AndyHS Profile picture
8 Apr, 133 tweets, 39 min read
Fresno City Council April 8, 2021! Potential fireworks over Tenants’ Right to Counsel efforts with President Chavez counter proposal; Workshops on Street Infrastructure and Mid-Year Budget Review,Form a Local Mobile Food Vendors Association after tragic murders of vendors;
Denouncing Asian American discrimination;
@fresnoland @FLDocumenters #Fresno
Some select items from the CONSENT CALENDAR ( However the past few meetings many of these get pulled for discussion)
1-B An emergency
ordinance adding Section 2-517 to the Fresno Municipal
Code related to grocery store employee hazard pay @jobsnotpolitics A California Retailers Assoc. project not happy about it though
1-C RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING STATE OF CALIFORNIA CANNABIS EQUITY ACT GRANT FUNDING 2. Amendment Appropriating $1,205,000 for the Cannabis Equity Grant Program (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. Approve a No-Cost Extension Agreement Amendment with Hinderliter, de Llamas, & Associates
Consulting and Support Services. @JePahl_White
1-D Approve the First Amendment to the Grant of Option Agreement between City of Fresno and Fresno Community Solar Developers, LLC, to lease up to 158 acres of land at the Fresno Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility to generate solar energy under the California Public
Utilities Commission Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff Program.
1-E Authorizing submission of a grant application to the Fresno Council of Governments Housing Planning Grants Program FY 2020-2021 in the amount of $250,000 for the Manchester Shopping Center Utilities Study and Master Plan for Advance Affordable Housing;
1-I Approve&ratify Contract between the City of Fresno and PG&E to authorize the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express participate in the Electric Vehicle Fleet Electrification Program providing primary power infrastructure for battery electric bus charging at no cost
1-M Award a sole source contract for the purchase of
Winchester Law Enforcement ammunition to Dooley
Enterprises not to exceed $282,400
1-W *Approve the appointment of Haley M. Wagner to the Planning Commission
1-X Approve the appointment of Maricela Ortiz to the Immigrant
Affairs Committee, Laura Gromis to the Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and Anna Hun to the Fresno
Youth Commission
1-Y Actions pertaining to property located at 887 Fulton Street (APN 468-282-21T). 1.Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 2.Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City in its capacity as Housing
Successor and Noyan Frazier, L.P., for property located at 887 Fulton Street.
You may watch today's proceedings beginning at 9 am
CMAC will have it available on repeat several times over the week as well. Agenda available…
Whoops: That agenda link was for Closed Session item this afternoon. This morning's agenda can be found here…
Right to Counsel is currently having a Press Conference Outside City Hall
Meeting begins: Invocation by Pastor Kevin Stafford from Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church: Following items 1-M,1-S,and 1-Y pulled for discussion. 1- B (Hazard Pay), 1- W (Planning Commission Appointment) continued to another date.@kmkarbassi wants Planning Commission kept on
agenda. He did say there was a letter denouncing her that is not true. Karbassi also mentions Planning Commission lost a female member and we should keep that balance. She is also a Tower District resident. @MayorJerryDyer says she is balanced and knows her info on housing.
@GarryBredefeld Registers a NO vote on 1-C regarding Cannabis Equity Act Grant.
Proclamation for “Recognition of the Armenian Genocide”
Sponsors: Councilmember Karbassi
Karbassi says his father found similarities with Armenian Community in Fresno and moved here. Armenians were originally redlined from living in Northern Fresno. Armenian Genocide continues
to this day. “Never forget the Armenian lGenocide”. Public: Charles H. thanks Council and Mayor for their continued support of Armenians. @MayorJerryDyer Strong work ethic and family oriented. April 17 will be at @BeautifyFresno event at Armenia Town. Luis Chavez jokes he has
been adopted and now called “Luis Chavezian “ due to his attending Raising Armenian Flag and Blessing of the Animals each year.
Proclamation for “Transgender Day of Visibility”
Sponsors: Councilmember Soria
Jennifer Cruz is from LGBTQ+ here to speak. EOC Resource Center had been a big help says Soria. This is an awareness day. Transgendered has been persecuted in Fresno and country. Casey Hoggard Murdered
in 2015. Soria also mentions Minneapolis City Council transgendered woman as well as a newly appointed woman to Biden Administration. Transgendered community is an important part of Fresno. Jennifer Cruz: EOC LFBTQ+ resource center thanks Council. Wants to highlight issues with
healthcare community. Many have to travel to So. Cal and Nor. Cal for healthcare. April Taylor-Salery of Trans-E Motion says need for mental and physical health. Also no care for transgendered children locally.
