I had mixed thoughts on this one. I found the overall message on point, even when disagreeing on some observations. Overall, an engaging anthology on leadership.
I anticipated reading 'Leaders Eat Last' during this challenge. I enjoyed Sinek's TED talk and his book 'Start with Why' (September's book) was one of the first LPD books I picked up. ted.com/speakers/simon…
"...exceptional organizations all have cultures in which leaders provide cover from above and the people on the ground look out for each other." p9
Sinek uses examples from segments of the military and the corporate world that demonstrate how culture is set and fostered through leadership. How leaders can build confidence and competence from nothing, or tear down what others had built.
He aligns these examples with a discussion of the human community and physiology. He emphasizes empathy and creating a circle of safety in which everyone within the organization also feels within the circle.
"We need to build more organizations that prioritize the care of human beings...As employees or members of the group, we need the courage to take care of each other when our leaders don't. And in doing so, we become the leaders we wish we had." p22
"There are many different philosophies and debates on work-life balance. One thing I can say for sure, is that everyone in the Army should have a life. I made this chart when I was a squadron commander with my spouse and we’ve been using it ever since." ~Gen. James C. McConville
"Leadership is not a license to do less. It is a responsibility to do more." p286
First published in 2014, the final few chapters are written more directly to baby boomers and Gex-X leaders who are taking on leadership roles to millennials. Here was my only grip with the book.
Many of the generalizations about my generation seem painfully stereotypical, not just of millennials but of every generation entering adulthood by previous generations who now find themselves in positions of responsibility.
Getting past this nuisance, the lessons are universal and their application necessary. Just a few:
-know your people
-create an environment of trust and safety
-learn new technology
-lead by example
"Leadership...is not a bastion of those who sit at the top. It is the responsibility of anyone who belongs to the group...each of us has a responsibility to keep the Circle of Safety strong." p288
I am glad to have read this month's challenge book. As a phrase, 'Leaders Eat Last' is often thrown out there without nuance or consideration. While simple at first glance, it exemplifies far more than one's place in the chow line.
Putting #PeopleFirst. This is what it is all about. SGTs and SSGs "live and work with Soldiers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare, and safety."
As positional leadership grows, separation from junior positions grows as well. True leaders build empathy with new generations on a foundation of their experiences. Effectively mentoring and coaching needs diverse and inclusive perspectives.
“I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong, the successes and the failures...I divide the world into the learners and the non learners.” ~ Benjamin Barber
As Army leaders, we are charged with subordinate development. Of all the challenges to this outcome, maybe the most significant is the idea that some Soldiers are incapable of being developed.
In 1921, the armed forces would not be integrated for another 27 years. WAAC would not be actualized for 21, and American Women’s right to vote was recognized less that a year prior.
‘John Brown: A Biography of American abolitionist’ by W.E.B. Du Bois. A fascinating telling of the antebellum abolitionist whose belief -"Slavery is wrong"- thrust him and into a personal war to uproot an institution older than the nation he loved.
Du Bois, the author, and civil rights activist was born in 1868 and was raised during the postbellum period where he advocated vehemently against lynching, segregation, and discrimination.
1909, the year he first published his biography of John Brown was the NAACP was founded in NY in response to continued violence against Black Americans. bit.ly/2T8rloV
We are charged to care for our Soldiers. To do this we must know our them. My first questions to any Soldier is where are you from, why are you here, what is your story?
Never degrade a Soldier for who they are. Respect is foundational to the #ArmyEthic. Will you have disagreements? They are inevitable, but honesty without tact is cruel and callous. #DoBetter
History is often viewed as a series of conquests and successes resulting in a modern humans sitting at the paramount of civilization. Petroski turns this on it's head through an analysis of design and engineering failures that stimulated invention and innovation.
“Successful tests are unremarkable... Failures are remarkable. The failures always teach us more than the successes about the design of things.”
“Seeing men as the default human is fundamental to the structure of human society.”
‘What? No. Really?’ The first line, and already my bias was showing. A common occurrence through the meticulously presented data of how at every turn, half the world’s population is let down.
It is no wonder that “Women will buy books by and about men, but men won’t buy books by and about women (or at least not many.)” I noted that my reading list just form this year is skewed to male authors. (3 to 12)