We can't let ministers put a hard border around musicians: europeanmovement.co.uk/musicians_hard… It's been revealed that ministers misled the public at least five times – telling them that visa-free tours for musicians like me were impossible, when the opposite is true #Brexit#BrexitReality
The government’s refusal to strike a deal to rescue visa-free touring of the EU leaves performers facing prohibitive costs and a mountain of red tape – despite it being legally possible for them to have reached such an agreement. #Brexit
Now that Boris Johnson’s claim that he is going to resolve the Brexit crisis for musicians has been revealed as a sham, we cannot let his government get away with this. It is vital that we maintain the pressure on them to reach a deal for the UK's world-beating music industry 👇
Women will bear the economic brunt of Brexit – 86% of austerity cuts came at women's expense, who will also shoulder the majority of Brexit costs to households of £850-6,400 per year europeanmovement.co.uk/international-…
Women worker's rights are threatened by any post-Brexit deregulation and loss of EU protections – including paid holidays for five million UK women and protections for 430,000 pregnant workers and new mothers every year europeanmovement.co.uk/international-…