Question: Has Mass Vaccination Decreased or Increased COVID-19 Mortality in Sweden?
Fundamentally, that question comes down to whether we believe the sharp and unexpected resurgence in the virus concomitant with the onset of mass vaccination was driven by mass vaccination, or we believe that is simply a coincidence.
Mass vaccination started in Sweden around the turn of the year. The rate of vaccination has been relatively slow compared to the US but, as in Florida, the campaign has prioritized the elderly. So, by now most of the population at risk of dying of COVID-19 have been vaccinated.
@naomirwolf@politico It's from Shi Zheng-Li's paper describing her recovery of 4991, SARS-2's nearest known relative, from a Mojiang mine where miners died of a C19-like disease in 2012. How is it not being investigated? Because Fauci faked everybody out, like the consummate political operator he is.
@naomirwolf@politico Here's an early thread in which I pull together the story of the obfuscated linkage to Shi's mineshaft safaris, which I developed with other "D.R.A.S.T.I.C" team members in May 2020. The story has come a long way since then.
2/ compared to this 1/30,000 number for one, newly-discovered fatal side effect of the AZ vaccine recorded in Norway -- apparently being seen primarily in young people, though the article we're discussing doesn't give full details. But the true comparison is not with 1/15000 ...
3/ First, C19 topline mortality is highly misleading because many deaths being put in that bucket are linked either purely coincidentally, C19 being an extremely common, generally mild nosocomial infection now, or have multiple causes and are occurring in people who are ...
@TimTravis2@AlexBerenson 1/ Depends on the technology used. A dead-virus vaccine would seem the closest to natural immunity in terms of producing a heterogenous response, although even that would not be as good because you wouldn't get the localized protection against emerging mutants.
@TimTravis2@AlexBerenson 2/ Not sure if any of the other candidates are dead virus vaccines. Supposedly, the narrowly-focused vaccines have the advantage of avoiding some of the worst triggers of the Vaccine Induced Enhancement which plagued the development of SARS vaccine, where prior vaccination turns
@TimTravis2@AlexBerenson 3/ what would normally be a mild respiratory infection into a life-threatening condition -- I understand in some of the experiments with the prototype SARS vaccine, all the ferrets that got the vaccine died on exposure to the coronavirus.
@EnjoyTheDecline 1/ My concern would be that the approval process has been rushed in order to field the vaccine in time to be relevant -- and then, likely only slightly relevant in the big picture -- for a disease that mostly represents a way of slightly accelerating death from old age, and for
@EnjoyTheDecline 2/ which hundreds of millions will have to be vaccinated. I would personally take a wait-and-see approach -- let's see what the real-world incidence of side effects is after this has been given to a few million human guinea pigs, and how serious an issue C19 remains after it
@EnjoyTheDecline 3/ has fallen into an endemic equilibrium -- i.e., is there much resurgence in the late fall of next year. Also, I'd like to have better ways of evaluating whether I likely have had the disease and developed significant immunity -- a number of papers have demonstrated that