I Proclamation for “National Donate Life Month”
Sponsors: Councilmember Soria.
Marcella Corora and Maria Hurtado thanks Council for this awareness. A single person can save up to 8 lives says Soria.
@LuisCha70215912 he has been a donor for several years. There is a stigma in Hispanic community though. Getting past this will be a huge help for local transplant patients that have to wait years.
Councilmemember reports: @Esmeralda_Soria Would like Mayor's Administration to help with disconnect between Council offices and reporting homelessness directly to ACELA.We don't always know the status of cases in these cases.Also she shows PG&E road patch job that is uneven. We
had repaved this area only 7 years ago by City but standards by PG&E is too low. Rain leaks in and creates potholes. They didn't even bother with painting yellow crosswalk either. This happens across our city. Weldon and Van Ness future park meetings have begun.
@kmkarbassi Racing/speeding in his district continues. "Stay Safe /Don't Race" program with PD has started to get compliance. Severe penalties can be impounding for racing. Some of the Sideshows have moved to Visalia in response.@MiguelArias_D3 He was at Wal-Mart on Herndon and
came close to being hit by racers along Herndon. Do we need speed bumps along Herndon? Also mentions EV Chargers in Downtown have connections that have been vandalized. New protocols regarding homeless encampments near schools.We have a finger printing bottleneck getting interns
cleared to work at City Hall. We are putting them thru the ID process as if we are hiring a City manager when they just have a $500 stipend or internship. Rental House Ordinance in his district needs to be reviewed. Police Reform Commission has been named. Oliver Bainers, Judge
Oliver, Michael Vasquez, Sandra Calderon ( and 1-2 names I didn't catch)Mayor Dyer: We are looking to hire 100youth this summer. He spoke with ex-Stockton's Mayor Tubb &we hope to fire 300+ youth this Summer.We do need to refine our ID process to make it easier.@Maxwell4Fresno
Met with Vision View as well as Exceptional Parents Unlimited (EPU). Both doing great work in District 4. We will also be planting trees for Earth Days. @GarryBredefeld Are we going to let public into City Hall in two weeks? Yes says Chavez. Also @BeautifyFresno event at Woodward
park. We need to hire youth but we really need to re-open up our businesses. That will help the most for youth.We need to really crack down on criminals who are speed racing. @D7Esparza Thanks Code Enforcement for their work at Manchester Arms that @FresnoBee wrote about last
week. Apartment Units will be inspected soon. Some gaps have allowed properties like at Manchester Arms.District 7 Virtual Spring Town Hall event on Monday 12th.His alma mater UCLA was involved in a crazy basketball game last week. @kmkarbassi Congrats to Esparza on the Bruins.
He also thanks Esparza for his hard work he does for District 7. @LuisCha70215912 Katie Doer at City Attorney's Office is celebrating a birthday. Also a Cruising for Peace event is in the works with food vendors to Chukchansi Park. What Fresno needs is a venue where youth can
safely race. I am a "reformed" racer and this could address that for our youth. A Monday meeting will include a procession of low riders to City Hall. @MayorJerryDyer I agree we need to bring back cruising like we had in 1990's. They were self policed and peaceful. Street Racing
will need 100 acres to be successful. It can save lives too. Youth Zoom call on Saturday. Project Offramp: relocation of homeless resulted in 41 Freeway is now 100% clear. 180 is in the works and then follow up with 99. @BeautifyFresno 2 events On Marks and at Woodwark Park. 16
tons of trash removed. We will also be working with Fresno Irrigation District to clean canals twice a month. City Manager:HUD update occurred. FresGo updates to Departments need to be figured out. Pavement patch that Soria showed may be a temporary one. H Spees:Met with Dez
martinez and the camp is on State Property and has 20+ campers but Dez doesn't think of it as a permanent camp. She is concerned about safety at night. Cal-Trans won't sanction the camp but will let it continue temporarily My connection is buffering :(
Spees: City will make best effort to place homeless into their shelters. A positive conservation with @MiguelArias_D3 and his staff to purchase mobile showers. Secondary services requested by Dez martinez will be provided.
