Been wondering about delayed vaxx reactions. 1st dose: 3/13. I’ve been having a bout of increased inflammation and joint pain in my knees & lower body. Also experienced some tummy issues over the last two weeks. #longcovid
I’m so upset — was just told that I don’t qualify for research because of what my medical records say. I can’t understand why researchers can’t correlate my neurological symptoms to #Covid and #LongCovid. This is how we make missteps in medicine.
I just want researchers to tell me how many black people they’ve been able to obtain for their #LongCovid studies because if we miss an opp to research ONE BLACK WOMAN who can share her experiences with OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, we once again miss the mark.
Because as far as I can see, there is little to no research about black people’s experiences with #LongCovid. First, it was I needed a +PCR test and now my medical records don’t support my neurological symptoms that arose because of #Covid.
We have to be really careful of #Covid19 support groups that claim to be inclusive but don’t want to talk about the racial disparities in healthcare or statistics that clearly state who this virus affects most. #longcovid
If I can’t have a discussion about being a black woman struggling with this virus and the racism that while seeking treatment in a #Covid19 support group, I don’t want it.
Is anyone else afraid of the lack of black women voices in #longcovid conversations? If anyone knows how challenging it is to be heard by doctors, it’s us. From fibroids to infertility to cancers to endometriosis, we already have lived being disbelieved.
Prior to having #longcovid, I had been privileged in a sense. I had never had a health condition that wasn’t believed by medical professionals. But babyyy, since contracting #covid19, I’ve learned and lived this nightmare for five months.
You can’t be a smart, black woman while describing symptoms and challenges of #longcovid. It is NOT allowed. During a recent hospital stay, I argued with a doctor who told me that #covid19 didn’t cause neurological problems. He didn’t want to hear me.