Inner City Press has asked, "What are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that in UNSC member Vietnam, authorities have detained independent candidates ahead of National Assembly elections? The candidates used social media to announce their candidacy
Relatedly, what are Guterres' views on that all 7+ opponent to him have had their CVs blocked, one [Inner City Press] is banned and Emma Reilly's home was "swatted" by Swiss police, she tells Inner City Press, at the UN's request?
Banned Inner City Press has asked, "On #Burundi, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that several people have been killed and dozens wounded after 4grenades exploded in the commercial capital, Bujumbura, at around 19:00 on Tuesday evening?
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OK - now #insurrectionBlues case of US v. Landon Kenneth Copeland. Judge Meriweather said they are going to go under seal - then return? Inner City Press covered the first hearing and will live tweet, if only silence, thread below. Song:…
It's one thing to briefing go sealed about mental health. But what about the outcome?
His lawyer: He does not consent to being present only by video.
Judge Meriweather: I'll seal it in a minute. If I defer ruling under June 7, he will remain incarcerated...
Judge Meriweather: Disconnect the public line.
Voice: You have been put in the waiting room. You cannot listen until the host admits you.
Q: So does that mean it will go back on the record afterward? Isn't the decision to seal entirely up to the defendant?
IMPUNITY EXCLUSIVE: After Inner City Press Reports #SierraLeone's UN Mission For Vermin Infestation and Fire Risk, Now Spin Press Release From Foreign Ministry in Freetown - unlike UNSG @antonioguterres, not just using violence…
From the Sierra Leone Mission to the UN's "Chancery" on 49th Street: "no plywood coverage / roof exposed"
From the Sierra Leone Mission to the UN's "Chancery" on 49th Street: scaffolding jacked up on a brick. The UN of @antonioguterres does things like this- but they don't let the local authorities in, citing immunity as for banning Inner City Press. This, is on 49 St
OK - now #insurrectionBlues defendant Jonathan Ace Sanders, Sr. - he's requesting publicly paid counsel. Judge Meriweather asking questions. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below. Song:…
Judge Meriweather: Mr. Sanders, you are retired?
Sanders: I retired last week.
Judge Meriweather: You have a military pension less than $50,000 a year?
Sanders: That's right.
Judge Meriweather: And a rental bringing in $1000 a month?
Sanders: That too.
Judge Meriweather says he's eligible, and appoints / pays the lawyer of his choice. That's not usually how it works @sdnylive.
Assistant US Attorney: We want a special condition on no alcohol or drug use.
Judge Meriweather: Shall we go into a break-out room?
OK - now a "reverse insider trading" case SEC v. AT&T Inc. et al, 21-cv-01951. SEC says AT&T massaged stock analysts to lower their estimates, to not have to put out an 8-K. SEC says it will depose current AT&T CEO. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below
SEC lawyers says the IR department in AT&T decided to try to lower analysts' estimates by calling them one by one, to not be viewed as under-performing the estimates.
Judge Engelmayer calls it "bleeding out" the information.
SEC agrees with the characterization.
Judge Engelmayer: What about document collection?
SEC: We got a number of documents but the scope of the periods, as goes to materiality, may extend... So we'll ask for more, to address their defenses. We think they'll hire experts. We too have hired experts.
OK - in #OneCoin criminal crypto fraud case, now a proceeding in US v. Karl Sebastian Greenwood before @sdnylive Judge Edgardo Ramos. Inner City Press has been covering the case(s) and will live tweet, thread below
Assistant US Attorney Nicholas Folly says, We had thought we could reach a pre-trial disposition [that is, guilty plea] but it has not happened, so we want to go forward.
Greenwood's lawyer Bruce Barket: We think discovery is going to be extensive.
Judge Ramos: OK, discovery over a three month period, then we'll come back on September 10 at 3 pm.
Barket: In person?
Judge Ramos: I suspect we'll be able to do it in person by then. But if you prefer virtual...
Barket: Let's say virtual. [We are omitting reason]
OK - now #insurrectionBlues cases start up before DDC Magistrate Meriweather. 1st up in Matthew Loganbill, who can't get to his seized computer to show he's eligible for public defender. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below. Song:…
Assistant US Attorney says DOJ will *not* give him his seized computer back to show his finances; takes no position on his eligibility for publicly funded counsel.
Temporary appointment is extended to July 12 when Magistrate Harvey will take it up. 6 more coming
Now up: William Michael Sywak & William Jason Sywak. DOJ is offering them "standard release conditions," emphasizes no drugs. Jason's defense lawyer was appointed in the Western District of New York. But Michael's lawyer is retained - paid by defendant.