(November 2016) "Video: Crowd rushes in to stop rioter smashing a transformer in the Pearl District #Portland #PortlandProtests" -- via twitter.com/KATUNews
(May 2017) "#MayDay rioters now setting fires in the middle of downtown Portland" -- video via twitter.com/DymburtNews/
^^ (May 2017) ""The city has cancelled the permit for the march," Portland police just said via LRAD. Threatening arrests." -- via twitter.com/dougbrown8/
^^ (June 2018) (Still talking about Portland) "Police advising people to stay away from this area. There’s about 30 Patriot Prayer folks and a much larger antifa presence. They’re burning American flags now." -- via twitter.com/BrennaKellyNew…
(Still June 2018) (Still Portland) (But a little over a week later).
^^ (June 2018) "Some sort of explosive being set off during the march. Portland PD and Homeland Security are ending the march" -- via twitter.com/BrooksHepp/
(August 2018) "Here's riot cops in Portland rushing and hitting me, Donovan Farley, and others on the sidewalk. I don't know why they did this." -- via twitter.com/dougbrown8/
(FYI: This thread is in response to the New York Times "COME TO PORTLAND" ad.)
(August 8th 2018) (Portland.) "Demonstrators trying to push back in. A city worker says she was hit while standing by the door." -- via twitter.com/CPitawanichKGW/
(October 13th 2018) "Mace, violence & now police in riot gear arriving as demonstrators protest in Portland. (Near SW 4th & Washington.)" -- via twitter.com/BonnieSilkman/
(November 18th 2018) (Portland) "Hannah McClintock, the woman in yellow with Antifa, repeatedly spit at a man & hurled punches at him. I had witnessed her trying to fight people over & over. She was one among six people who were arrested." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
^^ (Same day in Portland) "NUDITY. Person with Antifa group exposes himself to police." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
(April 2019) "COME TO PORTLAND*!" (But don't work as a lawyer for ICE or else your office will get FLOODED) archive.is/n7wqe Image
(May 1st 2019) Yeah i don't think the New York Times ad for Portland is meant for people who work with ICE. "Demonstrators out front of ICE bldg SW Bancroft fed agents up tape to keep bldg and access open." -- via twitter.com/lisabKOIN/
^^ (same day in Portland May 1st 2019)

Ahh yes. Portland. Where opposing political factions brawl in the street. (via twitter.com/itsmikebivins/ i think)
(June 29th 2019) (Portland) The infamous attack against Andy Ngo that involved physical punching as well as milkshakin'. (video via twitter.com/Jimryan015/)
^^ there was other fighting that day in Portland besides what happened with Andy Ngo. "Both sides met again outside of starbucks. Cops maced a protester pretty heavily. You can see it here." -- via twitter.com/IwriteOK
"Antifa VS Proud Boys. Portland Oregon 6/29. (2019)" -- via twitter.com/xBc26x/
August 17th 2019. Portland. I'll need a thumbnail for the Twitter moment version of this thread when all is said and done, and TBH fam this photo has iconic vibes going on. Image
Refresher at where the rest of the world's perception on Portland is, by this point. archive.is/I3TGi Image
(August 17th 2019) (Portland) "No police in sight as antifa mob descends on men. A fight involving weapons breaks out." -- video via twitter.com/TPostMillennial / twitter.com/MrAndyNgo
(February 22nd 2020) "At a Portland rally against antifa, Laura Kealiher, mother of deceased antifa militant Sean Kealiher, got into a fight with a Trump supporter." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo
(May/June 2020) "Officials" who previously told Americans to stay inside at the onset of COVID, all of a sudden change their minds after the death of George Floyd.



