Defendants claim that BAPS is innocent, & Cunha Construction middleman, an American company is the one who went rogue.
Several among us have been to BAPS #Atlanta, #Houston, #Chicago, besides #New Jersey sites. REALITY CHECK from the ground - a thread
CHRONOLOGY -1 Offer of employment in #Rajasthan, 2. Workers made to sign papers at BAPS #Ahmedabad office 3. Confinement at US construction sites, 4 rules over work conditions. In all of this workers interface is with BAPS representatives, never heard of #Cunha
Blaming the #middleman is the oldest trick of trade. Powerful industries get away by dumping blame on the smaller fish. So it is important that we say together #BAPSnotmiddleman
BAPS made workers signs papers at it Ahmedabad office, without sharing its contents- told workers contract is for x years. Upon reaching US, workers informed they are not allowed to leave even in case of an emergency, else they will lose wages for airfare
Effectively trapping them in a foreign country without recourse, without sharing full information at the outset and without sharing copies. Workers interact with, are 'disciplined' by, follow rules set by BAPS representatives
#BAPS के समर्थक बता रहे हैं कि गलती उनकी नहीं, बल्कि एक अमेरिकन कंपनी- 'कुन्हा कंस्ट्रक्शन' की है। हम में से कई मज़दूर BAPS के लिए काम करने के लिए #NewJersey के साथ- #Atlanta, #Houston, #Chicago भी गए हैं। ज़मीनी सच्चाई-
घटनाक्रम- 1. रोज़गार का ऑफर राजस्थान में मिलता है 2. BAPS के अहमदाबाद ऑफिस में ज़रूरी दस्तावेज़ीकरण 3. US निर्माण साइट पर कारावास 4. काम की शर्तों पर बातचीत। इस दौरान मजदूर BAPS के प्रतिनिधि से ही बात करते हैं- 'कुन्हा' के बारे में कभी नहीं सुना।
बिचौलिये पर आरोप लगाना बहुत पुरानी तरकीब है। ताकतवर पूँजीवादी, छोटे उद्योग/बिचौलियों पर इलज़ाम लगा कर हट जाते हैं। इसलिए ज़रूरी है कि हम साथ खड़े रहे। #BAPSnotmiddleman
What does #Caste hierarchy and historical priviledge look like in the Temple Building Industry? A thread:
( In image: A prototype of a temple design made by Sompura Brahmins and executed by Dalit Adivasi stone carvers) @GLJhub@ILRF #Justice4TempleStoneWorkers
SOMPURA Brahmins- main actors of the temple building industry, who work closely with religious organizations such as #BAPS. On one hand, they profit off the blood and sweat of #Dalit and #Adivasi workers who build these temples...
...On the other hand, they consider their touch impure. So, Sompuras touch, bless and do ‘finishing touches’ on the carved stones - made by #Dalit#Adivasi#workers - to make them ‘worthy’ of their temples