
Corporation (ZooCorp), with $44,572,368 of the total cash reserved for capital projects, and $7,519,735 for
operations. In FY 2019-20, $15,759,523 in Measure Z taxes were received
in total, and the Authority
reimbursed ZooCorp $1,350,447 for capital projects, including start up construction of Zooplex and s a new building to house offices, meeting spaces and the Zoo’s
commissary. The Ambassador animal building will provide more space for ambassador animal
(guinea pigs, skinks and tortoises). The Authority also reimbursed ZooCorp $4,003,126 for operations costs
that directly serve the animals, including feed, keeper and veterinarian salaries, and utilities.
27. Accept the Fresno Council on Child Abuse Prevention’s 2019-20 Annual Report
Approval of the recommended action allows Fresno Council on Child Abuse Prevention (FCCAP), as the County’s child abuse prevention coordinating council, to comply with Welfare and Institutions Code
(WIC), section (§) 18983.6, which requires councils receiving funding from the County’s Children’s Trust Fund to develop a protocol for interagency coordination and provide annual reports to county board of supervisors.
All Supervisors present with Quintero here via phone. Probation Chief Kirk Haynes with the invocation this morning. prays "officials will humble themselves..."
No items pulled from Consent Calendar. First item:3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Michael M. Zapata - Department of the Assessor-Recorder -
20 Years of Service. Paul Dictos: he will leave a big vacuum. Zapata has been here since 2020 and was fair and consistent. If you
were told off by him you probably deserved it. The best way to get power is to share it. Zapata: he is joined by his family. Thanks his wife for her care when he worked full time and full time student at Fresno State. His friend Lupe recently survived a health issues. He thanks
staff and board for listening to him and him listening to them. Personal Property Tax is levied on tangible property but not real property. Tangible can be farm equipment, office equipment, planes,etc. He asked taxpayers to take a photo first of the year and send it. Stay safe!
CAO Rousseau says Amazon is the largest tangible property tax by far. Thanks Zapata for being a friend.
4. *Proclaim April 2021 as Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month
Magisg:true number of abused is masked due to schools being shut down. Roussau:Thanks the staff for their work during this tough time. Neighbor Resource Centers are very important.
5. Receive presentation from Paul Yoder and Michael Corbett, State lobbyists, regarding legislative
Actions. (Items Five and Six go together). They will have a brief presentation.
2500 bills written despite the pandemic. Governor asked for some early action on some items such as School Reopening Bill, Small Business Assistance and $600 stimulus for low income.
The delay of tax-deadline makes it hard for Governor to project budget as well federal American Rescue Plan Covid bill that will provide dollars to states, local and Native Americans. Will lead to haggling. June budget will not be what we see later.
Landlord assistance,renters assistance etc as well as governor to provide money for firefighting earlier to anticipate fire season. Child support services will increase and help rectify the valley’s counties getting less than other counties. “Perpetual budgeting”era. Biden is
Looking at an infrastructure package that will help Caltrans. ARP will provided direct and indirect aid such as $ one billion for aid, $800 million for medical support, energy and water Bill assistance. A clear legislative role on some but others little direction that may help
Supervisors. SJ Valley has made some progress on vaccinations. Bail Bills,elections, Friant Kern,redistricting bills. Lots of significant budgeting late in Summer. @LincolnSeward Significant money in January to mitigate fire damage. Will there be more for forest resiliency?
Assembly has wanted to spend more of Cap n Trade but not Senate yet. Cal Fire has already said $317 million will be there for grants now so they are sure that money will be there.One time $40 billion surplus has been mentioned for State with Fed dollar.
@BuddySupervisor SB 467 will kill oil industry. Lobbyists agree. They say :It is Senator Scott Weiner’s bill. He is prolific and effective Senator. It will depend on how Governor reacts could determine if it gets through or not. Mendes: devastating for Kern especially. Brandau
Agrees with Mendes that it will hurt Kern and Fresno Counties. Brandau wants to draft a bill for next meeting to oppose that bill. All supervisors agree. Lobbyist: energy will have quite a year for it. Brandau: important to support other valley counties as well Coalinga Hills in
Fresno Co. CAO: will Creek Fire get any of this CDA money? 2) Governor wants more housing but VMT (vehicle Miles Traveled) has had a negative effect. Lobbyist: CDA and other pots of money will lead to creative ways of using that money. @SenatorBorgeas bill made it thru first
hurdle. On VMT may lead Governor to take a relook at this. Higher gas prices but other VMT tax. Lots of interest groups will be involved but not in 2021 with Recall Effort going on. Brandau: @drarambula559 wants to change how SJ River Conservancy board members are selected as
well as format. Brandau and Magisg are opposed. Makeup of board is making hard for Fresno and Madera Counties to get involved. We are elected to represent all citizens and not just narrow group. Quintero: did Arambula reach out? Brandau: not really as well as Arambula’s district
doesn’t touch any part of that River. Next a Paterson has a bill to allow creek fire homeowners and what type of solar energy systems would go up. State wants houses to be net zero. Magisg: may be an unintended consequence. Solar made it more efficient but other ways may need to
be found without being too expensive. Title 21 rules suspended for those rebuilding in Creek Fire may be needed. Lobbyist: insurance claims lead to only 2/3 of house values. Lobbyist:redistricting: state seems to be more sympathetic with slow release of census numbers. Possible a
January (or did he say June??)election may not be possible. Commends the Census Bureau for being transparent. Charter cities need four meetings before redistricting. How much time County will have we are not sure. @BuddySupervisor last time we were done by the date the Census
numbers will be even released. Redistricting could be done by late 2021 or early 2022 but the election it effects may be post 2022. Brandau thanks lobbyists.