@Maxwell4Fresno Real PPE, routine inspections, mobile showers/restrooms (For 2022)@GarryBredefeld How many beds do we have available? Spees:Nearly full. We are staging relocations as rooms come available. Arias would like a complete report at April 22 meeting. @MayorJerryDyer we
focused on most vulnerable populations and those were on freeways. Cal Trans won't relocate them so it was an invitation to move there. Arias:We will house those near schools before we prioritized industrial area. None are sanctioned but need to prioritized until long term sit-
-uation.Bredefeld:I understand and agree that we need a prioritization. We just wan't to make sure are giving impression we are sanctioning some encampments.
UPDATE:Here is complete list of Police Reform Commission:Oliver Baines
Marcel Woodruff
Robert Oliver
Sandra Celedon
D’Aungillique Jackson
Michael Vasquez
Jacky Parks
Pedro Navarro Cruz
Public Comments:@LisaYFlores1 She is happy that she got her 2nd Vaccine shot! Next:Dez Martinez:safety on Parkway Drive from shooting at Welcome.Turning Point didn't make a report and neither did security guard (who has since been fired). Shootings are discouraging people from
wanting to move to those motels. Some residents have medications stored at front office refrigerator but would prefer in their own rooms. Next:disparity between tenants and landlords is 70x. Language barrier, not enough income to fight to stay in rental. 30% of income goes to
rent. @LuisCha70215912 proposal doesn't go far enough. I am strongly opposed to it. (Chaz:limiting Public comment to 30 minutes total)Next:@FresnoBarrios is against new rent mediation proposal. Homelessness is largest predictor to incarceration for youth. Right to Counsel in
other cities have shown to reduce homelessness. Next:Starry Rinn Housing insecurities are seen at railroad tracks near her home with homelessness. Many cities have passed Right to Counsel and have less homelessness. Chavez:We will treat Rental Mediation as a Workshop so we will
take comments now. Next: We have a communal frig for medications but individual frigs are available too. @LovesMercy Brandi:Supports Right to Counsel. Days Inn and their refrigerators needs to be discussed. Safe Camp is a temporary spot only. Cal-Trans works hard to help house
people. Next:John Pollock from National Civil Rights Counsel:Stats NYC 86% success rate of keeping tenants in their unit. Cleveland 90% SF 60+% Data on mediation without legal help is discouraging. Data shows Federal rental help is not reaching tenants yet. Caesar Casamayor:
Cannabis Equity Grant applicants are being placed in competition to each other and not like standardized applicants. More loopholes. We need access to capital too . (@JePahl_White just so you see this)@JanineNkosi at Fresno State and Right to Counsel Association. We have spent
hours on this. If you are not paid a fair wage you can't pay rent. Have you read our memo you asked us for? Read any empirical info from SF?Or read @FresnoBee article on Right to Counsel? Already a rental mediation at Courthouse and it has been there since 1990's. Did Council
know that? Many vulnerable were at the Press Conference this morning. @LCJandA Ivanka Saunders :Please support the Right to Counsel and not the mediation program. Side by side comparison will show Rental Mediation will only help very few and just those the City Attorney's Office
focus on. The Rental Mediation proposal is short sided. We are 5th largest city and we need to stop acting like we don't have the resources. Right to Counsel provides much more. Please put off Rental Mediation and read what we provided. Next:Rebound Attorney and are against
Rental Mediation. Tentants need lawyers. Mediation just keeps up current system and favors landlords. City Attorney will just end up another attorney for landlords. We don't need to add to the number of landlord attorney. Tenants need someone on their side as well. Eversion to
Council Approves remaining Consent Calendar items 7-0.1-M Award a sole source contract for the purchase of
Winchester Law Enforcement ammunition to Dooley
Enterprises not to exceed $282,400
Maxwell:Why are we bypassing bid process? PD Chief Paco Baldoramma:Some complications
after election has made what usually takes 2 weeks and it is now 3 months. This company provides quality and set price.This supply can last 10 months. Hard to tell how long this supply shortage will occur. People worry gun laws will be changed. Approved 7-0
1- S Approve Contract Change Order No. 05 in the amount of $155,555 to Avison Construction, Inc., for the Veterans Boulevard South Extension, Project ID PW00883 (Council District 2)Scott Mozier:Total Cost of Veterans Blvd:$135 million This is a DoT requirement that asked us to
Buy American where we needed to purchase American Steel. Arias: how is the project going? Well and will be completely done 2023. @kmkarbassi With Biden infrastructure plan and this will allow all to reach San Joaquin River, allow public safety vehicles to access West area.
