Because nobody ever thinks that supply of goods and services from raw materials to consumable products could ever be disrupted.
It never occurs to any single theoretician who teaches economics to the masses that crude oil might NOT arrive from point A to B for any reason at all.
They always assume that anybody on earth would produce any goods and services at anytime instantly as needed.
Which of course, for a Sales Engineer like me, who had to pay attention to quality, price and delivery time of any single piece of equipment I was responsible for, including mechanical, electrical and sheet metal components incoming globally to make up the final assembly.
As I often told my boss, "I am the toilet bowl everybody shits in".
I was responsible for literally everything.
When Schneider Electric moved one single valve factory from China to India, it took (hold your breath) year.
Lead time for water valves for a big project I had sold to Indianapolis, with Schneider valves, was extended to 12 weeks.
My promise to customer was 12 weeks
It would normally take 4 weeks to start and finish an assembly of all equipment, so all major parts had to come to the factory in Toronto within 8 weeks.
Now I had valves at 12 weeks.
So, I was obligated to source another major supplier of valves, Belimo, from Switzerland, of the same quality, which supplied the valves in 3 weeks, AT TRIPLE THE PRICE.
In the meantime, the customer in Indianapolis, had told me that every single day that equipment were delivered late, our company would be billed for idle work which the final installer was contracted about would charge, as their crews were allocated only for our equipment.
So, long story short, we had to do some calcs, better absord the price of valves than pay idle workers on site in Indianapolis for X days we had no clue about how long it would last.
Now, folks, this JUST ONE FACTORY move from China to India, which caused mayhem to us and to all other Schneider Electric global customers.
Now, imagine, thousands and thousands and thousands of factories which have already moved from USA, Canada, EU to China and East Asia in general.
Could you imagine the global economic absolute disaster that "instant reshoring" would cause?
Do you get it, folks?
So, all these "economists" and "journalists" teaching economics to the masses, NEVER EVER EVER EVER think that supply chains ever seize up, eveeeeeeeeeeer.
All these theoreticians always talk about .... POLICY, POLICY, POLICY in a world which functions entirely differently.
So, folks, same with Federal Reserve.
These guys think that they could raise and lower rates with zero effect on global supply chains.
Same for Congress or the WH.
It is quite self evident that none of these people who lead us ever analyse whether supply chains gets disrupted or even break down, if Interest Rates are lowered or raised, and the time lag of such effects.
Because I have been telling you folks, since 2013 QE3 activation, that global supply chains would end up being disrupted and breaking down from 0 interest rate policy held up for too long.
Everybody assumes that just by one executive order coming from the WH and/or Congress laws, all global supply chains would instantly react positively always and at anytime.
As I gave the example with Schneider Electric, ANY sudden CHANGE affects global supply chains NEGATIVELY, never positively.
That applies to financial policy, economic policy, tariffs, anything you can imagine, any instant change causes seizing up of supply chains.
Hence, Trump tariffs and Trump iran sanctions, just because Trump thinks that way, are causing so much suffering in America and globally.
Supply chains are being disrupted, and some are breaking down.
So, folks, that is why we all mock all theoreticians, who always get it wrong and always have wrong predictions, and always keep their jobs and still remain famous.
Because none of them ever worked inside supply chains.
So, to conclude, unless you co-analyse effect on global supply chains for any economic and financial policy, your analysis will always be dumb, and you won't know it that it is dumb, because you never knew what supply chains are.
Ata që më çojnë linke që shqiptarët kanë qenë katolikë, po ma bëjnë si grekët në twitter.
E gjithë historigrafia botërore duke përfshirë dhe atë greke janë në konsensus që identiteti grek NUK ka ekzistuar në mesjetë.
Megjithatë kjo nuk i pengon grekët në twitter që të më çojnë linke me citime nga elita mesjetare që thonë që ishin grekë.
Ato linke ekzaktësisht tregojnë që elita mesjetare po mundohej që të rigjeneronte identitetin grek që ishte zhdukur, nuk ekzistonte.
E njëjta gjë me linket që më çojnë për katolicizmin e shqiptarëve.
Linket tregojnë ekzaktësisht që Roma po mundohej që të krishterët shqiptarë të ndërronin nga Riti Konstantinopolitan në Ritin Latin. Ju deshën gati 500 vjet që të arrinin njëfarë suksesi të dobët.
100 vjet propagandë nga Beogradi dhe Vatikani se shqiptarët e veriut paskan qenë katolikë prandaj ortodoksia duhet urryer, ka shkaktuar realitetin që shqiptarët, pa e ditur, të urrejnë 95% të historisë sonë, duke përfshirë dhe flamurin ortodoks që ne përdorim.
Është praktikisht statistikisht e pamundur të bindësh më shumë se 10-15 shqiptarë se flamuri ynë është flamur ortodoks, kur e gjithë bota jashtë Shqiperisë e di fare qartë që flamuri ynë është flamur ortodoks.
Kam arritur në përfundim se de-fetarizimi i detyrueshëm për formimin e ndërgjegjes shqiptare, duke filluar nga Vaso Pasha, Ahmet Zogu dhe Enver Hoxha, ka çuar në një urrjetje ndaj Ortodoksisë Shqiptare.
Përderisa 95% e historisë së Shqiptarëve është brenda asaj që tani quhet Feja Ortodokse, de-fetarizimi i detyruar i historiografisë zyrtare shqiptare, në këtë moment ka çuar në de-shqiptarizim të historiografisë shqiptare, po punon kundër nesh.
De-fetarizimi i historiografisë shqiptare i ka lënë zonë të lirë Kishës Serbe dhe Kishës Greke që të bindë Grekët, Serbët, por.....edhe Shqiptarët.....që Ortodoksia Shqiptare është anti-Shqiptare.