6. ******Fresno County State Legislative Platform Update
1. Adopt recommended changes to the Fresno County State Legislative Platform;
2. Authorize the Chairman to execute letters of support, or opposition, in accordance with the
platform; and
@BuddySupervisor can we add the support of the oil industry now? Brandau:it has lots for air quality and renewalbe blah blah blah but no support for oil industry. Magsig: Oil interests in Coalinga are one of the largest taxpayers in Fresno Co. and will hurt our general fund.
Supervisors vote to support a number of items including oil industry. All supervisors in agreement.
FY 2020-21 Mid-Year Budget Report
. Approve proposed schedule for the Recommended Budget and adoption of the Fiscal Year
2021-22 Budget, which incorporates a Recommended Budget by June 22 with
proposed adjustments to this Recommended Budget to be presented beginning September
CAO: rebalance our budget. The worse was anticipated of even 20% drop but didn’t get that bad. We had taken a conservative approach like state did. Let’s close our books and to see where we are. Housing: State CPI used will be less than usual. Labor costs: we asked them to be
patient as we rebalance. Revenue growth and salaries compared. We can make up our deficits but can we increase salaries and benefits. Costal cities were hammered by pandemic but not so much in valley due to ag.
Growth cover last 5-6 years but commercial properties may need to be revalued. Prop 172 A cliff was hit in May /June but some additional one time moneys will help.Entire $170 million of CARES dollars by Summer. Welcomed the extension to use it for past December.Creek Fire has a
Project list in upwards of $35 million so we hope for other money. ARA signed by Biden will provide $190 million to county. We don’t have to rush as they have an expiration date of 2024. State thinks it will have a budget surplus. Homelessness has plenty of money and we are buy-
-ing motels left and right. We bring this place holder budget until September when full budget will occur when more numbers will be known. @LincolnSeward I see an opportunity to invest in infrastructure such as this building as well as Reedley/Clovis Libraries. Creek Fire has
created road and bridge damage. It will provide construction jobs. Quintero: will sheriff substation be finished? Yes. As well as animal control center. New jail is moving along despite issues with firm. State’s Fire Marshall department is poster child for statement that State
Cannot doing anything. Public said they were allowed to apply for small business grants due to a lawsuit with county. I am being illegally discriminated with this. Approved 5-0
8. Partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Consider petition for partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No.
5705 filed by Gary L. Roberts to remove from the Williamson Act contract a 2.50-acre portion
of a 20-acre parcel (gross
-age) located on the east side of Thompson Avenue, between
Jensen Avenue and North Avenue, approximately one and three quarter-miles west of the
nearest city limits of the City of Sanger.Approved 5-0
9. ***Amendment to 2020-21 Annual Action Plan and Budget Amendment for Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Programs
Approved with no discussion 4-0-1 with Quintero absent. 10. 2020 General Plan Annual Progress Report
The 2020 APR was presented to the Planning Commission on March 11, 2021. Prior to the Commission
hearing, the Commission and County staff received a correspondence (Attachment C)
Counsel Cedarborg says work shows we are legal with this in regard to public letter .@LincolnSeward VMT ? Staff:VMT is specific to projects and not much with General Plan.
