Have you heard the term "Tooltip" in web development?
Tooltips guide your visitors to take action and hence provides extra layer of guidance without any difficulties and hence increase the user experience
Let's create a tooltip using HTML and CSS only 🧵👇🏻
We just need to create an element that we will be visible only when user moves the mouse pointer over an elment
STEP1: Let's start with the HTML structure
STEP2: Popup text
- Add some width and padding
- Hide the popup element throughout and show it only on hover
- Place it above the element
- Add little transition for smooth rendering
CSS functions can represent more complex data types and can do special data processing and calculations. Let's talk about it in detail
The syntax of CSS functions is same and standard like in other programming languages. Function name followed by the set of parenthesis and they can accept multiple argument.
{ 2 / 16 }
The functions in CSS is broadly divided into 8 categories. They are
1. Transform functions 2. Math functions 3. Filter functions 4. Color functions 5. Image functions 6. Counter functions 7. Font functions 8. Shape functions
Are you planning to learn CSS for adding some cool styling in your website?
In this thread, I'm covering all the basics and proper plan you need to know in order to getting started with CSS.
🧵 👇🏻
We need to know the importance of CSS first. Why CSS?
Well I guess CSS is the only language that add some visuals in website. Without CSS, Without it, websites would still be plain text on white backgrounds.
Explore and create accessible color palettes using color wheel, in variety of color variations and contrast levels. It will tell you automatically if two colors are not accessible