approved 7-0. 1-Y Actions pertaining to property located at 887 Fulton Street (APN 468-282-21T). 1.Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 2.Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City in its capacity as
Successor and Noyan Frazier, L.P., for property located at 887 Fulton Street. (Soria recuses herself).Bredefeld:extended ENA on this for 5 years. Arias:sale will be as is. Bredefeld:I want to hear from staff and not you. Marlene Murphy:Developers have done elevations, pro forma,
due diligence on partial and complete demolition.Parking has been an issue in getting lenders to agree. This caused a delay. Escrow will close in 6 months and must complete 100% of plans in that time or project collapses. This is a straight up purchase and Sale. $800,000 will
be paid in 6 months or lose $25,000.Bredefeld:Much better than it was 2 weeks ago. Tutelian project was scuttled because it took 2 years. Arias:City didn't have any control of that project with CVS. This project we are speaking about today is exclusively with City. Bredefeld:Did
this developer file a lawsuit against City? Sloan: a claim was made but was dropped at City's request. Bredefeld:Claim is a precursor to a lawsuit. We are being sued for $11 million regarding Granite Park. I can't support this. He claimed previous administration was racist. We
don't have a problem with that but we did not approve Tutelian's project. What about audit that was made? Sloan:we need to be careful as there is a lawsuit involved.That was a non-profit that is suing. Bredefeld:this should not have been on Consent Calendar. Arias:we have several
ENA with developers and we are being aggressive to get them moving due to our housing crisis. On any given day we are being sued by developers. We were promised a hotel downtown ten years ago. Armenian Town etc.@kmkarbassi Price was fair market value. Tutleian was mistreated. I
want to be sure we are consistent. I want to guarantee there is no extension in 6 months. Arias: it is time to build. Dyer:I agree. We don't want landbankers who wait for others to develop and cause their value to go up in process. Should have a vibrant downtown but landbankers
have prevented it. Arias: Will bring policy to force developers to fix buildings with fire department red "X" on them. Chavez:We need cranes in the air. I did support Tutleian's project and will support this. Approved 6-1
10:05 Appearance by James D. Mendez to discuss Right To
Counsel Community Proposal. (Speaker resides in District 2)
This is disrespectful to have my scheduled time 2 hours late.We sent 7 page report plus summaries on this earlier. This is a comprehensive report. It is right and
merciful to keep tentants in their homes. $1 spent keeping them in homes creates $3 in plusses.
10:05 Appearance by James Prater to discuss fire inspection fees.
(Speaker resides in District 3)
My fire fees tripled. Did previous City Manager overstep her bounds when changing fees? Large rental units pay almost a fraction of fees more over mom and pop landlords.
We will be back at 1:30 for General Administration and then the two workshops.
In case you missed it here is the Police Reform commission members:Oliver Baines
Marcel Woodruff
Robert Oliver
Sandra Celedon
D’Aungillique Jackson
Michael Vasquez
Jacky Parks
Pedro Navarro Cruz
3-A Workshop - Street Infrastructure
Pavement Management Update being done says Public Works Dept head Scott Mozier. $600 million in repairs needed for 3700 miles. 2600+ open service request on curb and sidewalk repairs with $200 million 1700+ open service requests on trees. $ 1.5 to 2 million. Active Transportation
Plan with $365 million needed. Unfunded intersections at $25 million. 126 grants applied for street infrastructure with 103 awarded worth $115 million spending $1 on a 15 year old street can save $6-10 later in its lifespan. SB 1 provides $10 million a year.
