Here's a list from page 45. It isn't an easy list to unpack.
The Categories of Weapons in Political Defiance:
1) Psychological 2) Social 3) Economic 4) Political
2) I think what I have to do is make it very personal. I know a great deal about psychology. For instance, I know how be respectful on the path to earning respect, and I can do this with enemies at will. I also know how to agree and disagree, gently yet forcefully.
3) Further, I also know how to introduce myself and initiate friendships. I have a list of local sheriffs I've been procrastinating reaching out to. I must STOP procrastinating. I can be a powerful friend. I will reach out to a minimum of 1 per day till my list is complete.
4) Social weapons are harder for me due to the busy nature of my work and family life. I don't go to meetings with people. No parties outside of family stuff, etc. But I can do breakfast meetings if I choose to. I think I'm going to have to. Man I hate this.
5) I do, however, have a social superpower. I can generate email lists, manage them, and build social value into both the list and the messaging. You guys know me here at Twitter. Before Twitter, I did email work for the Trump campaign. I really can weaponize this.
6) I do not make dollar contributions. Time, yes, and in that way, time being money and all, I donate a lot. But not cash. Thing is, I know how to ask for money and people say yes to me a lot. That's how I live and work from home. I'm a salesman. Yeah, I can weaponize cash.
7) So, what about politics? How is that even a weapon, at all, and one of political defiance? Oh, I know! Politics is driven by politicians. I have a HUGE advantage here. I will NEVER be a politician. Ha! What I can always do is talk to them. Wanna hear a little story?
8) We lived in Boston for a while, where our son Anthony went to an amazing school. They changed our lives, forever. This was back in the 90's and we still use what they taught us to this very day and always will. While there, they got Kate and me to go to a dinner party.
9) It was a fundraiser, and they were going to have big shots there, and knew they'd need me to chat them up. I don't think Olympia Dukakis was there, that would have really impressed me. But good old Mike was. Sure enough, they maneuvered me to hang out with him.
10) Problem. Mike may well be the very most boring human being ever born. He's every bit as bad in person as he was on TV. What to do? I did almost all the talking, and very few questions got asked by me. Whew. He loved it. I told him everything about Anthony's school.
11) You should have seen Kate circling us, making goo goo eyes at me, cause she knew how I was suffering and tried to get me off my game. Not even! I was damned charming, I'm telling you. No one was disappointed in me. Did my job I did.
12) Politics is just politicians, and politicians are just people - believe it or not! - and they always face decisions were the right thing might even be possible if they'd only do it. Yeah, I can work with that. Right? What do you think?
13) Okay then, we have four categories of nonviolent political defiance to figure out how to use and put to work. I just did my take. Now your turn. Where do you live? And how can you put these types of weapons to work? And not you don't have to be like me, either.
14) Which is to say, you don't have to put all four weapons categories to work. You can just pick one, any you might fancy. But here is what you do need to do. You kind of have to tell people you're doing it. Ground swells don't happen from silence about this stuff.
15) And seriously, work on Sharp's book with me, or any others from our list. Use it to prepare yourself for action. We need action, but it needs to be well thought through. Don't you agree? (See, that was me tying you down with a closing line. It's one of my favorites!)
Thread ends at #15.
Pick your weapon or weapons and come build plans for use with us at Telegram. We’re good people. We’re doing good things. We need you, too!
Young fool that I was, I had NO idea of the power of showing my work when I was in school. I just hated rules and authority and rebelled over every little thing.
2) For instance, how do you know how to note the day? Is it month first, or date first? I don't know, do you? As you can see in my pictures, I got it wrong, but, AHA!, I corrected my error. In this school, where we show our work, that's a badge of honor!
3) Another thing we do is quote our authors. We do NO plagiarism here. None. We attribute. And that's what we're going to do right now. I'm going to quote the points I underlined and dated. We love our authors here, and credit them every chance we can.
Let's discuss the scientific method. And we're going to discuss truth. Gene Sharp's work demands this. We must know the truth. Truth is what we cooperate with.
2) Within the scientific method, there is a single most powerful moment. It is the moment we've discovered "proof of case." A vaccine for polio is possible. Heavier than air flight is possible. Birds are heavier than air. Leonardo Da Vinci made that case. The Wrights proved it.
3) A dictatorship can be defeated. It has weaknesses. It has vulnerabilities. How is it, I ask, that YOU comply? How do you allow our current dictatorship its power? How do you help it cover for its weaknesses?
If there's a single fact we need Sharp to give us, it is the title of this chapter. Dictatorships have weaknesses. A moment from sci-fi will illustrate.
2) Be it an alien invasion or some creature from beyond like Godzilla, the question is always, does it bleed? If the poor creature can, then its doom is already in the can. Monsters bleed and that means humans can kill them.
3) This is 100% true of all dictatorships. They bleed and they can be taken down. The simple fact that dictatorships DO, in fact, HAVE weaknesses is one of Sharp's greatest points. Tyrants do NOT enjoy the cosmic powers they wish us to believe they do.
Can't get to my essay till this afternoon, but you'll want to dig into #FromDictatorshipToDemocracy Chapter 4, Dictatorships have Weaknesses asap if you can! Here are today's study notes.
2) This clip is a PERFECT reflection of EXACTLY what Sharp is teaching us. Do check this out!
3) Then last for now, here's the list of weaknesses Sharp gives us, as I've reduced them to smallest number of terms possible:
1) Cooperation Needed 2) Regime's Past Policies 3) Less Able to Adjust 4) Personnel and Resources NOT Available 5) Subordinates NOT Reporting Accurately
2) We have just completed Usurper Biden's 1st 100 days. This dictatorship is still very new, at least under his aegis. However, all its powers and infiltration throughout our society is almost ancient at this point. He holds no new powers.
3) What's more, it is critical that we remember we won 2016 handily, and we won a massive reelection landslide in 2020. This forced the dictatorship to expose its own weaknesses as never before. Truth is, this is not a new Biden Dictatorship, it is an old Swamp Dictatorship.
Sharp doesn't say this, but I believe it's right here in these concluding pages. Truth is a social function. We do know this from psychological testing. It's kind of amazing. I'll explain...
2) As I recall from college, psychologists decided to test what it takes to make someone doubt what they know to be true. So the created an experiment where there were 5 or 6 actors and 1 person being tested. We'll call the person be tested by the name X.
3) All the actors in the test were instructed to tell an absolute lie, 100% false, something like 1 + 1 = 3. The group leader would then put up the question:
What does 1 + 1 equal?
Actors 1 - 5 would all confidently and obviously answer 3.