things go to hell beyond this point politico.com/news/magazine/… Image
(May 29th 2020) "Portland: Hundreds are led in a chant by a man who is part of the Black Riders Liberation Party, a revolutionary militant black separatist hate group." -- video via twitter.com/alex_zee (twitter.com/MrAndyNgo 's description)
(May 30th 2020) (Portland) "Police have been using flashbangs and tear gas to push back crowds, it’s working" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
(May 30th 2020) (Portland) "Chase bank set ablaze(small fire)" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
(May 30th 2020) (Portland) "Wells Fargo on fire(small)" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
^^ yeah this is going to be a big thread
(June 3rd 2020) "Overnight, Portland descended into a 5th night of rioting led by extremists. Rioters created street barricades in the heart of downtown to slow police response." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
(June 3rd 2020) "Last night, several hundred pushed up against security fencing in downtown Portland, near where the central police precinct is." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
(June 6th 2020) (Portland) "Drummer keeps drumming during tear gas" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
(June 7th 2020) (Portland) "Police use force and make arrests in Chapman Square." -- via twitter.com/AlexMilanTracy/
(June 13th 2020) (Portland) "ACAB chants happening, crowd has grown considerably" -- video via twitter.com/bethnakamura
(June 14th 2020) (Portland) "Police are moving in to clear people out of the park by the Justice Center." -- via twitter.com/JenDowlingKoin…
(June 17th 2020) (Portland) "This motherfucker just plowed through peaceful protestors, TWICE
#portlandprotest" -- via twitter.com/kevin_parks/
(June 17th 2020) (Portland) "WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE More video from Monday night. Portland Police standing guard at SW Park & Taylor so fire fighters can put out a fire that was started in the street." -- via twitter.com/jennytyoung/
(June 18th 2020) "Video captures the moment Portland autonomous zone occupiers discover an unresponsive man in one of their tents. Police can be heard in the background calling for them to disperse. He eventually wakes up. Video by Diaz Love." -- twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
(June 18th 2020) "A protester recording a violent antifa/BLM protest in Portland this week got shot in the hand during a live stream. She received treatment from "street medics." Graphic video by Arex Johnson." -- via twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/
(June 19th 2020) (Portland) "There’s now a burning American flag on GW’s face." -- via twitter.com/tuckwoodstock/
(June 21st 2020) (Portland) "Police smashing people with batons, shooting tons of foam tipped bullets, and firing flash bangs into crowds of people." -- via twitter.com/hungrybowtie/
(June 26th 2020) (Portland) "A standoff between the police and the protesters. Police still giving threats of force after teargassing people and pulling folks out of cars into the gas." -- via twitter.com/hungrybowtie/
(June 28th 2020) (Portland) "They ran into 711 and protesters went after them" -- via twitter.com/TheRealCoryEli…
(July 1st 2020) (North Portland) "They tried to attack the police association building but failed." (video via twitter.com/gravemorgan)
(July 2nd 2020) (Portland) "Elk fire [note: there was an Elk statue there, it was taken down] keeping me warm. N.W.A. playing in the background." -- video via twitter.com/tuckwoodstock
(July 3rd 2020) (Portland Federal Courthouse) US marshals protect the building, leads to a face-off for next few weeks. (video via twitter.com/kevin_parks)
(July 4th 2020) (Portland) "One protestor wants to fight another, reasons unclear" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos
(July 5th 2020) (Portland) (video via twitter.com/PDocumentarians)


I'm just going over what happened in the city last year because the City of Portland has no right to mislead people into thinking they'd want to live HERE of all places.
(July 6th 2020) (Portland) (video via twitter.com/tuckwoodstock)

Imagine this couch in Portland is itself the city of Portland

Mayor Ted Wheeler just let it happen.
(July 7th 2020) (Portland) (video via twitter.com/TheHannahRay)

Like... Y'ALL remember the official story. But just imagine being a citizen.

Who the F*CK would go out at night in Portland knowing that random ass gangs roamed the streets?
(July 11th 2020) "Almost 2 am here in #Portland #BLM and Antifa protesters continue banging on federal building door and no signs of things slowing down here just yet" -- video via twitter.com/VenturaReport
(July 12th 2020) "Federal officers fire pepper bullets, tear gas and flashbang to disperse crowd in downtown #Portland" (video via twitter.com/VenturaReport)

^^ If this thread seems like it's getting long? IMAGINE last year having to live through this every night.
^^ Same night in Portland. Ya know, the usual threats against people's entire family. (video via twitter.com/DrewHLive)
(July 15th 2020) (Portland) (video via twitter.com/hungrybowtie)

FOR REAL they were building barricades. It's like something out of a movie, if the story was watching a city go to shit.
(July 17th 2020) (Portland) "Federal officers use heavy tear gas, flash bangs, and impact munitions to clear protestors" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
(July 18th 2020) (Portland) (video via twitter.com/FromKalen/)

Yeah they really hated that federal courthouse.

I think they forgot about George Floyd by this point.
(July 19th 2020) (Portland) "PPA [police union building] on fire. Riot declared. Sirens coming from the west. Crowd moving East. Hearing some kind of shots."

AGAIN. The point of this thread is that PEOPLE HAD TO LIVE IN PORTLAND. (video via twitter.com/tuckwoodstock)
(July 21st 2020) (Portland) "Federal officers march down Third Avenue further into Portland. Throwing more teargas and stun grenades along the way." -- video via twitter.com/hungrybowtie

I say Portland but at this point I could call it Egypt or Iran and that'd be fitting.
(July 22nd 2020) (Portland) "From earlier, federal officers walked a block up and threw tear gas into city streets" -- video via twitter.com/MrOlmos
(July 24th 2020) (Portland) "Feds fire Pepper balls through fence" -- video via twitter.com/MrOlmos
^^ AGAIN let me stress. Portland wanted you to come here.