Optimal tree trim cycle of 7 years. New developments need to be part of HOA or annex to City’s Community Facilities District (CFD)a special election needed for existing neighborhood to become part of a CFD. @kmkarbassi what is local government? Look at roads and trees. SB 1
equity for all the 7 districts. CFD: he has a mix of CFD and those without in his neighborhood. Election for CFD needs 2/3 in support. A Citywide CFD possible? And it will cover pocket parks too? Mozier: yes and yes. @Maxwell4Fresno east of Fowler has all CFD but West has none
He also wants active transportation director and more bike lanes upgraded. Mozier: Public Works has one grant writer. It is a team effort though.I don’t think we could double what we currently bring in with 2 grant writers. City our size in other part of California has more grant
Writers the we do. Maxwell: we are way behind to catch up on repairs. Mozier: Geo base of tree trimming can be given to Maxwell within a week. @Esmeralda_Soria where new development goes?More density needed. Department of Public Utilities is always looking to see where water
needs to be. City Manager: rehabbing water/sewage in Downtown area and Manchester Mall. @MiguelArias_D3 my favorite agency as money goes in and immediately gets out to work. Would like Citywide CFD along with Karbassi. CBDG: tend to use it as petty cash such as canal fencing.
Why Irrigation District doesn’t pay fir that? Public Utility filled holes in where pipes fixed but within weeks it is a hill. Disappointed to see it citywide. Historic amount of money to repair city if infrastructure bill passes nationwide.infill developer has to often repair
Infrastructure but doesn’t get credit for it like new development does. We need to find a way to create infill housing. An historic investment in Public Works is needed like we did with Fire Dept last year. Mayor: Need to have Public Works Dept completely staffed.May 10 may be
when Federal Funding comes as well as infrastructure dollars too is agreed on. “Thank you Joe Biden” says Arias.
3-B Workshop - Fiscal year 2021 mid-year budget review
2019 $100 million in sales tax. 2020 only in 2020 due to pandemic. 2021 Council forecasted a continued decline. Pre-pandemic 4.8% growth rate would have been $110 m in 2021. Actually $98 million which is up from 2020. Arias: we assumed a deeper hole and longer but not as bad.
“We are fiscally conservative Democrats” says Arias. City Manager: December was turnaround. Stimulus money was spent then. Without federal dollars we will be in a deficit. We may be starting FY 2022 we will be basically zero point (not at a deficit). Soria:parks funded by General
Fund primarily but Measure P will begin to help. City Manager: Cannabis is another $7 m. Arias: we need to fill vacancies or have them removed permanently. City Manager: yes not use that funding for new employees but instead use it to balance the budget. Mayor:we are all dis-
satisfied with service level. Eliminating vacancies er have held just to balance budget. We need to evaluate each position and fill the ones that are priorities. Park Director has been told to get projects done. City Manager: Betting on Fresno.
@kmkarbassi glad to hear the fiscal conservative I have seen from my colleagues. I would like to see money spent on higher pay for officers as surrounding communities out compete us by offering lease work loads. City Manager: we are offering a PD recruitment plan on steroids.
Arias:working poor are being left homeless. We need more housing units. Lawsuits and settlements from PD needs to be budgeted in. Karbassi:we can reduce price of rents by increasing number of units by bringing in more developers to compete.Soria: 100 officers are out with long
term injuries. Something is failing. We need to prevent these injuries.
Chavez: a great first conversation.
4-A RESOLUTION -* Establishing a committee to facilitate the
formation of an association of local mobile food vendors
Sponsors: Council President Chavez
They would like city support on this. I don’t want this to be just symbolic though. Soria/Arias will be on subcommittee.
@D7Esparza I thinks it is a great starting point. Chavez: a sense of belonging is needed by these mobile food vendors. Approved 7-0
4-B ID - *Creating the Rental Mediation Program
Sponsors: Council President Chavez

We will treat this as a Workshop as we have much to discuss. Helping vulnerable in this community. I didn’t like this tone and rage today on this though. Free Covid testing, free health care; two
health clinics, rental assistance. I think that was lost today.