Public: Radley Reep “I sent that letter to supervisors. Would like to know where I was in error. Public are thinking that county has been unresponsive to us. Not showing enough interest or implementing complete plan nor not working with public. Message has been sent has been neg-
-ative. He gives a few suggestions to help. Counsel: this has been an ongoing issue with some in public. Always things that can be added but there is just a difference in that with some in public. Staff: respond to Reep in writing so there will be a record. Approved 5-0
Supervisors Committee Reports: @LincolnSeward spoke with some developers that there is lots of confusion around VMT and what mitigation can be done.This will have a chilling effect on future maps. They will go into communities that have answered those questions. What can we do to
Provide more surety to developers. Also met with PG&E to remove trees near creek fire structures but County will need to accept trees afterwards. Pacheco: farming may not be glamorous but helped County during pandemic. Nice article in Fresno Bee by Ryan Jacobsen. Met with counsel
on mobile home ordinance. Brandau: redistricting bottom line is we are in holding pattern until State releases data but we are six months behind. We have to wait. Pacheco: will we form a committee and how many can we have on that. We can did that now while waiting. Staff: item on
Agenda for next meeting April 13th. A website will be up too. Brandau: lift country’s declaration of emergency now as it has been going on for a year. We would still be under the State’s emergency though. 13 other counties have actually done that. @LincolnSeward it needs to be
clear why we are still under the emergency still. When we first started we had no vaccine and we may be few months away from here immunity. I would like this to come to a vote at our next meeting. Brandau:disperemece of ARA funds committee is needed. Magisg would like to be part
of that. Mendes: this will be like skeet shooting so some of the ideas can be shot down. Unscheduled Public comment:a retiree of sheriff’s office. A long time needed for jail officers. An officer had to fight a man with a gun using only a taser. Need changes to allow them to
carry weapons by making them police officers.Some oppose but they are despicable and use falsehoods.Let’s see what exactly why people are against follow up with last speaker. Amend penal code to add peace officer for Fresno Co. These jail officers volun-
-teer with Big Brothers organization. Next: CMG construction. You are professional. Thank you for helping in purchase of old VMC/University Hospital. There is an outstanding regulatory agreement. City of Fresno has an issue. It will provide affordable housing and retail.
Next: pay raise will be needed if jail officers are made peace officers.
Moving into Closed Session now. including the old VMC hospital item. NEXT MEETINGS:
April 13, 2021 - 10:00 AM
April 27, 2021 - 10:00 AM

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18 Mar
now. Lets make it 5 for now. Soria: This has been an issue since I have been on Council. My staff do a lot with nothing.We get 15 constituent calls a day not to mention emails and social media comments with only 2 paid staff.It would serve our constituents better
if we expanded staff. Mayor Staff White:The way it is written please don't go hire staff until it passes Veto portion. Esparza:Will you veto this ? Dyer:No money added to this?Then I won't. Arias:Mayor has grown his team with positions that were not there before. Allow us to grow
as well. Chavez:Originally we were going to expand to 9 Council members but got changed by Voters. Census numbers coming out will show the increase. We may need satellite offices to better serve constituents. Approved 7-0
Read 28 tweets
18 Mar
Fresno City Council meeting March 18,2021! Among the items is a proclamation for outgoing Fresno Housing Authority’s CEO Preston Prince; Storyland/Playland 31-year lease at $1 per year; homeless Youth shelters;adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division;
Appearance by Chicago’s Anthony Tassone to discuss Remove Racial Bias by Analyzing Police Body Cams While Reducing City Spending @GreenKeyTech #publicsafety #police Watch Live at 9 am #Fresno
Selected items on CONSENT CALENDAR 1-B BILL No. B-4 (Intro. 3/4/2021) Amending Article 15 of Chapter 7 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to certain technical amendments required by the California Department of Tax /Fee Administration and as required due to the passage time
Read 72 tweets
9 Mar
Fresno County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2021! Among the items on the agenda include Official appointment of James Kus as Registrar of Voters;Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing
the landowners in the San Joaquin River
bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing
Board; @sarahparkes09 Budget Resolutions to Purchase Drug Analyzer, Undercover Vehicles and
Rebuild Sheriff’s Helicopter Engine #Fresno
On Consent Calendar: 18.1 Adjourn in memory of Bob Smittcamp, a Fresno County business leader and philanthropist
Read 59 tweets
4 Mar
It is Thursday so it must be time for:March 4, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! On the Agenda includes 16 miles of bike pathways;3 workshops on Housing Production,American Rescue Plan and Displacement Avoidance ;Jensen/Maple 12 acre development;SE Fresno Prop 68 Park Grant ap-
plication; Covid relief for grocery workers; #Fresno Watch live at 9 am
Three Workshops:Workshop on Displacement Avoidance work related to the
Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant;Workshop on American Rescue Plan and proposed allocation
methodology; AND Workshop on Housing Production
Read 173 tweets
23 Feb
Fresno County Board of Supervisors February 23,2021! On the agenda includes Closed Session item to appoint replacement for outgoing Clerk/Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth who has recommended James Kus; Covid-19 Vaccine Update; County’s federal lobbyists update; Sanger’s NFL Hall
of Fame player/coach Tom flores honored! #Fresno
Some select CONSENT CALENDAR items:

18.1 Proclaim March 2021 as Professional Social Worker Appreciation Month
Attachments: Proclamation
Supervisor Mendes
Read 70 tweets
18 Feb
Fresno City Council February 18, 2021! On the agenda includes the 1 PM Free Bus Fare Act 2 Homeless items including Regional coordination and CDBG-COVID funding. Advocates wish for the funding is used for Mobile medical clinics and Right to Counsel ; Bredefeld lawsuit against
Fresno Unified to force reopening of schools. #Fresno You can watch at @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar Items:1-B Actions pertaining to the Ordinance Number 2021-005, the
Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax Ordinance
Certifying and declaring the results of the Consolidated General Election held in the City of Fresno on November 6, 2018, as to
Read 142 tweets

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