So I posted a Thread: ‘What is a Sociopath?’ (attached). Five minutes later a man with ASPD replied (attached). He gave me permission to share the message to help others who may also have it as well as those who have been impacted. He also sent this: 1/13
“In my purely observational experience, I have found men are quite terrified of anything perceived as weakness. 2/13
I saw it a lot in prison, criminal culture has a very strong honour system. If someone speaks over you, bumps into you, walks in the wrong section of yard, etc then you are expected to act quickly and violently to uphold this weird sense of dominance. 3/13
Transitioning out of criminality it is something I still struggle with, less so towards myself but rather now I get quite protective of my loved ones. 4/13
It wasn't until I experienced the extremes of this in criminality that I started seeing it bleed through to every aspect of masculinity.
In night clubs I would commonly see people with little to no combat experience instigating high risk, violent scenarios with others. 5/13
In social groups I'd see men become aggressive because their partner has spoken to someone they don't like. 6/13
It is almost like some sense of tribalism that permeates our gender and even bringing it up as a possiblity sets my male friends off like their sense of safety/identity is somehow at risk. 7/13
I’ve been working on feeling uncomfortable emotions and letting grief/sadness manifest itself rather than repressing it. 8/13
I brought this up with a male friend who is the farthest thing from violent or combative I could imagine and his instant reaction was to laugh and call me a 'pussy'. 9/13
It made me realise the control toxic masculinity has because he knows a lot of my past but even he decided that me crying is a sign of weakness, both emotionally and physically. 10/13
I have no idea how to solve the issue, but I think a lot of the violence comes from a place of fear or pain rather than true malice. 11/13
I experienced true malice and have rarely seen it in others, but that fear of being seen as weak has led me to seeing men make HORRIBLE decisions both for themselves and for people around them.” 12/13
This Thread highlights an urgent need for cultural change - starting right at the top with Australia’s leaders. The standard we walk past is the standard we accept. Each leader sets the tone for young boys and men for socially acceptable discussions and behaviours. 13/13
Australians are outraged. I feel calm. On 16th of January 2021, I started my first daily question for Tharnicaa and Kopika. Shortly after I found 2021 Human Rights Watch World Report. I made a series of threads that taught me what a nightmare we are in. #Justice4Australia 1/15
I was attacked by trolls. I was even called a ‘political pedophile’. Through #HomeToBilo, Priya and Nades gave me permission to continue. Although I took a step back and made threads on some of the best things I’ve learnt from Psychology the past 20 years. 2/15
Now 12 weeks later, I finally made ‘one tweet’ with a Nelson Mandela quote that includes this all: All of Australia’s violations of Human Rights and Tools for Wellbeing (please see below). I could share more but what is the point? 3/15
👇🏼Thread: #Justice4Australia. ‘Bookmark’ this tweet. All: ‘violations of abuse’ with ‘world standard concrete recommendations’. Plus: ‘Tools for Wellbeing’. As nothing will ever change without clarity. A shift from the head to the heart: awareness, compassion and action. #Auspol
It’s me, Tharnicaa. Kopika and I are ready to cheer you all on! We’ve been detained by the Australian Government for 1118 days. What will it be like when we all have #Justice4Australia? #EnoughIsEnough#Auspol
Good morning. It’s me, Tharnicaa. Kopika’s getting her pom poms to cheer you all on. We’ve been detained by the Australian Government for 1118 days. Did you think we will ever have #Justice4Australia? #EnoughIsEnough#Auspol
If anyone wants to know why I made #Justice4Australia it is because there has been some conflicts. This is a broad neutral name so that any group can share the tweets (see below). #EnoughIsEnough#Auspol