Rental Registry was created. Mediation would create a buffer and help prevent litigation. Presiding judge we are hoping he will be on board. There will be evictions though. I did read all the items sent to him by right to counsel groups. I have spoken to San Francisco too. This
model isn’t sustainable. After June 30th there can be many evictions. Right to Counsel and us may not be on same boat but we are rowing in same direction.@MiguelArias_D3 : housing crisis, rents are high and most of community are renters. Wages are flat. Homeless may increase by
2000 this year. CBO’s are overwhelmed. Legal system is complicated. I am ready to get in room to collaborate with CBOs. I am not stuck on finding a solution that will work in ten years. People need help now. We need to tackle slumlords. Tenants that are dealing drugs or damaging
units. They don’t need our protection. We do need to get in same room with CBO’s. I am willing to invest one time federal dollars on this.@D7Esparza June 30th will be a Cliff of evictions. We are using a red solo cup to catch this wave when we need a large wooden bucket. We are
at a good starting point. How legal is mediation process with Right to Counsel? Sloan: yes. Cleaner if we hire contract lawyers though. We are still a long way from going as far as needed. May not be as far as CBOs want though.Karbassi:concerned with the judgmental tones by those
who contacted it. Silver bullets rarely work. We are trying to give voiceless a voice. We have to work hand in hand with legal system. We can build our way out of this problem. Out of 500,000 only 8 will be held accountable on this. We need to respect ourselves and compromise.
@Maxwell4Fresno thank you for opening up the conversation. I don’t think this mediation goes far enough though. I hear desperation from those calling us. They know County won’t do anything so those tenants know we are the only ones that will help. This needs some form of Right
to Counsel if I am going to support this. @Esmeralda_Soria hopefully we come to a solution sooner than later. We are hearing from those being intimidated by landlords. People are behind in rents and are scared. Why can’t we afford attorneys for our working class? We do have
some resources to help from Federal government. There is a path forward. People have lost wages and jobs. Some landlords are not accommodating.Chavez: we are all trying to get it the same place. There will unfortunately some that won’t make it and will be evicted.our country is
tired of seeing people clash and not get much done. @GarryBredefeld while we want to help people but we in this building are part of the problem by kicking people out of work for a year. Waffle House kept getting fined. This City Hall made this pandemic worse. Government makes
it hard to build apartments. Government is part of the problem. Rental inspection. Asset been effective in closing down slumlords? Sloan: yes. We reported on this quarterly pre-pandemic. Manchester Arms was not inspected during Covid. Bredefeld: a prominent real estate attorney
sats Better Business Bureau gets paid to mediate already and neutral and has success.He opposes both of those measures. Tenants can get help. PG&E waived.Many did better than nail salon etc. Large landlords get 98% paid while mom and pop landlords have the worse. I don’t support
this. We don’t want tenants living in poor complexes. ASSET is good and should be expanded. Landlord doesn’t want to hire attorneys but needs to when tenant refuses to leave. Look no further than the mirror to find who caused this problem.
4-C *RESOLUTION - Denouncing the discrimination against the
Asian American communities during the COVID-19 crisis in
Sponsors: Vice President Esparza, Councilmember Soria and
Councilmember Arias
@D7Esparza this takes a tangible step forward such as creating a liaison position. It will be housed under Mayor’s Community Affairs. Public: Mai Thao from Fresno-Madera Union and Central Valley Partnership. We should not have to wake up in fear every morning. I will serve as a
watch dog to see that this resolution is competed. Next:Gaonoucci Vang from @FIRMunity_ I fear walking to my car , going to Target not just because I am a woman but now because I am Asian as well. Need to hire someone who is culturally competent and can speak to multigenerational
Next: 16 year old Liberty is often too scared to go in public. I should not need a safety plan every where I go. Next: Matthew Vang: Hmong resident Several cases of Asian hate incidents lately countrywide and here in Fresno. Anti Asian rhetoric to describe Covid started this.
Need to continually invest in Asian. Please support this not for just Asians but all people. @GarryBredefeld I am in support and will fight any hate crime. In resolution it mentions white supremacy. I am against it. Other races caused majority of anti Asian crimes in New York
City. Charles Barkley: “politicians separate races , make rich and poor hate each other” . We need to stamp out all hate crime and not just white supremacy. Mayor Dyer: thanks Esparza for bringing this forward. I will bring two positions forward in 2022 with one to deal with
Asian community and another for Indian Community. Karbassi:Bredefeld sounds like a Democrat with those remarks. Can we change “white supremacy” to “any supremacy” ? Maxwell: there is an historic white nationalism but I don’t have an issue changing that. Chavez: lots of groups
came up with this so I want to respect them. Approved 7-0
Next meeting April 22.
LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9,
subdivision (d)(1) 1. Terance Frazier, et al. v. City of Fresno,
et al.; United States District Court Case No.: 1:20-CV-01069.
5-C Property: APN 468-282-21T (Berkeley Building)
Negotiating Parties: Executive Director Murphey, Noyan
Frazier Capital, L.P.
Under Negotiations: Price and terms of sale

CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Case Name: Isiah Murrietta-Golding, et al. v. City of Fresno, et al. United States District Court Case No.: 1:18-CV-00332 (Police Department).
5-F Case Name: Phil Sampson, et al. v. City of Fresno, et al.
United States District Court Case No.: 1:20-CV-00322 (Police

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23 Mar
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting March 23, 2021! On the slate today include ask Governor to accept federal work hours for nomadic sheep herders(!);General Plan progress;County’s State lobbyists recommendations;mid-year budget;CDBG /HOME Investment Partnerships Program
Among the CLOSED SESSION the LOOOOONG continuing
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - UMC Campus
located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road; County
Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau Negotiating Parties: CMG
19. *Adopt Conflict of Interest Codes for Two Agencies
Currently, the Fresno County Office of Education’s (FCOE) Conflict of Interest (COI) Code includes the
Fresno County Board of Education (FCBE) and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Read 76 tweets
18 Mar
now. Lets make it 5 for now. Soria: This has been an issue since I have been on Council. My staff do a lot with nothing.We get 15 constituent calls a day not to mention emails and social media comments with only 2 paid staff.It would serve our constituents better
if we expanded staff. Mayor Staff White:The way it is written please don't go hire staff until it passes Veto portion. Esparza:Will you veto this ? Dyer:No money added to this?Then I won't. Arias:Mayor has grown his team with positions that were not there before. Allow us to grow
as well. Chavez:Originally we were going to expand to 9 Council members but got changed by Voters. Census numbers coming out will show the increase. We may need satellite offices to better serve constituents. Approved 7-0
Read 28 tweets
18 Mar
Fresno City Council meeting March 18,2021! Among the items is a proclamation for outgoing Fresno Housing Authority’s CEO Preston Prince; Storyland/Playland 31-year lease at $1 per year; homeless Youth shelters;adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division;
Appearance by Chicago’s Anthony Tassone to discuss Remove Racial Bias by Analyzing Police Body Cams While Reducing City Spending @GreenKeyTech #publicsafety #police Watch Live at 9 am #Fresno
Selected items on CONSENT CALENDAR 1-B BILL No. B-4 (Intro. 3/4/2021) Amending Article 15 of Chapter 7 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to certain technical amendments required by the California Department of Tax /Fee Administration and as required due to the passage time
Read 72 tweets
9 Mar
Fresno County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2021! Among the items on the agenda include Official appointment of James Kus as Registrar of Voters;Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing
the landowners in the San Joaquin River
bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing
Board; @sarahparkes09 Budget Resolutions to Purchase Drug Analyzer, Undercover Vehicles and
Rebuild Sheriff’s Helicopter Engine #Fresno
On Consent Calendar: 18.1 Adjourn in memory of Bob Smittcamp, a Fresno County business leader and philanthropist
Read 59 tweets
4 Mar
It is Thursday so it must be time for:March 4, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! On the Agenda includes 16 miles of bike pathways;3 workshops on Housing Production,American Rescue Plan and Displacement Avoidance ;Jensen/Maple 12 acre development;SE Fresno Prop 68 Park Grant ap-
plication; Covid relief for grocery workers; #Fresno Watch live at 9 am
Three Workshops:Workshop on Displacement Avoidance work related to the
Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant;Workshop on American Rescue Plan and proposed allocation
methodology; AND Workshop on Housing Production
Read 173 tweets
23 Feb
Fresno County Board of Supervisors February 23,2021! On the agenda includes Closed Session item to appoint replacement for outgoing Clerk/Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth who has recommended James Kus; Covid-19 Vaccine Update; County’s federal lobbyists update; Sanger’s NFL Hall
of Fame player/coach Tom flores honored! #Fresno
Some select CONSENT CALENDAR items:

18.1 Proclaim March 2021 as Professional Social Worker Appreciation Month
Attachments: Proclamation
Supervisor Mendes
Read 70 tweets

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