Hi folks! I am @DafniKatsampa and I will be live tweeting the next keynote “Intentionally Well: learn, improve – repeat” by @okpedrodelgado. Today is Day 2 of #Quality2021 – stay tuned for fantastic sessions!
Today's talk will focus on workforce wellbeing. @okpedrodelgado starts his talk with a great advice 'Try to give yourself the gift of single-tasking' and a brief breathing exercise #Quality2021
Year 2020 was tied to collective trauma; the death of loved ones ('small t' trauma) and adaptation to new ways of living ('big T' trauma), says @okpedrodelgado #Quality2021
In the study they have published at BMJ, 99.8% of the sample showed signs of burnout. Only 1 person from the survey said 'no' #Quality2021
@okpedrodelgado acknowledges the effort and commitment from funds, organisations and public health bodies to improve health among staff and population #Quality2021
Pedro talks now about the development of Joy in Work Results-Oriented Learning Network, a global network to combat burnout and increase well-being in the workforce. #Quality2021
The impact of COVID-19 is detrimental and will continue. Individually and as a community, we need to support each other and shape the 'next normal' and in order to do that, we need to be present at the moment, says Perdro #Quality2021
Life after a pandemic is a space of possibility to shape our new normal, says Pedro #Quality2021
Now, how can we maintain a work-life balance? It's important to be present, take action and be proactive and listen to our bodies - for example, if we experience hypervigilance, poor sleep, anxious eating #Quality2021
We can be very intentional about our wellbeing, but we need to have drivers to improve the way we feel, says @okpedrodelgado #Quality2021
Physical activity ('Get moving') is a very important factor to improve our wellbeing, by walking, running or exercising #Quality2021
Breathing exercises, yoga, minfulness, scheduling breaks between meetings, doing a single task, schedule time to 'do nothing', and equity.
> Morning check-in
> To do tasks during working hours
> Night tasks
What esle can we do to improve our wellbeing?
> avoid phone dependency/addiction
> limit news intake
> limit social media
> reduce daily screen time
> drinking more water
> eating plant-based food
What else can we do to improve our well-being?
Welcome to our next keynote for today “Rebuilding a fearless organization: psychological safety and teaming for safe, high-quality care” with @AmyCEdmondson#Quality2021 – I (@DafniKatsampa) will be live tweeting this fascinated talk. Stay tuned and follow this thread🧵
@AmyCEdmondson has been ranked by the biannual Thinkers50 global list of top management thinkers since 2011 (most recently #3) and selected in 2019 as the #1 most influential thinker in Human Resources by HR Magazine #Quality2021
Google was the first organisation aimed to explain performance differences across teams and what they have found was the concept of psychological safety, says Amy #Quality2021
Hello all and a warm welcome to the next session of #Quality2021 - building a stronger foundation with a new definition of quality. We'll be hearing from Christina Krause and Ben Ridout
Christina asks, 'why define quality?' - more recently, we started to reflect around the history of British Colombia and what the evidence is saying #Quality2021
Christina explains the importance of considering indigenous peoples in British Colombia, and that we have a lot to learn from them about the history of the land. How can the history and teachings be used to inform how we define quality? #Quality2021
Let's meet our speakers. @HelenBevanTweet has been supporting quality improvement within the health and care system for nearly 30 years. She has led and facilitated many nationwide initiatives to improve care.
Our co-presenter, @goranhenriks has nearly forty years’ experience of management in the Swedish Health Care system. His countyr is amongst the best in Sweden with regards to patient satisfaction, access, clinical performance, safety and costs.
The webinar video will be published next week on the @OxPsychiatry YouTube channel, so subscribe to that and you will get a notification when it goes live.
First there’ll be a short talk from @ProfDFreeman who will present the OCEANS research that he and his colleagues have been doing over the last few months.
OCEANS = Oxford Coronavirus Explanations, Attitudes, and Narratives Survey #OxfordMentalHealth
Here's what's coming up:
- We have two keynote talks: Grainne McAlonan on autism and Terrie Moffitt on mental health across the lifespan
- Plus 21 lightning talks from other @KingsIoPPN people on everything from racism to data science #IoPPNfestival
Our chairs today are Prof Ian Everall, Prof Mitul Mehta @mehta_mitul72 & Dr Paolo Deluca
They're welcoming everyone to the Teams meeting where the festival is taking place
We have hundreds of people on the webinar, plus you lovely tweeps following proceedings at #IoPPNfestival