Japan's cases and deaths are approaching record highs.
Plotted on the same axes (see vertical scales on both sides) we can see the time delay between cases and deaths clearly. The delay is due to progression of the disease and to reporting delays.
UK's cases and deaths continue to improve as vaccinations help to stop transmission, but slowly due to partial reopening
A more rapid decline would both prevent cases and allow more complete reopening. Optimizing a dynamic process is different from optimizing static level
India loses 116 medics in 25 days as infections surge to new highs
Young healthy adults after COVID: "strikingly lower vascular function and a higher arterial stiffness compared with healthy controls"
Vascular alterations among young adults with SARS-CoV-2 American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.11…
Israel's reported infections decreased by 50% in the last week, with 55% of Israelis fully vaccinated. Today they had just 30 new infections -- will they soon reach (and remain) at 0?
The UK has classified the Indian variant as a "Variant of Concern," saying it is "at least as transmissible" as the UK variant.
Saudia Arabia has announced that all public and private sector workers will be required to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
I just had a chance to read this book review, and the description of societal/institutional failure is spot on. One modification I would make is inserted below
Michael Lewis' 'The Premonition' Is A Sweeping Indictment Of The CDC npr.org/2021/05/03/991…
"Much has been written about how the pandemic came to be, but not so well known are the details about how it was able to spread so quickly in the United States.
"Author Michael Lewis has written a new book, The Premonition, that fills in those blanks.
"And it is a sweeping indictment of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)
"Lewis, also author of Liar's Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side and The Big Short, says a public health doctor in California named Charity Dean is one of the people who saw the real danger
India set a new daily record of over 414,000 cases, nearly 4,000 reported deaths. While cases are not growing as rapidly as recently, they are still not declining significantly.
Implementing very strong restrictions would result in cases declining rapidly.
The number of known infections of the Indian variant in Poland has reached 16. Three cases of the Brazilian variant were found in the southern region of Silesia. Poland tightened quarantine rules for people traveling from selected countries.
India's new cases and deaths are lower than the peak in past few days, reported cases are down from 402,110 cases to 392,562; 370,059; 355,828; 382,691.
We want to see a strong and sustained decline.
The decline is happening as restrictions are being increased.
Increasing restrictions are visible in a "sringency index" but the restrictions are not as strong as earlier.
Achieving a rapid decline is the best ways to save lives and livelihoods. Restoring economic activity doesn't work well when balancing tradeoffs.
The 7 day average of Brazil's cases has declined since the end of March going from over 77,000 to 59,000, a very slow decline.
Brazil's over 400,000 total deaths are second only to the US, with over 576,000 deaths. US also has most reported cases: over 32 million.
How safe will it be to have the olympics in Tokyo?
Six torch staffers diagnosed with COVID-19. All of them assisted with traffic control and wore masks.