The City of Portland took out an ad in the New York Times to try and lure innocent people into their warzone of a city. (video via twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss)
ANYWAY end of July 2020 in Portland.

And at this point pig heads lit on fire were the norm. (video via twitter.com/LCRWnews)
(August 1st 2020) (Portland) "Rioters have still showed up with dangerous weapons such as “katanas” to combat police here at the federal courthouse" -- via twitter.com/DrewHLive
(August 2nd 2020) "Portland Police has continued the enforcement action into the side streets of the neighborhood. Several vehicle tires have been slashed & a flashbang was deployed." -- via twitter.com/PDocumentarians

(August 5th 2020) "Portland police retreat under the cover of smoke" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos

(August 5th 2020) "A truck drove though the protest on N Lombard with a motorcycle pinned under its front end. According to protesters I spoke with no one appears to be injured. #PortlandProtests" -- via twitter.com/Matt_KOIN/
(August 7th 2020) (Portland) "Local resident woman attempts to put fire out with extinguisher" -- via twitter.com/DannyJPeterson/
(August 7th 2020) (Portland)

(August 8th 2020) Portland was like this every night last summer. Like some kind of purgatory. (video via twitter.com/IwriteOK)
(August 9th 2020) "Fire inside the PPA [police union building], area has been declared a riot #PortlandProtests"

(August 11th 2020) "Portland Police crept up on the crowd and made targeted arrests. The police formation securing the North Precinct pushed out and made more arrests. I was hit by projectiles." -- via twitter.com/PDocumentarian…
(August 12th 2020) (Portland) "Tonight's crowd marching to the Penumbra Kelly building on East Burnside. The group seems slightly smaller than the past couple nights, but people are definitely energetic." -- via twitter.com/TheHannahRay/
(August 15th 2020) (Portland Dumpster fire) "Protesters help a business owner put out the dumpsters he says are his." -- via twitter.com/AndrewJank/
^^ (same night) "David Edgerton is a resident of the neighborhood, he was on his property chanting slogans in support of the protesters walking by. His neighbors (3 individuals) from across the street assaulted him. He describes the incident." -- via twitter.com/PDocumentarian…
(August 16th 2020) (Portland) "Police jump into protestor shields, then start swinging" -- via twitter.com/MrOlmos/
(August 17th 2020) (Portland) "TONIGHT: BLM thugs were harassing, threatening and attempting to physically assault random Portland residents on the streets" -- via twitter.com/DrewHLive/
^^ (same night) "Here are more clips of the BLM militant assaulting the man who crashed his truck" -- via twitter.com/DrewHLive/
(August 19th 2020) (Portland) "The office has been set on fire. A fire alarm goes off as flames crawl across a desk." -- via twitter.com/catalinagaitan…
(August 20th 2020) At this point in the story, Portland rioters moved out into the suburbs

"And we have a mattress fire! #portlandprotests" -- via twitter.com/gravemorgan
(August 22nd 2020) "Fights breaking out between the Back the Blue/Proud Boys group and Black Lives Matter #PortlandProtests #Portland #PDXprotest" -- via twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/
(August 22nd 2020) YEAH come live in Portland, where MORE THAN ONCE in this thread, protesters showed some BARE ASS

"A protester just got completely naked except for a mask and is just sort of ... chilling." --- via twitter.com/tuckwoodstock/
(August 24th 2020) (Portland) another building set on fire by rioters (via twitter.com/gravemorgan)
(August 27th 2020) (Portland)

(video via twitter.com/suzettesmith)
(August 29th 2020) And Portland's Mayor just sat there night after night last summer, being hands off as his city burned.

"“Search lights” patrolling Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment building in downtown Portland" -- via twitter.com/JulesBoykoff/

Well. By August 29th 2020.... some Trump folks showed up.... (video via twitter.com/TheRealCoryEli…)
^^ People got into a fist fight on a Portland highways.... (video via twitter.com/PDocumentarians)

and THEN

and then



NOT SAFE AT ALL (video via twitter.com/MrOlmos)
Summer was over
And having someone DIE die after last summer's shenanigans was a turning point. apnews.com/article/electi…
But anyway.

Portland September 2020? (via twitter.com/PDocumentarians)

(right outside Mayor Ted Wheeler's house)
Portland September 2020. (via twitter.com/MrOlmos)

• • •

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